I include the following article in the cultural enrichment series, since “Romanian” in an Italian context almost certainly means “gypsy”.
According to AGI:
Young Romanian Stabs Mother’s Boyfriend to Death
(AGI) — Cosenza, 12 Jun. — A 20-year-old Romanian stabbed his mother’s boyfriend to death. The event occurred in Luzzi (CS) late last evening. The victim is 48-year-old Domenico Spina, a pastry chef from Bisignano. The man, who had a long-term relationship with the woman, arrived at the boy’s birthday party drunk.
The boy was with his mother and a domestic worker at another family’s house along with some friends. The man complained that he was not invited to the party. The discussion degenerated into an argument, and the boy, perhaps to defend his mother, grabbed a knife and stabbed the man in the chest, killing him almost instantly according to an autopsy.
The boy then hid the knife in a nearby field. The weapon has not yet been found. The boy was taken into custody by the Carabinieri unit of Compagnia di Rende.
Hat tip: Insubria.
[Nothing follows]
Congratulations, Baron, on branching out from Islamo-hatred to hatred of lots of "others." It's good that you're trying to broaden your hatred-base.
And I'm sure all the home schoolers and their parents attempting to teach them the ways of hatred will be suitably impressed.
It's actually very possible that the 20yrs old man is simply a Romanian, not a gypsy.
His mother had an italian boyfriend, this boyfriend got mad that he was not invited to the boys birthday.
They seem like rather well integrated immigrants.
So, my guess is that its not about gypsies.
Once upon a time you spoke cordially and actually had some points and even arguments to be made.
What happened? Is it because Obama was elected?
Where's the damned hatred, man?
What are you exactly protesting against?
Afonso, in addition to the usual Muslim suspects, the Baron has added two Gypsies and a Haitian to his list of the hated in his recent, highly ironic series of International Cultural Enrichment News. And, by the usual implications, all Gypsies and Haitians are now among the hated. Except for those who have given up their Gypsieness and Haitianinity and have been outcast as apostates.
I'm still wondering if Mohammed D’ali Carvalho Dos Santos who killed a brittish chick last year is a muslim.
He looks turkish or arab to me.
Congratulations, Baron, on branching out from Islamo-hatred to hatred of lots of "others." It's good that you're trying to broaden your hatred-base.
And I'm sure all the home schoolers and their parents attempting to teach them the ways of hatred will be suitably impressed.
Post fail.
We don't care whether or not Baron is a "hater" but whether or not what he is saying is true. You apparently care more about PC than the poor murder victims. Invite the Roma to come live with you then.
You're reading too much into this, former Gordon. The people he's describing are not 'the hated', they're 'the hateful'.
Stabbing people is bad, and you seem to be more bothered by it being reported than it actually happening.
Compared to Muslims who have killed hundreds of thousands of civilians around the world including women and children in the name of their religion/ideology in the past decade alone (500 000 and counting in Darfur) for whom Nodrog has only words meant to defend the indefensible, anyone else is a piker in the hatred sweepstakes.
It is moral imbecility to excuse murder while excoriating the critic.
In the past century such people were apologists for communist depradations.
Ex Gordon,
"in addition to the usual Muslim suspects, the Baron has added two Gypsies and a Haitian to his list of the hated"
But where did Baron showed us a listed of people or ethnicities to be hated?
"highly ironic series of International Cultural Enrichment News."
Also, in this series Baron has posted some posts about Brazilian criminality. And I had the pleasure to have some very constructive exchanges with Rocha, who is a Brazilian, about it. No hate.
" by the usual implications, all Gypsies and Haitians are now among the hated."
What implications man? I don't really understand your logic.
"Except for those who have given up their Gypsieness and Haitianinity and have been outcast as apostates."
Now I can see that you're making some sense. Me too thinks it is imperative for us to not demand people of other ethnicities and cultures to give up of their identity.
But we can also not aloud to give up our identity, culture and ethnicity just to please them.
That's why there are many different countries/Nations. It's not to forbidd people to come into our countries. It is because when foreigners want to visit our countries, they'll have to know their place and act accordingly.
We here have a saying:
"In Rome, be Roman."
Americans have another:
"Love it or leave it."
I like both.
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