Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fjordman Discusses the English Defence League

Fjordman’s latest essay has been published at the English Defence League website. Some excerpts are below:

Critical comments have been published about the alleged extremism of the English Defence League (EDL), the anti-Jihadist street protest movement that is active in many English cities.

The origins of the EDL can be traced back to Luton, England in the spring of 2009, after British troops were harassed by militant Muslims. Scandinavian blogger Conservative Swede commented in April 2009 that “The police broke up a march on Monday 13/4/09 by British people wanting to reclaim their streets from Muslim fanatics. Officers said it was illegal to stage the protest in Luton where extremists were allowed only last month to shout abuse at troops home from Iraq. This is the first time I can remember seeing Westerners act morally. All morality is ultimately rooted in moral outrage. Without socially manifested moral outrage there can only be nihilism. All the priestly preachers of the all-encompassing Enlightenment tsunami, and their priestly institutions, have during the last centuries, and especially during the last decades, worked eagerly to deprive the Westerners of all sense of morality, all sense of honour, and left us with nothing but their cynical, destructive and cruel nihilism; which is in the process of killing us as a civilization. It’s good to see the goodness and honour of these young men. It shows the natural sense of morality that after all exists under the surface among the Westerners. Something we haven’t seen since the days of Enoch Powell. Something that has been utterly suppressed by the traitorous pharisees in our ruling classes.”

It is interesting to notice that persons who work for the other team can often see things more clearly than many of us do. Jon Cruddas, a Labour Party MP, wrote in an essay in the left-wing, pro-Islamic newspaper The Guardian that “What makes the EDL much more dangerous is how it reflects a wider political and cultural war. Across western Europe rightwing populist parties are achieving huge electoral success on the same anti-Islam platform.”

Yes. This happens because ordinary people now sense that we are being lied to. We are fed-up with seeing our so-called leaders appease organizations that have declared war against our societies, while our sons and daughters are being harassed in the streets by immigrant gangs.

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time,” as Abraham Lincoln once allegedly stated. The number of people who truly believe that Islam is a religion of peace is rapidly declining in all Western countries, despite a concerted pro-Islamic propaganda campaign in our mass media that would have made Chairman Mao proud. The treasonous multicultural elites in our countries are losing this battle for the minds of their people and are finally getting nervous.

I notice that left-wing media such as the BBC and The Guardian, both notorious for their pro-Islamic, anti-Christian and anti-Western bias, are very concerned that the EDL might spread “Islamophobia” and critical comments about their country’s insane immigration policies to wider sections of the general public. As far as I am concerned, that’s the best possible recommendation the EDL could get. That alone is reason enough to support their efforts.

Read the rest at the EDL website.


matism said... 1
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Baron Bodissey said... 2

matism --

We can do without the last part of your comment. Anything that resembles incitement can cause this blog to be shut down.


matism said...

On their own, those most widely blamed for trying to destroy the EDL are nothing more than flapping gums. The REAL evil is "Law Enforcement". Those same fine people who did NOTHING to stop the Religion of Peace from accosting the British soldiers, but who were quite willing to shut down the counter protest at a later date.

Zenster said... 3

From the full article: Islamic Jihad has declared an eternal war against all other cultures and religions on this planet. Promoting Islamic propaganda and viewpoints while harassing those who tell the truth about Islam for “Islamophobia and racism” makes you complicit in Islam’s war against humanity. This makes the BBC, The Guardian and their ilk throughout the Western world enemies of civilization. Not just enemies of Western civilization, which they surely are, but enemies of any civilization worthy of the name. [emphasis added]

This remains a critical distinction that is not made often enough. It isn't just the West that's at risk, despite the fact that Europe and America are fatted calves currently most at risk from Muslim colonization. It also bears noting that constitutional rights granted in these two modern regions are easily subverted over to serving the jihadist cause and, therefore, make these locales more appealing to Islamic invaders. Still, the point remains that Islam threatens all civilization and not just that of the West.

Consequently, it bears repeating that, at day's end, all of civilization is at risk. China, amidst its aggressive manipulation of Islam in triangulation against the West is, as yet, relatively unattuned to the actual threat.

Russia, however, has no excuse ― what with Beslan and the Nord Ost Opera House plus numerous other Islamic atrocities ― for not understanding better how self-detrimental its own use of Islam truly is in triangulation against the West. A case in point is Russia's assistance with Iran's nascent nuclear weapons program.

Fortunately, the emerging superpower of India is more than cognizant of Islam's threat and will likely provide a third leg for some sort of functional platform that will provide global resistance to jihad.

Where Fjordman's otherwise capable coverage of the EDL falters somewhat is that it does not provide adequate detail with respect to deconstructing Leftist accusations regarding supposed "right wing leanings" and, of far greater importance, more recent accusations of Antisemitism.

It is vitally important to highlight the EDL's Herculean efforts at immunizing themselves to these constant smears of "racism" and Antisemitism. They have done so quite admirably by recruiting Guramit Singh as a spokesman and routinely flying the Israeli flag at their demonstrations.

With his deservedly wide readership, Fjordman had a golden opportunity to ensure that these prudent measures that are so diligently employed by the EDL would not go unnoticed by an even larger audience.

I certainly hope that the author will drop by and comment accordingly so as to remedy this one (most likely unintentional), oversight.

Zenster said... 4

matism, you both do yourself an injustice and risk boring your target audience by so exclusively focusing so much rage upon law enforcement.

While they are, indeed, "just following orders", it is their upper echelons and political helmsmen that must be outed for complicity with Islam. Dollars to doughnuts, many of these poor coppers are just trying to hold onto their jobs like so many others in this global recession.

Does that make their actions against indigenous British citizens any less reprehensible? No, it most certainly does not. Still, be sure to shine the spotlight where it belongs, on administrative and political leadership.

Such seething and incitement does your own cause no good and only serves to polarize decent members of law enforcement against sites such as these which are studiously attempting to recruit them into the Counterjihad.

Gregory said... 5

I don't see how one can have a counter-jihad without inciting people. The crusades weren't done by people banging away on their keyboards you know....

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said... 6


I would really think twice before lauding the British police not only as an institution but as an individual stereotype.

Zenster said... 7

In Hoc Signo Vinces†": I would really think twice before lauding the British police not only as an institution but as an individual stereotype.

Oh, come on, IHSV†. What portion of the highly culpable "just following orders" part was unclear?

Cops who protect jihadists in favor of those who protest them have their own particular ring in Hell awaiting them but it is their executive and political leaders who are destined for the innermost circles.

I cannot think but that we agree.

1389 said... 8


From your comment:

"This makes the BBC, The Guardian and their ilk throughout the Western world enemies of civilization. Not just enemies of Western civilization, which they surely are, but enemies of any civilization worthy of the name. [emphasis added]

This remains a critical distinction that is not made often enough. It isn't just the West that's at risk, despite the fact that Europe and America are fatted calves currently most at risk from Muslim colonization. It also bears noting that constitutional rights granted in these two modern regions are easily subverted over to serving the jihadist cause and, therefore, make these locales more appealing to Islamic invaders. Still, the point remains that Islam threatens all civilization and not just that of the West.

Consequently, it bears repeating that, at day's end, all of civilization is at risk. China, amidst its aggressive manipulation of Islam in triangulation against the West is, as yet, relatively unattuned to the actual threat.

Russia, however, has no excuse ― what with Beslan and the Nord Ost Opera House plus numerous other Islamic atrocities ― for not understanding better how self-detrimental its own use of Islam truly is in triangulation against the West. A case in point is Russia's assistance with Iran's nascent nuclear weapons program."

Would you mind writing a blog post on that topic yourself? After all, 1389 Blog emphasizes the Slavic and Orthodox Christian world.

Rex Dyer said... 9

Islam is only able to threaten England because of the complete dominance of PCMC.PCMC power has to be destroyed.PCMC has to be publicly challenged and successfully defied.This can be done relatively easily and peacefully.It's about simply refusing to obey.

Rex Dyer said... 10

Say an English girl wears an English flag pin to school. Her teacher makes her remove it because it's offensive. Now, what if the next day every single English student (perhaps 50% of the student body) showed up wearing an English flag pin.When told to remove them the students respond with a polite, civilized "No." What are they going to do? Beat them? Lay hands on them? Expell them? 50% of their students? Now what if this starts happening in other schools around the country? Maybe 50 other schools, or a 100 schools, or 500 schools. What are they going to do?

Rex Dyer said... 11

Is the Prime Minister going to get involved? No.Eventually the "authorities" will shut up because nobody is listening to them. Now we have a before and after. Before, it was forbidden for English children to wear their flag to their school.Now they do.What else is forbidden? You start small. You have a victory. You move to the next thing. PCMC is such a target rich environment because everything is forbidden. You just need numbers.

Nick said... 12

@Rex Dyer,
I agree that the poison that is "political correctness" needs to be extirpated from our own countries. The very use of the word 'correctness' in this context is telling. Used to be that if something was correct, that meant it was true. Now it means that it is in line with what we are told to think. Truth is irrelevant.

However we have the problem of the 'authorities' actually existing. There are no doubt true believers, and there's no convincing them that they are not in fact correct in their thinking (i.e. it is not factually correct - based on truth).

They won't even let you have the language to say that to them - let alone accept what you are saying.

And you have the flunkies. They're quite possibly worse than the true believers. They'll do what their masters tell them. Hell, they'll even suppress any 'incorrect' (i.e. not permitted) thought by attacking unbelievers without being told to do it.

So when we are trying to address the problem of a way of thought being established and then supported by others, we have to address the people doing this. (See link.) Not just the way of thought itself.

And by that I mean we have to consider what they will do if people start to fight back, I mean really fight back. We have to factor that in.

Rex Dyer said... 13


I'm not really talking about "fighting back". At least not in the aggressive,confrontational with the police, street demo kind of way. That's what the establishment wants. That's their preferred scenario. That way they can marginalize and discredit the protesters as "violent", "racist", "thugs" and the police can isolate and brutalize them.

This is more fundamental. This approach is one that a much larger share of the oppressed, fearful, resentful English masses would be willing to participate in. It's peaceful noncompliance. The purpose at this stage is not to try and "convince" the authorities of anything. It's to demonstrate to the English people that it is possible to successfully fefuse to obey.

Rex Dyer said... 14

In my earlier example there was no discussing. Nobody is trying to do any convincing. It's more like ignoring. It's simply "Remove those pins. They're racist!"..."No." Simple. No yelling. No rudeness. Just a plain, but firm "No.". Thousands of kids, in hundreds of schools across the nation. I chose kids for maximum sympathy.

Millions of English people following the story everyday. First there is curiosity. Then sympathy. Then solidarity. Then imitators start popping up . Then the schools back down. Then there is pride. And cockyness. Then we move on to the next thing. You start small and work your way up. People start ignoring PCMC authority. In mass.

Rex Dyer said... 15

Or is that "en mass"? Whoops. Anyway, it's just an idea. England is the last colony of the British Empire. The police are seypoys, oppressing their own people for their British upper class masters. It's time for a Free England campaign. Passive resistance.