Sabatina James: It Is Better to Die in Freedom Than to Live in Submission
by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff
It was because of two books that I became active in the Counterjihad.
Readers are aware of a book called Gabriel’s Whisperings by Jaya Gopal (more about this book soon), but Sabatina James’ You Must Die for Your Happiness (Sterben sollst Du für Dein Glück) may not ring a bell.

Her story is one that has become so familiar in recent years: A Girl of Muslim background starts living a “Western” life by dressing in non-Islamic clothes, meeting boys, and going to discos. Her brothers and father strongly disagree, while the girl is either “subdued”, pressured into Muslim life, or decides to flee, thereby risking a death fatwa or death itself. In Sabatina’s case, the death fatwa was put on her head because she did something that was worse than anything else she did: she converted to Christianity.
Sabatina has not only lost her entire family, but also her country, Austria. The Austrian authorities showed special incompetence by not helping Sabatina, forcing her to relocate to Germany, where she is now in a witness protection program. This has not stopped her from helping to prevent girls from going through the same nightmare: her own non-profit organization, Sabatina e.V., aims to support young Muslim girls seeking help from their violent families or protection from arranged marriages. The organization offers counseling and education in human rights (the universal ones).
I have always admired Sabatina’s courage. She is truly a beacon in our fight for the preservation of Western Judeo-Christian values, of the Universal Declaration for Human Rights, of our way of life. Sabatina’s latest book focuses on her “life between Islam and Christianity”, one that is focused on Christian values and a Muslim background, both of which are crucial in helping her important work with battered Muslim girls and women. It is my hope that both her books will become available in English soon.
In the meantime, I leave the reader with a blurb by Ayaan Hirsi Ali:
Sabatina has paid a high price to live in freedom with her self-chosen belief. Today she takes a stand for other Muslim women who are confronted in their own families with abuse, oppression and deadly violence. I wish there were thousands of Sabatinas…
And Sabatina in her own words:
I [say] that I am afraid, afraid of the pain when I am about to be murdered. But as a Christian I believe that that my body can be killed, but not my soul. You can kill me, but not my courage, my moral courage.
It is better to die in freedom than to live in submission
Below is an article about Sabatina from Politically Incorrect. Many thanks to JLH for the translation:
Sabatina James: “Islam Is Incapable of Peace”
by Michael Stürzenberger
Read and be amazed: This past weekend, The Catholic Sunday Newspaper for Germany ran a story — mincing no words — about ex-Muslim, Sabatina James, with the title “Being Christian as a Death Sentence — a young Pakistani woman describes oppression by Islam.” Anyone who reads it and still has any doubt that in Islam we are dealing with a brutal and violence-glorifying ideology is beyond help.
Ethnic Pakistani Sabatina James was brutally oppressed and ultimately sentenced to death by her own family, when she refused to marry her cousin and then converted to Christianity. The most striking sentences from the ex-Muslim who talks with refreshing openness of the inner life of the “religion of peace™.”:
“Islam is incapable of peace.”
“The cause of violence against infidels, of forced marriages or of the oppression of women is in the Koran.”
“In Pakistani Koranic schools, hate against Christians and Jews is based on the holy book.”
“Authentic Islam is not a liberal Euro-Islam, but an Islam that teaches hatred and terror.”
“Muslim religious schools are breeding places for terror.”
“A girl is a weight on her father’s shoulders so long as she is not married.”
“In Islam, women are treated as second-class human beings.”
“Christians and Muslims do not have the same God.”
“Mohammed himself killed hundreds of Jews. Yet his life is a model for all Muslims.”
“It troubles me greatly when Islam is represented as peaceful, and forced marriages and honor killings as isolated incidents.”
““We must look at the cause. And that is the Koran. Terror comes not only from Al Qaida, but from the heart of Islam.”
“There is no difference between Islam and Islamism.”
“Mr. Wulff will be surprised. As soon as Muslims are in the majority, they will show their true face.”
“The basis of coexistence in Germany must be the constitution. Those who do not abide by it are free to return to their own country.”
It is also clearly stated in the article that the constitutions in Germany and Austria have long been infiltrated by sharia. Thus, the death sentence against poor Sabatina, who is living somewhere in Germany under constant police protection, should be carried out by an imam:
A Muslim cleric adds almost beseechingly: “Please, do not let me do what I then will have to do.” The father would not kill his daughter himself. The cleric would carry out the “sentence.”
In Austria — scandalously and overflowing with intercultural, sensitive qualifications — the authorities have accepted the forced marriage of Sabatina James:
The father’s signature on the marriage announcement was enough for Austrian authorities. That is possible under Islamic law, Sabatina says: “The woman does not even have to be present at the wedding” It becomes even more scurrilous: Cousin Salman — Sabatina’s husband by Islamic law — travels to the Alpine republic, and there he is adopted by Sabatina’s father. “Now he is my brother by marriage, my first cousin.” And this is in Austria. “I did not understand how the authorities could let that happen.”
It is also very interesting that Sabatina James informed the women’s group of CDU/CSU about Christian persecutions in Muslim countries. Has anything notable on this subject appeared publicly from this women’s group? As always, the result is deafening silence. Addressing that might hurt the “feelings” of the Muslims among us.
This hushing up, moral cowardice, and lying hypocrisy must stop. This article with the disarming testimony of Sabatina James is best suited to be handed around in your whole circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances. Outside of that, to both local and national politicians. And to the media, who must finally fulfill their journalistic responsibility: Explaining Islam without restriction.
The German people are waiting for that. If it does not happen, the pressure in the pressure cooker will eventually not be manageable.
God bless and protect this beautiful woman! She's going to need it, not only for her act of apostasy but for telling the horrific truth about the death cult which she was born into! Hopefully, with her help, more Muslims will develop the courage that she has!
When we say Western Judeo-Christian values we are naming something which the the modern Western liberal secular hedono-atheistic state is the enemy of, as much as real Islam, if not more. When admirers mention it, they think of something great that we all have in common, but there is perhaps no bridge to reconciliation and mutual understanding and cooperation with this unique enemy. Part of the problem has been the patience and good faith in waiting for such an event, while the wheels of destruction keep on turning and the liberal Marxist left's party is forced to go on on auto-pilot.
Thanks to people like her, I still have hope for those poor muslim souls I see every day. Sadly she is one of few who see the truth today, but hopefully time changes.
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