Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Pastorius is taking on the worldwide jihad at Cuanas:
     In other words, little Indonesian schoolchildren who know nothing about Israel, who do not know Arabic, or even an Arab, and who have never met a Jew, are “campaigning” for the destruction of Israel. No, sorry, I don’t believe they came up with this on their own over there in Indonesia. Instead, I believe that this is being coordinated from above.
See The Jihad Is Worldwide And Coordinated.


RonL said...

If you think that is bad, look at what is going on in Europe.
Areas in Paris and Arhus are overun with Muslim rioters.


Pastorius said...

Hey Baron,
There are riots in Denmark now. If you look closely at the article, the Jihadis are called "youths, and these "youths" tell us three things;

1) They planned them three weeks ago

2) They were waiting for reporters to show up

3) They had "spokesmen" ready to talk with the reporters.

What did they have to say? They said, these are our streets. This is our town.

These riots are planned by someone sophisticated. They are not spontaneous youth riots. They are not about poverty, or ghetto conditions, or racism. They are about Jihad.


Baron Bodissey said...

Darn it, Pastorius, hot-link your stuff! This is the template:

<a href="http://myblog.com">Blog Title</a>

That said, I've been following the events on Fjordman and Viking Observer. I asked people on other threads if the news of this had escaped to the cable networks yet. VDHanson seems to indicate it's been on Fox.

The rest of the MSM will only mention the "M" word if they absolutely have to.

Sissy Willis said...

How 'bout that Jimmy Carter, talk about "coordinated from above"?

bordergal said...

I am actually pleased that the infiltrators lack the capacity for the long, slow demographic takeover. If they were more patient, they could win that war.

Please keep up the good work, gentleman. Make your intentions clear and underscore them with threats and violence.

It won't be pretty, but it will still be to our advantage from a tactical standpoint.

Always On Watch said...

Bill is right: Muslims attacking everywhere
Only Fox gives any coverage, as far as I can see.

Didn't the Philippines recently surrender an island to the jihadists?

Have you seen The Twenty Year Plan? This was posted nearly two years ago. Dr. Shorrosh speaks specifically of the United States, but what he had to say applies to much of the world right now.

Anonymous said...

This should be a stern warning to all of us in the United States!

Aren't we seeing a preview of what we can expect as a result of the globalists' policies of unlimited (legal or illegal) immigration while simultaneously discouraging assimilation of the immigrants?

For years the globalist "intellectual elites" and United Nations apologists, who have been preaching "a world without borders", have been pompously deriding the rest of us for our lack of sophistication in not embracing a more "cosmopolitan" European worldview. In Paris today we're seeing the prize at the end of that rainbow.

We must continue to fight to protect U.S. sovereignty, gain control of immigration, and get back to encouraging the assimilation of those immigrants into our society. The "melting pot" that was the United States has always been one of the keys to our greatness. That is what built our great nation, not a collection of "tribes" all jealously guarding their own separate identities in the name of "ethnic diversity".