History repeats itself, this time with a return of a version of the Barbary Pirates. This is our history, and the solutions we found back then have their bearings on who we became as a nation and what we face in the present.
First the present:
The Seabourn Cruise Lines ship Spirit was attacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia early Saturday morning but escaped capture. | |
Two boats carrying between eight and 10 pirates armed with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenade launchers attacked the Spirit, which had 150 passengers and 160 crew members on board, CNN reported. | |
Canadian passenger Mike Rogers said, the captain tried to run one of the boats over, and eventually outran the boats. The captain didn’t hit the emergency alarm for fear passengers would rush to the deck. He alerted them over the loudspeaker. | |
One person was injured but there are no details. | |
The ship suffered a little damage. Rogers said there wasn’t running water and he heard that a grenade went off in a cabin. | |
[…] | |
The World Food Program announced Thursday that pirates are hijacking shipments into the area and hampering relief efforts. | |
The WFP website called the coastline one of the most dangerous in the world. |
As Americans, most of us are ignorant of history outside our shores, including history in which we were involved. In the case of the Barbary Pirates, that history goes back to the very beginning of our nation, of our initial attempts to establish commerce as a sovereign nation. What is of especial interest is that the tack we took in confronting the problem runs like a thread through all of our history. And the solution the Europeans hit upon is also part and parcel of their character.
First some background on the Barbary Pirates: they got their name from the Berber states - Morocco, Tunis, Algiers, Tripoli - located on the southern coast of the Mediterranean during the 1700’s. Given the culture of these fiefdoms, the customary way to raise revenue was piracy, ransom of slaves caught in these raids, and ongoing demands of tribute from whichever countries wished to ply the waters there for reasons of trade or travel.
From the definitive 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica:
The first half of the 17th century may be described as the flowering time of the Barbary pirates. More than 20,000 captives were said to be imprisoned in Algiers alone. The rich were allowed to redeem themselves, but the poor were condemned to slavery. Their masters would not in many cases allow them to secure freedom by professing Mahommedanism. A long list might be given of people of good social position, not only Italians or Spaniards, but German or English travelers in the south, who were captives for a time. The chief sufferers were the inhabitants of the coasts of Sicily, Naples and Spain. But all traders belonging to nations which did not pay blackmail in order to secure immunity were liable to be taken at sea. The payment of blackmail, disguised as presents or ransoms, did not always secure safety with these faithless barbarians. The most powerful states in Europe condescended to make payments to them and to tolerate their insults. Religious orders - the Redemptionists and Lazarites - were engaged in working for the redemption of captives and large legacies were left for that purpose in many countries. The continued existence of this African piracy was indeed a disgrace to Europe, for it was due to the jealousies of the powers themselves. France encouraged them during her rivalry with Spain; and when, she had no further need of them they were supported against her by Great Britain and Holland. In the 18th century British public men were not ashamed to say that Barbary piracy was a useful check on the competition of the weaker Mediterranean nations in the carrying trade. When Lord Exmouth sailed to coerce Algiers in 1816, he expressed doubts in a private letter whether the suppression of piracy would be acceptable to the trading community. Every power was, indeed, desirous to secure immunity for itself and more or less ready to compel Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, Salé and the rest to respect its trade and its subjects. In 1655 the British admiral, Robert Blake, was sent to teach them a lesson, and he gave the Tunisians a severe beating. A long series of expeditions was undertaken by the British fleet during the reign of Charles II, sometimes single-handed, sometimes in combination with the Dutch. In 1682 and 1683 the French bombarded Algiers. On the second occasion the Algerines blew the French consul from a gun during the action. An extensive list of such punitive expeditions could be made out, down to the American operations of 1801?5 and 1815. But in no case was the attack pushed home, and it rarely happened that the aggrieved Christian state refused in the end to make a money payment in order to secure peace. The frequent wars among them gave the pirates numerous opportunities of breaking their engagements, of which they never failed to take advantage. |
To the Americans, things appeared quite different. Europe, enthralled as it was in its own internecine divisions and wars, found it easier to pay this maritime jizya tax than to take on the Barbary pirates. For America, though, the problem was more crucial. For one thing, we weren’t at war, our focus was to begin to move out into the world and build an international commerce. That couldn’t happen if our ships could not move safely in foreign waters. For another, it went against the grain of the American character to be at the mercy of the lawless and the whimsical notions of the Berber area.
For a time we were able to slide by because we were a colony under Britains’ protection. But with the birth of the United States as a sovereign nation, we no longer had that security. Serendipitously for us, Portugal declared war on Algiers and began patrolling the Straits of Gibraltar. The pirates were effectively prevented from moving into open waters. When Algiers and Portugal reached an agreeement in 1793, the pirates of the Barbary coast moved back into the open seas; within three months Algiers had captured almost a dozen American ships, their cargo and crews. As was the custom, the men on these ships were enslaved and put to work until such time as the Americans were willing to pay their ransom and begin the process of negotiating for ongoing tribute.
This became a tumultuous problem beginning in President Washington’s administration, and continuing into that of President Madison. The country had no money with which to redeem the men from these Muslim potentates or to pay the exorbitant annual tributes. In addition, there was sharp disagreement about the policies that would be formulated to address the issue structurally. Political and philosophical conflict existed from the very beginning:
During President Washington’s administration, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson disagreed sharply over policy toward the Corsairs [the pirate ships]. Adams strongly favored paying off the pirates, arguing that a long and protracted war would financially ruin the young nation. Jefferson vehemently disagreed, appealing not only to an American sense of honor, but also to the notion that a single, decisive war might be more cost-effective than annual bribes for perpetuity. Not surprisingly, their subsequent administration policies reflected these beliefs. Adams was anxious to prevent conflict, and ensured payment of all demanded tribute. In addition, Adams even agreed to build and deliver two warships for the Algerian Corsairs. Since the Corsairs were considered more a force of nature than a foreign nation, the fact that this was contrary to the popular, “millions for defense, not one cent for tribute,” attitude toward French demands for bribes, was rarely noted. Yet, frustrated during tribute negotiations with Tunis, negotiator William Eaton wrote home that, “there is but one language which can be held to these people, and this is terror.” [editorial emphasis] | |
In May of 1801, the Corsairs of Tripoli became restless and declared war on the United States, figuring they could increase their annual tribute. Their disorganized fleet passed into the Atlantic but was chased back by a recently dispatched American squadron. The Americans cruised the Mediterranean, evacuating American merchantmen and winning several engagements with the Corsairs. Later that year Sweden declared war on the Tripolitans and lent considerable support to the American blockade of Tripoli. The combined fleet of Swedish and American, and infrequently Danish, ships was unwilling to bombard the city until early 1802 when President Jefferson ordered that the war be pursued with greater vigor. Despite occasional bombardment, as the blockade continued, it became impossible for the large American ships to prevent some of the smaller, faster Corsair gunboats from slipping through. The Americans wanted to draw the pirates into a large decisive battle, but their attempts proved fruitless. When Sweden made peace that year, the blockade collapsed. |
Eventually we won the wars, both on sea and land. From the shores of Tripoli to the final settlement with Algiers in 1815, America developed her Navy and seasoned its veterans in war. Stephen Decatur and John Paul Jones became part of our national mythos. The US began to formulate a coherent foreign policy. After years of humilation, of ransom, tribute, and betrayal of treaties with the Berbers, President Madison brought it to an end. When the dey of Algiers demanded yet another round of tribute, Madison declined, most famously.
“the United States whilst they wish for war with no nation, will buy peace with none.” [Thus, the]… “settled policy” … “that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute.” |
Probably not. There are some parallels, of course, considering that today’s terrorists are descendants of that Berber culture. One thing is their use of hostages as tools - in one case for raising money, in the present day for propaganda purposes or to influence policy. But the Barbary pirates merely wanted to raise money by terrorist means, they weren’t waging jihad against the infidel, they just wanted his money.
Essentially, piracy ended in the Mediterranean when France captured Algiers. And now we know what the long-term outcome for that victory was:
Paris is burning.
For anyone interested in reading more about the barbary pirates, especially the ones operating out of Morocco, I heartily recommend the book 'White Gold' by Giles Milton. Actually the focus is more on the appalling treatment suffered by Christian seamen and travellers who were captured by the corsairs and put to work as slaves.
Anyone with the slightest doubt that islam is a 'religion' of sadists should read this book.
If you pay the Danegeld, you will never get rid of the Danes.
Payments of tribute, blackmail, ransom, and welfare to able bodied men, qualify as variations of Danegeld.
The Barbary Wars: American Independence in the Atlantic World by Frank Lambert is an excellent political/historical account of the time. Especially interesting are the accounts of our fledgling Navy.
Highly recommend it.
And now there are pirates abroad again. And they are Musselmen, as of old.
the shores of Tripoli, a line in the Marines Hymn as well
Carackiuk: For anyone interested in reading more about the barbary pirates, especially the ones operating out of Morocco, I heartily recommend the book 'White Gold' by Giles Milton. This book exposes sadism, all right. A must read for any who abhor twisted thinking.
So here we are, in the 21st Century, at it again. We can win this war, but not through appeasement, which amounts to what would have been the same thing had the world stood by and let the Barbary pirates have their way.
Excellent post!
Since you're somewhat of an expert: how in the world did that cruise ship manage not to get boarded? Sure, it could ourun the little pirate ship, but it would have to get going first. Why weren't the pirates up on the decks before then?
The story made me very curious.
Ahhh, the good ole days.
When our enemy took hostages we reciprocated by taking hostages ourselves. We had no moral reservations against directing our firepower directly at our enemy's population centers as that increased the chances of killing as many with one shot as possible.
And our only objective was military victory (stop jackin with our shipping interests), as we felt no obligation to replace our defeated enemy's cultural values reflecting corrupt form of government with a pseudo-democracy that reflects our values.
And our indiscriminate methods effect on that enemy are still effective on that coast of Africa today.
What is the rest of the world waiting for to address this growing problem off the horn of Africa, and the Straits of Malacca?
Are they waiting for the evil and hated Americans to take care of it for them so they can criticize our methods after we take care of their problem? Can the world's other nations not take care of any problem without American leadership?
They are not attacking US warships, so I think everybody else has a problem....maybe the UN will send their navy to take care of it.
Don't worry they (the pirates) learned from this failure. Next time they will come at night and throw grappling hooks and climb aboard before anyone can stop them.
Watch for it at 10 oclock.
Papa Ray
West Texas
From what I've read about pirate attacks off Somalia and Straits of Malacca, their boats are relatively small speedboats (possibly SRIB's as Andrew said). The photos of the cruiseship (it was just on CNN with an interview of a passenger from Vancouver) show it has a high freeboard (typical of cruiseships) which would make a surprise boarding difficult. As Andrew said, the cruise ships also have a much larger crew than a typical freighter or tanker. The CNN interview with the passenger indicated they peppered the ship with small arms fire and radioed the ship to stop. When the ship didn't, a RPG was apparently fired (possibly more than one). The passenger stated they were warned to move away from windows and lay down low. Apparently the RPG went through a woman's portlight (window) and smashed into her liquor cabinet - it failed to explode but destroyed her booze supply anyway.
The captain upped the ship's speed to max and tried to run over one of the boats that attempted to cut the Spirit off. This was unsuccessful and the captain headed out into the open sea - the boats had a hard time I suppose in the open ocean and dealing with the wake of the much larger ship.
Andrew answered your ques before I could get this up, but what the heck:
--"The Scandinavian ambiance is inviting; mellow lounges..."
Bahamian Vikings for security?
"The World Food Program announced Thursday that pirates are hijacking shipments into the area and hampering relief efforts."
"The WFP website called the coastline one of the most dangerous in the world." Soooo, WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY (UN) DOING ABOUT IT? Whining?
(and why do I think your word verification is subliminally teaching me arabic?)
One other thing from the interview. The passenger stated that the boat positioned in front of the Spirit fired at what they thought was the bridge but took out the windows of the bar instead - hope the liquor was OK.
Fox news apparently has video of the attack, but I am too bandwidth poor at the moment to watch it.
Here is a Frame from the Video.
From today's news online:
Cruise ship escapes pirate hijack
From correspondents in Nairobi
A LUXURY ship today narrowly escaped seizure by gunmen off the pirate-infested Somali coast when it sped off to the high seas amid a trail of gunfire.
The vessel was carrying at least 600 tourists from Europe destined to the Kenyan port city of Mombasa, where it was expected to arrive Monday, Andrew Mwangura of the Kenyan chapter of the Seafarers' Assistance Programme (SAP) told AFP.
"The captain made a distress call and later switched off the radio communication to avoid being traced by the hijackers," Mwangura said.
He said that the gunmen sailing in three boats later abandoned the chase as they could not venture into the high seas and that no one was injured in the botched hijack early today.
The attempted seizure came two days after the UN World Food Programme (WFP) warned that the increasingly dangerous Somali waters hampered delivery of relief supplies to more than half a million people facing acute food shortage there.
Last month pirates in the unpatrolled waters off the 3700-kilometre coastline of the war-torn Horn of Africa country released two UN-chartered vessels, one of which had been seized in June, but several others and their crews remain in captivity.
At least 23 hijackings and attempted seizures have been recorded off the Somalia coastline since mid-March, according to the International Maritime Bureau (IMB), which has warned ships to stay as far away from the coast as possible.
Sorry for posting the whole article, but I couldn't decide which bits to cut.
This news did make it into the actual hard copy of the paper (Sunday HeraldSun), but I think that was because there were 2 Australians on board the ship.
I admit, upon reading the piece in the paper, I did wonder why on earth anybody in their right minds would go for a cruise in that part of the world.
We've got enough problems in our part of the world without holidaying in other pirate havens.
Piracy has become a problem in several parts of the world in the last 10 or 15 years. Much of it is just basic criminal behavior, which in this case is politically difficult to take effective action against. The reason it is politically difficult is that to many of the worlds elites have forgotten that the purpose of a political elite is to take the lead in protecting society. They would rather enjoy the benefits while they last.
Can we clone George bush and make him President of several countries?
Most pirates are trying to get rich not hurt.
An awake guard with a 30’06 of some such will work for most situations.
But I do like your suggestions. The important thing is awake.
Baron & Dymphna
Do you think the French will pull it together enough that you will have to rename your blog “The Gates of Paris”?
Me either.
: -)
I really hate to say it but I have been having fun practicing my French by reading Google Actualités France. This is lot worse than in being reported in the US press.
But then Winter is coming we will have a pause until summer, then . . .
You don't have to practice your French. Google Theodore Dalrymple and "The Gates of Paris are Burning."
He wrote that in 2002...even then he said the favorite form of protest was setting things on fire.
Seriously, go read it -- he might as well have written it five minutes ago. Except now they're taking over the police stations.
Andrew S...looove your armament descriptions. So nicely done.
Speaking of Paris, there is a really good timeline on what's going on provided by a French person in Oz. He/she has provided some good insight into what's happening and how the French people really feel as opposed to what the pollies and press are saying they feel.
Great review and excellent commentary! Sites like this have long ago replaced my reading the Sunday NY Times. "All the history that’s fit to blog …"
Jason Pappas--
Don't forget the world history blog on our blogroll. He's go a great site.
It's a sad commentary on our times that no Admiralty Court in the world treats the crime of Piracy on the High Seas as punishable by death.
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