Saturday, September 04, 2010

The People Are Sovereign

In this French television debate from late last fall, Radu Stoenescu of Riposte Laïque and Soli Pardo of the Swiss People’s Party debate the famous Swiss philosopher Tariq Ramadan on the issue of the Swiss minaret ban.

Notice that Mr. Stoenescu keeps his focus on Islamic law, and repeatedly brings the discussion back to the topic of sharia — which is not where Mr. Ramadan would like to see it go:

Hat tip: Rebellious Vanilla.

[Post ends here]


babs said...

Having minored in architectual history in undergraduate school, anyone that thinks that the nature of society's public archectecture isn't a political statement is a fool.
From the archetectural design of our prisons to the very face of the United States most important buildings in D.C. to the grand churches built in Europe to the Nazi houses of state in Germany, all of these displayed a political bent.
To now say that the mosques in Europe are just of some benign design is a lie that the average man seems to still be willing to swallow.
Bravo to the Swiss for limiting minarets. They are a political statement plain and simple.

Zenster said...

Stoenescu makes a superb point in noting how a minaret is intended to project shari'a law. Indeed, the mosque is a shari'a courtroom and minarets are, literally, broadcast towers for its jurisdiction.

Consider what the adhan (call to prayer) means:

Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!
Allah Akber! Allah Akber!
Ashaduanllah Illaha Ill Allah
Ashaduanllah Illaha Ill Allah
Ashaduanllah Muhammad Ur Rassol Allah
Ashaduanllah Muhammad Ur Rassol Allah
Hai ya lass Salah ! Hai ya lass Salah !
Hai ya lass Salah ! Hai ya lass Salah !
Hai ya lass Falah ! Hai ya lass Falah !
Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!
Allah Akber! Allah Akber!
La Illaha Illah !


God is Great, God is Great
God is Great, God is Great
I bear witness that there is no god except the One God.
I bear witness that there is no god except the One God.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer)
Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer)
Hurry to success (Rise up for Salvation)
Hurry to success (Rise up for Salvation)
God is Great, God is Great
There is no god except the One God

Secular people and those of non-Islamic religions will just as often not understand the foregoing's meaning.

Few realize that "Ashaduanllah Illaha Ill Allah" doesn't really mean, "I bear witness that there is no god except the One God".

What it really means is: "I bear witness that there is no god except Allah".

The inference of "the One God", is that there shall be no other god on earth worshipped except Allah. After all, Mohammad's message was that of Allah and not of some non-specific deistic god.

Considering that wherever Allah goes, so does shari'a; then spewing this drivel from the rooftops five times a day is an expression of political intent to impose that selfsame shari'a for as far and wide as the muezzin's voice can be heard.

Make no mistake that having the muezzin's voice heard from a very tall tower is of great significance with regard to imposing Islam upon all peoples.

EscapeVelocity said...

President Barrack Hussein Obama, says that the Islamic call to prayer is the most beautiful sound he has ever heard.

Much nicer than anything the Christians have put out over the centuries.

Profitsbeard said...

This was a good smackdown of the Sharia-lusting liars of Islam.

Excellent work by Radu Stoenescu!

Superior work at continually returning to the real point: the imperialistic intentions of the Mohammedans!

Dymphna said...

The Swiss politician put it well: we, as a people, decided "no minarets". There was a full and open hearing of Mr. Ramadan's point of view in the Swiss press. In fact, many Swiss felt the press was trying to decide the issue for them.

Surely there hasn't been a bigger shock to Islam's sense of itself since the resounding NO in that referendum. The fellow is right: similar referenda in other European countries would have the same outcome, which is why no European govt will permit its people a voice on the subject.

Meanwhile, if you read the OIC's annual report, they're obsessing on this issue. The Swiss federal govt and the Swiss press promised them it could never come to this.

The OIC cannot let it rest. Every week they pester the Swiss govt in Berne, the UN Swiss, and any world conference at which the Swiss and the OIC are represented. They've become Johnny-One-Note. In fact, they're sure that the Swiss minaret ban was responsible for the electoral success of Geert Wilders. Go figure.

Islam doesn't let things drop. Ever. Nor does it really 'get' genuine sovereignty. These push-backs from the Europeans are puzzling and make them angry, fearful, and obsessive.

Just one small skirmish in the Long War, but to them a significant and horrifying setback, especially since it came in the adopted home of Tariq Ramadan's grandfather, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. You can almost hear the gears grinding: "if it could happen in Switzerland, it could happen anywhere".

Unfortunately, this isn't so. The Swiss are a different kettle of fish than the rest of Europe. Those cantons hold real power. If other countries in Europe were built along the lines of the Swiss arrangement, how different things would be.

Michael Servetus said...

Zenster and all,

Good points on the implicit meaning of the call to prayer. Further it is an implicit attack on Christianity and Judaism which as I have said before is the foundation upon which Islam was conceived, that is as a corrective to them.

To say the One God is to say that God has no Son and no partners as is often said in the Koran and was considered so significant that the alleged god of the Koran gave that message to Mo, infamy be upon him. Also to declare and insist that Mo is a prophet is to contradict the Jewish and Christian rejection of him as one. It is an in your face declaration, and hostile contradiction to these two systems.
Islam wants to and tries to establish itself as a continuation and replacement of Judasim and Christianity, so almost everything it says and does is designed with that in mind, though the irreligious of today see none of that and feel none of that because they are emotionally removed and thus calculate that they are safe and removed from the hostile intent of Islam.