In other news, Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, declined to promise that the United States would not shoot down Israeli warplanes if they overfly Iraq on the way to attack Iran’s nuclear sites.
Thanks to 4symbols, C. Cantoni, Fausta, Fjordman, Gaia, heroyalwhyness, Insubria, JD, KGS, Nilk, Steen, TB, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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n other news, Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, declined to promise that the United States would not shoot down Israeli warplanes if they overfly Iraq on the way to attack Iran’s nuclear sites.
In compliance with the wishes of Dhimmi Carter's Natl. Security Advisor Zigsmallnewrat Brzezinski. This is simply insane.
Actually, if the United States permits Israel to attack Iran over the air space that the U.S. controls in Iraq, the United States is being an accomplice in attacking Iran.
By the way, does Israel provide military troops to the Allies in Iraq and Afghanistan? I truly don't know.
Afonso Henriques: Actually, if the United States permits Israel to attack Iran over the air space that the U.S. controls in Iraq, the United States is being an accomplice in attacking Iran.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Crushing Iran would be one of the more productive messages that could be sent to Islam in general. As a core sponsor of international terrorism and major destabilizing factor in the MME (Muslim Middle East), Iran's current quest for nuclear weapons only magnifies the importance of this task.
Russia and China's cupidity in using Iran to triangulate against Western interests is a slap in the face for the entire global community. Russia, especially, continues to absorb serious body blows from Islamic terrorists even as it remains a net exporter of terrorism.
Iran's entire economy could be brought to a screeching halt merely by bombing its last remaining operative gasoline refineries and interdicting all import of that fuel. Additionally, its entire population could be brought to their knees in a few short weeks by halting all shipments of wheat. Iran recently eclipsed Japan as the world's largest imnporter of wheat.
As with much of the Islamic world, some of the most hostile Muslim nations sit perched upon a razor's edge of bare survival even as they continue to stab at the West from Hell's heart. It would be a huge help if they were introduced to the Hell that they already occupy on far more intimate terms.
This, and only this, is what might cause large numbers of Muslims to rethink the wisdom of global jihad.
When Russia invade Georgia there were 2,000 Israeli military advisers in the country. You don't have to be a military genius to realise that flying out from Georgian airbases the Israelis do not have to go over Iraq to get at Iran it is just out over the Caspian sea and direct into Iranian airspace, forget flying through American airspace over Iraq. One wonders what the Israelis were offering Georgia in exchange. It certainly wasn't enough to deter the the Russians. What was it that the Russians found on the airbases that the Israelis left so quickly that suddenly caused them the Russians to start buying Israeli drones, do they know something that we don't know. What ever happens in the middle east, and it is going to happen mark my words the Yid's have more than enough strategic depth to wipe Iran off the map. The question is does Iran understand this. More important does America have the testicular fortitude in the coming few months to to stand eye ball to eye ball with the regime in Iran and not blink. The Iranian will certainly try something once they have the bomb and a delivery system. M.A.D. Mutual assured destruction certainly kept the peace during the last 50 years, but will it when the leadership of Iran get the bomb?
In hoc signo vinces
The M.A.D. deterrent was made null and void by Ahmadinejad signaling his intent.
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