Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Dream Boycott

The boycott movement against Israel is gaining strength. Our Swedish correspondent CB reports on the latest incident in his country, which involves the Taekwondo Association. First, here’s his explanatory note:

The source of this article is the blog of one editors of the conservative Svenska Dagbladet, Pär Gudmundsson (in turn a part quote from Skånska Dagbladet). It’s about a Taekwondo tournament where the sponsoring club in Trelleborg, Skåne (close to Malmö — who would have guessed?) have scared away the Israeli team with rumours about a 10,000(!)-strong Muslim group coming to settle the score with the Israelis about the Gaza war. Apparently they got their memo from Lord Ahmed in London on how to keep unwanted people away. Always mention 10,000 Muslims in the streets, in a unspecified manner, and Westerners cave in.

Now, one can raise the question about how Western Chalibat and Böö is, but their organisation certainly is part of Swedish society, which so far is part of the West. Look at the lame answer from Ferenc Böö explaining his letter to the Israelis “They have received a letter from me that I wrote on behalf of Chakir Chalibat”. What General Secretary with any self-respect writes a letter on somebody’s behalf to scare another team away? Who thinks he’s not in on it, but, hey, let’s throw the little leader under the bus and the MSM will get tired enough while sorting out who did what, and we don’t have to answer the hard questions. Questions about anti-Semitism in the highest ranks of the Swedish Taekwondo Association and what Muslims these presumably 10,000 actually are.

What group can put a 10,000-strong mob on Swedish streets and have the tenacity to make those threats? If it’s a figment to scare the Israelis away, shouldn’t that constitute a hate-crime on the part of the Taekwondo Association? Will the police pick up on this? The Public Prosecutor? The Government? I won’t hold my breath!

And now for CB’s translation of Gudmundsson:

In Trelleborg Reepalus a dream boycott is fulfilled

In Trelleborg there is no need for political decisions. There the mob takes care of the boycott of Jews themselves. Skånska Dagbladet tells about how the Israeli Taekwondo team was scared away:

According to the European Jewish Congress in Paris, representatives for the Swedish Taekwondo association informed the Israeli team leaders that “ten thousand members of a Muslim organisation threaten to settle the score with you on account of the war in Gaza”.

But the statements are denied by Chakir Chalibat, main coach in the sponsoring Trelleborg Taekwondo club.
- - - - - - - - -

But when SkD phones Adi Davidov, the head coach of the Israeli taekwondo team, it sounds different:

“Unfortunately it is so. We have participated every year with a team of 40 people. But Chakir Chalibat warned us about a group so we decided not to come this time.”

The decision received criticism afterwards from the Israeli Olympic committee, says Adi Davidov, because the tournament was part of the team’s program for 2009. It was Ferenc Böö, General Secretary of the Swedish Taekwondo association, who wrote to the Israeli team.

“They have received a letter from me that I wrote on behalf of Chakir Chalibat.”

[Gudmundsson comments] Hmm. Chakir Chalibat has taken a beating before by the creature of dictatorship [and he gives a link to an article about the Cuban who kicked Chalibat in the Olympics and threatened his life for the game. In that article Chalibat explains that he was not afraid and is very zealous for justice — just not justice for Jews it seems…].


filthykafir said...

Counter strategy:

Invite Jews to every public and private event we hold. Do this very publically. Favor Jews. Affirmative-action Jews.

Boycott the boycotters. Let us go out of our way to not do business with or have other association with all persons and groups that exclude Jews for any reason. Call ahead to event planners. Ask if Jews are included or excluded, and act accordingly.

And last, lets all learn Hebrew.

heroyalwhyness said...

Quote: "Apparently they got their memo from Lord Ahmed in London on how to keep unwanted people away. Always mention 10,000 Muslims in the streets, in a unspecified manner, and Westerners cave in."

Think about that and contemplate the consequences of permitting super or mega mosque structure permits in your countries.

For instance, consider the influence to be projected by members of a Mega Mosque planned to be built on 17 acres next to the 2012 London Olympic complex and serve 70,000 congregants.
Now imagine the options a singular grievance mongering session in that structure will present to Miliband or Jacquie Smith or Gordon Brown on any given day.

Anonymous said...

It is an old historical regularity that right before a nation collapses, one of the last things they do is to chase away the Jews.

In fact, that usually helps to hasten the collapse.

Anonymous said...

It is an old historical regularity that right before a nation collapses, one of the last things they do is to chase away the Jews.

That would explain the decline and fall of the Roman Empire which chased away the Jews in 70 A.D. and collapsed in 476 A.D.