Ms. West says:
Now engaged in probably its greatest battle yet, the Swiss People’s Party has just amassed more than the requisite 100,000 signatures on a petition to trigger a national referendum, in this controversial case, on whether Switzerland should ban minarets, the towers that often soar high enough over mosques to transform the skyline of any cathedral town in Europe. Out of 90 mosques in Switzerland, only two have minarets. Three more are now in political limbo.
Discussing the “long progression” of Islam--now 4.3 percent of Switzerland’s mainly Christian population of 7.5 million--into Swiss life, he explains that what concerns him is “not the [Islamic] religion, but the law,” meaning Islamic law, or sharia. And while there is religious freedom in Switzerland for new mosques, this same freedom does not extend to minarets, which he sees as political more than religious symbols. “Minarets are not necessary for the practice” of Islam, he explains.
Indeed, historically, the minaret has often served as a sign of Islamic political power. In our own era, it may be seen to symbolize the introduction of Islamic law into formerly non-Islamic societies.
Ms. West and Mr. Freysinger are correct.
Minarets aren't obligatory in Islam, but they are absolutely required in order to make local inroads into community cultural awareness. If you have an electronic recording blaring out into the local landscape (breaking the usual municipal regulations regarding noise abatement) it is much more difficult to get these things removed than it is to prevent them in the first place. And if you have a ‘silent’ minaret, merely a symbol towering over the adjacent skyline, you have still achieved the political purpose minaret-builders have in mind.
Cao’s blog cites Dhimmi Watch from July 9th of this year:
- - - - - - - - -
Of course the minaret is not necessary. Wahhabi mosques don’t have minarets at all, and disapprove of them. It cannot be argued that Muslims need to have minarets from which a non-existent muezzin will utter the Call To Prayer (which is not permitted because of sound zoning laws), or that they need them even where a Call To Prayer is allowed, since if it is played and then amplified electronically, there is no conceivable need for height.
Are there any devices that tell the time in Switzerland? Yes, there are. Do Muslims all over the world now have access to clocks, and watches? Yes, they do. Do they possess, on their calendars, in their fancy agenda books (oh, those rich Arabs, with their briefcases and their agenda books, and their Rolex watches, and their everything, all of it so completely, grotesquely, underearned, unmerited), or even homelier models for the just-us-folks Muslims, telling them the exact time of each of the five canonical prayers, in the tiniest town or village anywhere in the world? Of course they do.
Mr. Fitzgerald uses as his source a news report from the UK Guardian. The headline chosen by the Grauniad for their story is telling:
Swiss far right forces vote on minaret ban
So tell me: since when is collecting one hundred thousand signatures for a referendum “forcing” a vote? Did menacing members of the Swiss People’s Party arrive at citizens’ doorsteps with clipboards, signature pages, pens, and nine millimeter enforcers? “Sign here, please, and no one will get hurt?”
MSM headlines become more obscene as the MSM itself becomes more overtly anti-Western and irrelevant.
It goes without saying that had the local Baptists erected a similarly out-sized cross, the paper would have gone after them, not the person reporting on the event. But in the minds of the MSM, Baptists are fundies, not victims. Christers want to take over; Muslims just want to make peace, as their history so amply demonstrates. That the peace imposed by the Ummah is conversion or the peace of the grave is not something we are permitted to discuss without being labelled extremists. Oh well, have at it. I'm proud to be an extremist.
And here is the story of mosque/pig farm brouhaha in Katy, Texas. Note that the pig farm was there first. Note also that the American land owner acted in typical Texas fashion when pushed by the mosque builders to move. Why in the world would they choose to locate a mosque next to a pig farm…unless perhaps they thought they could force the pig owner out? Just wondering.
I’ll close with another snip from Diana West and Oskar Freysinger:
“In that case,” Freysinger continued, “we said: OK. We’ll attack the symbol. It’s always about symbols because symbols have a big truth behind them. And so we attack this symbol of conquering Islam and we say: You are welcome in our country, but there is one law, and one constitution for every person in this country. And there is no special law for an Islamic girl, or an Islamic man. There is no sharia. Nothing.”
Given the premodern inequities of sharia, the notion of one enlightened law and constitution for all should be a simple, desirable state of Western affairs. But no. As the West tilts Islamic to accommodate aspects of sharia ranging from diet to sexual segregation to polygamous marriage to sharia banking to censorship regarding Islam itself, Oskar Freysinger’s point of view becomes, to appeasers, an increasingly controversial and dangerous one, reliably eliciting catcalls and worse from world media and political establishments. In their postmodern parlance, to be opposed to the totalitarian tenets of sharia is be an “extremist.” My only question is, How do you say, Ich bin ein extremist?
Ms. West also questions him regarding his views on Israel. I recommend reading what he has to say.
“Minarets are not necessary for the practice” of Islam, he explains.
Perhaps so, but in light of all the emphasis Islam places upon them, I'd wager that they must do a dandy job of compensating for typical Muslim male under-endowment.
Did menacing members of the Swiss People’s Party arrive at citizens’ doorsteps with clipboards, signature pages, pens, and nine millimeter enforcers? “Sign here, please, and no one will get hurt?”
If they did, they'd only be lifting a page from Islam's playbook.
Whoa, not only is this Oskar Freysinger attractive, he's quite clever as well. That makes me very, very happy :)
I just noticed something interesting--perhaps someone can explain it to me. In the picture Dymphna posted from the blog America's Last Stand, that mosque's architecture (not including the minarets) looks kind of similar to some churches in Russia. Is that a coincidence? Am I just being strange or is there some actual reason for that?
Natalie: I just noticed something interesting--perhaps someone can explain it to me. In the picture Dymphna posted from the blog America's Last Stand, that mosque's architecture (not including the minarets) looks kind of similar to some churches in Russia. Is that a coincidence?
Some of the oldest churches in the world are in Armenia. The earliest versions served as prototypes for the great European cathedrals. St. Gregor, a modern construct best displays the basic roots that your Russian structure and many of Islam's share in common. Within St. Gregor, you can see reflections of the most ancient Armenian churches. The church of St. Hripsime is another good example. A real jaw-dropper is the fully restored St. Echmiadzin cathedral. Begun in the 4th century, its interior was a real stunner and one of the high points during my visit to Armenia.
Natalie, your question is very perceptive. The architecture of mosques is indeed similar to that of Eastern Orthodox churches. Basically, the ULTRA-VIOLENT MUSSULMAN THUGS stole the design when they conquered the Byzantine Empire.
Try this link:
or if that doesn't work, just go to wacky...I mean wikipedia, and search for "Hagia Sophia."
Zenster, thank you for those cool links! Armenia is a place I've always wanted to see, but sadly, time and circumstances do not permit. I note that the lovely Armenian churches exhibit the same overall configuration as the later Byzantine churches except that instead of a dome-on-a-cube ( so to speak ) they have a pyramidal roof mounted on a cube ( or rectangle. )
I cannot help but be dismayed that there are 90 (!) mosques in Switzerland.
On a somewhat lighter note, Dymphna, Natalie, ladies! Please, control yourselves! Your shameless concupiscence is unseemly!
If I were an ULTRA-VIOLENT MAHOMETAN THUG CULTIST I would have to honor-kill you. ;)
One_of_the_last_few_Patriots_left: Zenster, thank you for those cool links! Armenia is a place I've always wanted to see, but sadly, time and circumstances do not permit.
Imagine meandering up the Garni Gorge to where pre-Christ cave dwellings dot the river-side cliffs.
Then go further up the canyon and enter an incredible monastery with its abuttment of stone-carved stairs into ancient cave-bound chambers where thousand year-old echoes ring in your ears.
Devout, agnostic or atheist, you are in the presence of belief that stretches over a THOUSAND years beyond your life. It is difficult not to be moved in such a timeless environment.
supercargo --
Gates of Vienna's rules about comments require that they be civil, temperate, on-topic, and show decorum. Your comment violated the last of these rules. We keep a PG-13 blog, and exclude foul language, explicit descriptions, and epithets. This is why I deleted your comment.
Use of asterisks is an appropriate alternative.
I'm re-posting the portion of your comment that wasn't simply obscene invective.
supercargo said...
Prior to the rise of the muslim murder cult, large Copt churches had a single tower from which Christians were called to prayer. Copt churches also used Cube architecture, like the Kaba. Further, neck strung medallions were used to identify one's place in the church. Muhammad wore a medallion that he referred to as "the seal of the prophets."
Of course, the vulgar horde stole mosque designs directly from Byzantine cathedrals. Mosque doorways and ornate decorations were taken from the Hindus.
The unholy koran is the only nominal "holy" book to have a section on "war booty" (anfal). In fact, the first biography of the phony "prophet" includes major accounts of Muhammad's divvy of sex and material captures. Muhammad couldn't get recruits to his muder cult until he promised Arab savages booty. When that wasn't enough, he concocted after life rewards (72 virgins and 28 boys as smooth as cultured pearls) as a reward for murder, plunder and rape. By the way, the beast of Mecca claimed that the muslim god fiction told him to take 20% of ALL booty. Umar Khattib - the only one to beat Muhammad in war - converted to Islam ONLY when Muhammad was strong enough to deliver earthly rewards.
Mr. Freysinger is seriously hot! But I don't agree with him. He says:
"You are welcome in our country, but there is one law, and one constitution for every person in this country. And there is no special law for an Islamic girl, or an Islamic man. There is no sharia. Nothing.”
Europeans can force Muslims to back off Sharia for a time, but as soon the Muslim population gains enough strength in numbers, they'll push for Sharia and the native population will no longer have a choice.
As long as Europeans continue to accept Muslims in their countries, they're courting disaster.
The Swiss People's Party is better than most but still they don't get it.
i think he gets it. but there is the question of political expedience. he cannot say everything he wants to say.
their recognition of a) the political nature of islam and b) the importance of vigorously pruning the more obvious political excrescences, on symbolic and morale grounds, is both brave and refreshing. these guys get it very well. more like this, please.
Thanks to everyone who responded to my architecture question. I should have realised that Islam stole those designs, being that they've stolen pretty much everything else.
On a somewhat lighter note, Dymphna, Natalie, ladies! Please, control yourselves! Your shameless concupiscence is unseemly!
I'm afraid I'm going to have to join in with the concupiscent behaviour of the other ladies and say -- oh my goodness! Were I Swiss, Oskar would certainly have my vote! ;-)
Easy there ladies. You would soon forget the Swiss if you got a load of me or Conservative Swede typing at our keyboards in the buff. And Con Swede apparently wears nothing but a turban! : )
Sorry to drag you into this Swede but we all know you are the Fabio of the blogosphere. : )
spackle, I'm sure both you and Conservative Swede are wildly attractive. :)
Seriously, we ought to have the Baron post something for us called "the picture thread" or something like that. We all send in photos of ourselves and then the Baron posts them along with the name we use for ourselves in the comments. Honestly, I do wonder what a lot you comemnters look like ;)
Or we could arrange one massive "Gates of Vienna comemnters meeting" somewhere, preferably in St. Louis, MO (since that's where I'll be soon). Actually, I'm kind of kidding about that.
And I actually was semi-serious about the pictures thing.
On a separate but related note, why do other countries have such attractive politicians? I can't think of an American politician that I find particularly attractive. And what makes me laugh is how loads of people say that Obama is attractive--I don't think he is. I think he's downright ugly. Obviously that won't influence whether I vote for him (I'm not), but still.
I always considered you to be pretty brave to post your photo. I personally dont know if I am ready to put my image out there on the web. Call me paranoid but it just doesnt sit well with me. Hats off to those of you who do it.
Seriously, we ought to have the Baron post something for us called "the picture thread" or something like that.
Better yet -- someone should put together a "right-wing" bloggers/politicians calendar -- kinda like all those firefighters calendars! ;-)
Maybe we could sell 'em and raise money for GoV. :-D
spackle, I can understand that... I probably wouldn't post my picture unless I were wearing sunglasses.
Hibernia Girl, LOL!
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