If you’re the same kind of guy, you’ll want to go out and get yourself a copy of The Three Little Pigs Buy the White House, by Dan Piraro. Mr. Piraro is familiar to thousands, if not hundreds, of readers via his syndicated comic strip in — gasp! — The Washington Times.
From the Amazon scan of the book’s blurb page:
Follow the adventures of Dickey, Rummy, and Dubya — the three little pigs who went WEE WEE WEE all the way to the White House!
In the fine tradition of scorched earth, take no prisoners political satire, The Three Little Pigs Buy the White House pokes fun at a certain trio of Republican politicians who are living high on the hog.
WATCH OUT: these little pigs have no problems replacing brick with straw when it comes to your nation’s security. And don’t be afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, that is if… uh… we can find him.
Well, that’s got me salivating. I’m ready to huff and puff and blow the book open. The first page shows Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, impeccably caricatured:
This little piggy worked for Nixon.
This little piggy did too.
The Amazon page shots are marked “copyrighted material”, so I dare not reproduce them here. But the picture of Nixon-the-pig, with the dark purple color, the long piggy snout — you can’t beat that for cutting-edge satire.
Next page:
This little piggy made millions off of big oil.
In the illustration — wait for it — Dick Cheney lights his cigars with $100 bills! And while sipping a martini, with an olive in it! I mean, am I ROTFLMAO, or what?
That’s it for the Amazon excerpts. But, according to our tipster, Mr. Piraro has an afterword concerning the depiction of the animals in his book. He warns the reader that pigs and wolves do not necessarily have the characteristics that he depicts, and that people should not make sweeping generalizations about the predilections of animals.
Now, sweeping generalizations about Republicans — well, that’s A-OK.
This is a hard-hitting, transgressive, speak-truth-to-power sort of book. You know it will sell out pronto, so rush on down to your local B&N, grab yourself a mocha frappuccino, settle into one of the comfy chairs, and read one of the display copies before it gets too dog-eared and fingerprinted to be legible.
Hat tip: ApollonZamp, who said: I thought about buying it for you, but then decided I didn’t want money to go into the pocket of this guy’s homegrown organic hemp jeans. However, I couldn’t steal it easily, either. Our loss.
Whoooa! Dude! That's like, all deep and...yeah! I mean, cuz everyone knows that wolves are all peaceful, because they're really just, like, Native Americans who've gone into animal shape.
But I thought that, like, Dubya was a chimp. How can he be a chimp 'n' a pig?
Hmmm, Dick Cheney drinks martinis with an olive.
I knew I liked the guy!
For decades, his strip was non-political, but for some reason he's decided to come out of the ideological closet very recently with a bunch of knee-slappers about Fox News and other right-wing menaces. Yesterday's strip (wa-ha-ha - wait till you hear this) - a guy is watching TV and the news annoouncer is a fox! (snort, choke) and the fox is saying (a-hahahaha) "We'll be back with more feel-good patriotism and thinly disguised propaganda after this" (can you stand it?). There is a footnote at the bottom of the panel that says "with apologies to real foxes". Whew! I don't think the Bushitlers and their whole pig trip can survive this kind of cutting satire. Right on, brutha.
Dan Piraro is an old friend of Patch Adams'.
Nuff said.
Were you reading the "Classics Illustrated" comic book version? most people who have actually read Orwell and know anything about him and his life know he was writing about Communists.
I have a feeling that forty_two rarely reads anything more complex, politically or literary, than a Ted Rall cartoon.
But wait, there's more..
This book doesn’t sound halal … where’s CAIR?
Growing up with leftists here in NYC, I can tell you they really believe this stuff. Are you sure this wasn't written by the staff of the New York Times?
this is good for a laugh:
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