Thanks to Zonka for the tip about this Enricher vs. Enricher article from the Lennox Herald:
Balloch woman stabbed in violent attempted murder- - - - - - - - -
A BALLOCH woman was knifed repeatedly by a man she met through an arranged marriage website.
The woman’s family were also threatened by crazed Yasir Afsar as he burst into their home.
The High Court in Edinburgh last week heard how Afsar went berserk in the Balloch house after the relationship with his intended bride broke down.
He turned up on the woman’s doorstep at 6.30am, forcing his way into the family home by claiming he was a business colleague of their daughter.
Asfar, 32, from the Midlands, had felt that the mum and dad would never approve of him as he was of a ‘lower caste’.
But he couldn’t accept the affair was over, according to defence advocate Shahid Latif.
Mr Latif explained: “The relationship developed to such an extent that a love marriage as opposed to an arranged marriage was in contemplation.”
Advocate depute Keith Stewart, prosecuting, said, that when Afsar turned up at the family home, they said she was not in and he pointed to her car, saying ‘I’m going to see her’, pushing his way into the house.
The terrified victim locked herself in the bathroom as Afsar tried to force it open with a kitchen knife.
The court was told how he also threatened to kill her parents if she didn’t come out.
After a struggle, the woman’s father went downstairs to telephone police and her mum persuaded Afsar to come downstairs to talk.
The daughter left the bathroom, heading for her bedroom to telephone police but Afsar heard her, followed her into the room and pinned her down on her bed.
Mr Stewart continued: “He began to strike her repeatedly on the chest with the knife. He then placed his hands round her neck.”
The court was told how the mum bit Afsar on the arm then, fearing her daughter was dead, ran outside to shout for help from neighbours.
Afsar drove away — leaving his DNA on the handle of the broken and blood-stained knife. He was arrested three days later in Dover.
The terrified victim was rushed to Paisley’s Royal Alexandra Hospital where doctors found that two stab wounds to her chest had caused both lungs to collapse.
Mr Stewart said: “The medical view is that both chest wounds were serious and potentially life-threatening.”
In court, Afsar admitted attempted murder, and apologised for what he had done.
Sentencing Afsar to seven and half years, judge Lord Brodie told him: “What you have pleaded guilty to is the attempted murder of a young woman who — according to Mr Latif — at one stage you loved.”
Asfar, 32, from the Midlands, had felt that the mum and dad would never approve of him as he was of a ‘lower caste’.
Yes, a lower caste, a muslim or Asian as they are sometimes called.
Problem is the way that this man acted is so typical of muslim males, if he indeed is a muslim.
Seven and one half years is a very light sentence in this man's book. Due to the circumstances of the attack, the brutality involved, a life sentence with NO parole would seem more justified.
Hey, he apologized. They'll probably let him go :(.
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