The peculiar thing is that this issue is nearly three years old. Where have all the angry protests been in the meantime? Until the plotters were arrested in Ireland last week, the Modoggie Crisis had lain dormant for two years. In other words, the “Muslim street” was not enraged until a group of Muslim conspirators was arrested and prevented from murdering Lars Vilks. Presumably Muslims are now angry because the execution attempt failed.
Before reporting the latest Modoggie Madness from the MSM, I’d like to point out a few facts about Lars Vilks’ Art Project.
1. | Lars Vilks did not draw a cartoon of Mohammed as a dog. His images were line drawings, not cartoons. They were no more cartoons than was, say, Picasso’s drawing of Don Quixote. | |
2. | Lars Vilks did not draw a cartoon of Mohammed as a dog. The drawings were not of Mohammed. They were entitled Profeten som Rondellhund, “The Prophet as a Roundabout Dog”. Mr. Vilks was very explicit in the early interviews: the Rondellhund was a prophet, but the artist was not specifying which prophet. This particular prophet happened to have a beard and a turban, but that was neither here nor there. | |
3. | Lars Vilks did not draw a cartoon of Mohammed as a dog. The prophet in Mr. Vilks’ drawings was depicted as a “Roundabout Dog”, which is a peculiar Swedish folk custom in which a statue or figurine is placed in the middle of a traffic circle. Roundabout Dogs are usually made of wood or metal, and resemble real dogs to varying degrees. But they are not dogs. See our first post about Lars Vilks for a fuller account of Rondelhundarna. | |
4. | Lars Vilks did not draw a cartoon of Mohammed as a dog. But he did name his own dog “Mohammed”. |
Mr. Vilks was being fiendishly clever in his incitement to Islamophobia. No Mohammed; no dog. Yet the Ummah has risen up as one to strike him down!
This entire operation is part of the Art Project, and the furious reaction of the world’s 7.73 octillion Muslims is just as much a phase of the art work as were the drawings of the Rondellhundar — not to mention the abject cowardly behavior of various politicians, media people, and other elite Western dhimmis.
Lars Vilks always has a twinkle in his eye, and the Art Project was constructed with full awareness of how his little jape might well play out.
But remember: at the same time he is completely serious. When an interviewer asked him if freedom of expression — as represented by his Modoggies — was worth dying for, he said simply, “Yes.”
Now we get down to the latest news about Modoggie Rage Syndrome, as reported in The Local. The most recent incident involves the furious reaction of Malaysia:
Malaysia Slams Sweden Over Cartoons- - - - - - - - -
The Malaysian foreign minister has asked Sweden to take action against newspapers which reprinted a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog last week.
“Malaysia strongly denounces the reprinting of the caricature of Prophet Muhammad by three Swedish newspapers on 10 March 2010,” foreign minister Anifah Aman said in an unusually outspoken statement yesterday.
He said his country was concerned that such “despicable acts disregard the sensitivity of the Muslim world in the name of freedom of expression.”
“Such irresponsible acts are provocative and offensive in nature and hence it is totally unacceptable,” he added.
“Malaysia wishes to request the Swedish government to take measures against such publications to prevent the recurrence of such irresponsible acts in the future.”
The country’s conservative Islamic party, PAS, announced plans to organize a demonstration and submit a formal letter of protest to the Swedish embassy over the re-printing of the caricature.
Sweden’s ambassador to Malaysia told the news agency TT that the demonstration is expected to happen at the end of the week, following Friday prayers.
The Malaysian foreign minister’s comments came at the end of a week which saw the arrest of seven people over an alleged plot to assassinate cartoonist Lars Vilks, who drew the caricature and who has a $100,000 bounty on his head from an Al-Qaeda-linked group. When the news of the plot broke, a number of Swedish newspapers reprinted the caricature, as a gesture of support for the cartoonist’s freedom of expression.
The original controversy started when a Swedish regional daily published Vilks’ satirical cartoon in 2007, prompting protests by local Muslims which later led to international protests. Egypt, Iran and Pakistan have all lodged formal complaints with the Swedish government.
Hat tip: TB.
For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.
Quite peculiar, in my opinion, both the plot against Lars Vilks and the Ummah's response, considering that the story is so old. I start wondering if the whole stuff is not orchestrated in the capitals of the Muslim world to cause a little turmoil.
Wonderfully written post! Intelligent and charming.
Of course it is orchestrated to wind up local rage boys about everywhere in the muslim world. The same happened at the time of the danish motoon affair. It would have been a fart in the wind haven't it been for some "danish" imams travelling around the middle east and wind up people down there. Exactly who is behind it in this case I don't know. Perhaps that too will become known in time.
The peculiar thing is that this issue is nearly three years old. Where have all the angry protests been in the meantime?
Robin Shadowes: Of course it is orchestrated to wind up local rage boys about [this] everywhere in the muslim world. The same happened at the time of the danish motoon affair. It would have been a fart in the wind hadn't it been for some "danish" imams travelling around the middle east and winding up people down there. Exactly who is behind it in this case I don't know. Perhaps that too will become known in time.
Robin has nailed it entirely.
This entire imbroglio is merely a redux of the thoroughly fabricated Danish Motoon pseudo-crisis. It seems as though Islam simply cannot survive for long without periodic episodes of prolonged seething brought on by hyperventilation over some or another imagined slight, however unintentional or even well-deserved, as is too often the case.
Perhaps all of this is intended to mask the far greater significance of American-born Muslima terrorist, Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, and her attempt to murder Vilks on his own soil. All of us should be much more concerned over the way Islam is slowly making inroads upon harder-to-detect American or European nationals in its pursuit of violently imposing shari'a law on a global basis.
Let's keep the spotlight trained upon the real centerpiece of this Islamic tripe volcano. Muslims continue to infiltrate cultures on all levels in ways that must certainly disqualify them from both constitutional religious protections and any freedom of speech with respect to such a barbarous ideology.
The sand ran out of Islam's hourglass CENTURIES AGO yet it continues to live on borrowed time loaned to it courtesy of fortuitous petrological happenstance. It's long past tea to hold Islam accountable for over a millennia of the genocidal tryanny and slavery that it is justly famous for.
People like Jamie and Colleen are much more dangerous simply because they are blond and blue-eyed. If they take off all that garb they can blend in perfectly with the rest of us. They can so to speak fly under the radar until it is the right time to strike into the heart of the kuffar. Thus it is utterly important to expose and catch these western converts before it is too late. That does not mean I take lightly scumbuckets like Andy Choudary and Mullah Krekar but guys with long beards, pj's and towels on top of them you can spot from miles ahead. Jihad jane's and jamie's is not as easy to spot if they wear western clothing. No matter if their intent is to blow themselves up in crowds or infiltrate our instituitions, they're still a danger to our society.
Another thing, why has these crackpots been let loose again? Is it MB, OIC or CAIR pushing the irish government from behind the curtains?
"O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Awliyaa, they are but Awliyaa’ of each other. And if any amongst you takes them as Awliyaa’, then surely, he is one of them. Verily, Allaah guides not those people who are the Zaalimoon"
Awliyaa’: friends, protectors, helpers
Zaalimoon: you and me and polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust
Malayasians are lucky that Sweden isn't having me as their leader because I would have stopped having displomatic relations with Malayasia because of their request, until they withdraw it. Obviously at some point I would stop having relations with the whole Middle East, which would mean that I won't take asylum seekers or immigrants from those regions either. :P
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