Here are two more news stories of cultural enrichment in Denmark. The first concerns a shooting in Odense, and two separate MSM articles on the topic have been translated for Gates of Vienna. The first is from Politiken, and was translated by our Danish correspondent Kepiblanc:
Shoot-out in downtown Odense
Today seven or eight rounds were fired against two persons in a car in Odense. The police showed up in force
A shoot-out took place in Odense this afternoon, says TV2, Fyn [Funen]. Seven or eight rounds were fired against two persons driving a car in Ejbygade [Ejby Street].
The two men — aged 34 and 36 — bore some resemblance to “biker types” according to the police, but have nothing to do with the present gang war.
Police showed up in force
Around 3 PM the two were encountered by two other cars. In those cars were people described as “of-an-ethnic-origin-other-than- Danish” who fired seven to eight rounds at the car. The two men who were fired at got away unharmed.
The police showed up in force in bullet-proof vests and secured the area.
Another version of the same incident, this one from BT.dk, as translated by our Danish correspondent TB:
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Shootout in Odense
The police from Fyen confirm that shots were fired this afternoon in Odense. According to information that BT received, the incident took place in the neighborhood of Ejbygade close to Vollsmose [Muslim ghetto — translator]. At 18.50 today it was not clear whether anyone was hit, but according to Fyen’s Police department, the investigation has been taken over by the homicide bureau.
According to TV2 Fyen, seven or eight shots were fired at two persons driving in their car in Ejbygade. The two men, a 34-year-old and a 36-year-old, could according to the police look like “biker types”, but have nothing whatsoever to do with the gang war, the police say.
At around 15.00 they were passed by two cars. In the cars were people — described as being of another ethnic origin than Danish — who fired seven to eight shots at the car. The two men who were shot at got away and later made their way back to inspect their car. They called the police who immediately started a huge operation.
Numerous police officers in bullet-proof vests arrived at the crime scene and sealed the area.
The second incident occurred in Copenhagen. According to Ekstra Bladet, also translated by TB:
Man arrested for rape
An hour ago, a witness observed a man lying on the top of a screaming woman in a park in Copenhagen. The man has now been arrested on the suspicion of rape.
“A witness saw a man of African origin lying on top of a screaming woman in Hyrdevangen in Brønshøj,” Hans Erik Raben from the Copenhagen Police says to ekstrabladet.dk.
Police received the call at 18.20, and the suspect was been arrested shortly thereafter.
Exactly what happened the police do not know yet.
“That’s what we are going to find out now,” Hans Erik Raben says.
Wow... Denmark is worst than I thought...
Denmark is not worse off than other european countries. On the contrary; my guess is that we are in better shape than most of the countries we like to compare ourselves with.
The big difference is that we are allowed to read and talk about it. That the general MSM actually report 1) the crimes that these scumbags commit and 2) the ethnicity of the criminals.
That is actually the most important aspect of these Multicultural Enrichment News. To make people aware of the extreme level that we have reached. Not only in DK. But in Europe as a whole.
In Sweden for example, they have not got a clue about what is going on because the medias do not report these things.
Denmark is not worse off than other european countries.
Absolutely agree. We have our challenges, and the usual PC Elite which tries to stall every usable effort - but we have a government sortof confronting it, and probably the freest press anywhere. Even that rag Politiken, which hosts some of the worst Islamophiles in the country, does real reporting, as above.
I hope we'll have another Motoon scandal soon. It's about time :)
Denmark and the rest of the Nordic block may not be worse off then other countries, but I think it the speed with which it is deteriorating in lands that have long been known for peaceful civilisation that is shocking people; that and the fact the populations are so small that they could be overwhelmed so easily.
Truly worrying stuff.
"The big difference is that we are allowed to read and talk about it. That the general MSM actually report"
If it is so, then you're better off.
But then, I just am very used to think that for each incident that is reported, five are not. That is what happens here and if in Denmark the media actually goes after these stories, than great!
What also made me think that Denmark was worse off was that I haven't yet heard of a response like that of the Hells Angels in other Nations so I automatically think that Denmark has been put to an whole larger scale of this.
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