In other news, Ireland is the latest Eurozone country whose bonds have been assigned “junk” status. Italy is attempting to ward off a similar fate by promising immediate implementation of new austerity plans. The French are worried, because they have the greatest exposure to Italian debt.
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Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Gaia, Insubria, Kitman, Nilk, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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Talking of the situation in Naples, there was a documentary on BBC2 last night about the Camorra:
Here's a link to the BBC iPlayer.
Anyone interested in the situation in Italy could do worse than start reading a little Massimo Carlotto.
And I wonder: would it be possible to draw any parallels between the Camorra in Naples and the Muslim Brotherhood in say, Cairo? Having politicians in your pocket etc? One of the things that was said in that documentary was that the Camorra gained much of their support from the public by providing services which the state struggled to provide. They became an alternative to the state in many ways. Could this not be said about the MB as well? It could be interesting to compare the two. I can't see an Egyptian Massimo Carlotto though, writing novels about it!
Is neopolitan garbage still chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry?
Imagine if yout internet was halal!
You might be interested in the following article on the violent detention of the suspected Minsk Metro bomber. It transpires that he is an ethnic Russian Wahhabist convert. You'll not find any other English-language news reports on this story as yet: http://durotrigan.blogspot.com/2011/07/suspected-minsk-metro-bomber-detained.html
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