In other news, the latest calculations indicate that the sovereign debt of the United States exceeds the total amount of all money in the entire world. This includes even those funny little coins with square holes in the middle. Pay up!
To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.
Thanks to C. Cantoni, Clarice Feldman, ESW, Fjordman, heroyalwhyness, Insubria, JD, KGS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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When I read UK: Senior Labour Politician Helped Paedophile Headmaster Establish False Identity, I thought I was actually going to find out that the name of the pedophile was Mahound Abdulazziz Khan or something along those lines... It turns out that the Senior Labour Politician is actually fond of helping pedophiles, regardless of whether or not they follow the example of uswa hasana, all-insane all-kamel mahound when they abuse children. Truly sickening in any way one looks at it.
Yes, but does the debt include bus tokens? So you see there's still room to borrow more.
In Austria, a Catholic peace movement known as Pax Christi has called for the construction of further mosques in Austria. The group also wants the new mosques to be allowed to have minarets.
Has the Roman Catholic church ever failed its own followers so abjectly?
Sadly, not even something so vile as the child molestations approach this level of wholesale betrayal.
Pax Christi is not a "peace movement", and is Christian only in name.
It's in fact a communist/anarchist front evolved out of the anti-NATO/anti-nuclear weapons movement of the 1970s and '80s.
Alligning themselves with jihadis is just the fad du jour for such people, all over the world.
I think that Catholics should confront this organization, Pax Christi.
If they are anarchists, and no self-respecting Christian organization would advocate the building of mosques, then they should be prosecuted for misrepresenting themselves. There is some kind of legal breach here, some kind of FRAUD.
In fact, communists have infiltrated many Christian organizations all over Europe. They have even managed to become bishops in many countries. It's part of a strategy to cover the whole political and cultural spectrum in order to create confusion among their prey and to seem to leave no real opposition. Study the communists' own rulebooks and discover the game being played everywhere.
"When it comes to the Asian carp threat, we are not in denial. We are not in a go-slow mode. We are in a full attack, full-speed ahead mode. We want to stop this carp from advancing."
This must be a hoax, right ? I mean, are you paying taxes to have politicians say things like that? Does that cost you money ?
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