In other news, protests against any changes to the blasphemy law continue in Pakistan. Parliamentary reformers who want to amend the law are being threatened with death, and a terrorist group has promised a suicide bomb attack against Asia Bibi, the Christian woman under sentence of death for blasphemy. Militants have also warned the Pope to stop interfering in Pakistan’s religious affairs, or face the consequences.
To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.
Thanks to C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, DF, Gaia, Insubria, JD, JP, KGS, Nilk, Salome, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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Mum Raped by Seven as Her Kids Slept Nearby
I knew that there were mohammeds/mahounds among the seven even before I started reading this article. How many such gang rapes are still going to take place in the West, and how many non-mahoundian women will be their victims, until the authorities start taking the necessary measures to stop this; and the women start defending themselves, by both learning how to kill such mahoundians with their own hands and not getting themselves in situations where this can happen?
One thing about this story that I've found extremely disturbing is that the victim actually AGREED to let the seven black-cube-worshipping tapeworms into her home before they started raping her, as though they were going to go in just for a chat... I mean, couldn't she have thought that it was about as smart a move as allowing a convicted child-molester to babysit her kids? And what about the safety of her own kids, for heaven's sake? Was she just plain stupid, or is the Australian PC/MC islamophilic media doing such a great job of foolinf people in Oz into believing in how much better than everyone else muslims are that she couldn't have reckoned the situation she was getting into?
I was told by young people in Vollsmose that I shouldn’t drive around the area with the cross hanging in the car.
end quote.
I'd suggest the Danes amend their Constitution now, and formally acknowledge that they are an Islamic State.
Only would an Islamic State have such a dynamic.
If the indigenous Danes had any courage at all, they would all hang crosses in their cars and in their windows.
The seven males, aged between 14 and 21 and who came to Australia as refugees from Sudan or Afghanistan, yesterday applied for bail in the Bendigo Magistrates’ and Children’s courts.
end quote
Why give any Muslim refuge from anything?
There is obviously no refuge among them.
No wonder they are always demand refuge.
"Constable Reed said the victim was “extremely fearful” for her safety and her children if the men received bail."
Islamophobia! Give the enriched (Shhh - Muslim) gang rapists bail anyway....ARGH!
"Bail was granted for Mr Gar, Mr El Nour and Mr Manon, while the 17-year-old, 14-year-old and Mr Zaoli have been remanded to appear again next week."
BANGLADESH: More than 900 rapes and sexual assaults of American Peace Corps volunteers by MUSLIM men
“They raped me with their bodies and foreign objects, and said they would kill me.” Yet the Peace Corps keeps sending American women into countries with these MUSLIM savages who consider non-Muslim women to be “white meat.”
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