The blogger KGS of Tundra Tabloids was present at the event, and has a full account here. He went to the social gathering at Steen’s apartment later that evening, at which several Gates of Vienna correspondents were also present. Everyone reports that it was a delightful occasion.
Steen has his own account at Snaphanen. It’s in Danish, but has excellent photos.
Update: Steen has a new post with a link to a 31-minute video of the event. It features both Lars Hedegaard and Daniel Pipes, and is in English.
[Nothing follows]
The Sarcastic Idiocy Forum always enjoys a good Danish.
Baron Bodissey:
I recenly translated an interview starring Lars Hedegaard in Swedish TV-channel Axess, as a task in my English studies. Hedegaard is the president of Society for the freedom of press (Trykkefrihetsselskabet).
The interview is about his book, "House of the wars - Islams's colonialization of the Western-World". It is also about what's about to happen with Denmark and Sweden, about history-falsifications and, oh yeah, the turning-point of Islam in Vienna in 1683.
I thought that perhaps the interview is of interest for Gates of Vienna, but that is, of course, your decision.
However, I couldn't find your email-adress anywere at this web page...; Can you tell me your email so I can send you the interview (as text) ?
Jonathan --
Our email link was buried way down in the sidebar; I've just moved it nearer to the top.
Here it is:
I swear, the two of you should be the American Correspondents with Jyllands Posten, or at least have a blog on their website.
Any Danes here have some influence with the editors of J-P?
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