Since we don’t follow or report on the infotainment dressed up as “news” in the MSM, we can’t give you an update on that Frankenfried Flotilla. However, we think this update is way better than the bumf from our jornolists. Trenchant, witty, and silly: perfect!
We don’t have any Weenie news either. For all we know he’s still in a rest home. As for the Casey Anthony…Anthony Casey…case, nope. Won’t go there...and you probably shouldn’t either.
But if that music didn’t entertain you, then enjoy the next tune, sent by Mark in NY.
Ponchak?? Who knew? Mark says it’s oompah-enka. Or, maybe "Enka chan-chaka-chan"?
This production was put up on Youtube in 2007, where one commenter exclaimed:
"Japanese people are freaking way am I ever buying another Honda."
Au contraire, dear sir. This music proves why Hondas last so long...these are normal people, dressed normally, and seemingly engaged in their normal fun --i.e. group singing.
No slut couture, no green hair, no wife-beater t-shirts, no screaming.
What's not to like?

A disclaimer: "The Baron" thinks this piece of video actually dates from the 1970s and that's why everyone looks sane.
The first video would be funny if things weren't so darned serious. Israel is about to end up like Czechlosovakia in the 1930's. Sooner or later, Western elites will declare "Peace in our times" by putting Israel in an impossible position. And not long after that, there will be war.
As far as the second video: Don't be fooled by that charming, gracious Yamato exterior. Right now, unbeknownst to us, a great secret Japanese fleet sails towards Hawaii in complete radio silence, intent on unleashing Operation: Enka chan-chaka-chan.
cumpa_29: Right now, unbeknownst to us, a great secret Japanese fleet sails towards Hawaii in complete radio silence…
Climb Mount Nii-chaka!
Kawasaki better than Honda.
Japanese machine of 500cc,
Driven by Balkan man,
real macho man.
No slut couture, no green hair, no wife-beater t-shirts, no screaming.
What's not to like?
There is something to be said for appropriate decorum in the public environment.
Actually to this day, group singing is a Japanese tradition. It comes from their village traditional entertainment, seasonal celebrations and religious activities.
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