Go here to see the ad “personalized” for several states. As of this writing they have this generic plus ads specifically aimed for Florida, Ohio, Montana and Nebraska, complete with names and numbers. I’m so lazy I’m going to wait till they put up our state’s information. Maybe.
Check out the comments. So far only twenty nine responses but given the range of topics (including — go figure — Islam) they’re suprisingly sewer-free. It’s early times, though.
Here’s my favorite comment, one which actually pays attention to the content of the video:
LOL, She is even playing a big Bull Fiddle while Rome burns!
My heavens, look at that! Humor, a nod to history, and brevity. A trifecta! I can do the first two but attaining that last virtue is a struggle against my Celtic hard-wiring.

Hat tip: Bob Weir
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