I will give no interviews to the European media, for the reasons given in the statement below, which is being sent out in reply to all reporters who request such interviews.
If you read anything in the European press purporting to be my words, and it differs in any way from the text below (with the exception of the alternate words in square brackets), then it has been edited before publication by someone other than myself.

I have access to translated summaries of every European news story on Breivik and the Oslo murders, and of course I can read the English-language articles myself. I am well aware of what is being said in the newspapers and on television about me, Fjordman, and many other colleagues.
It is astonishing how much bad information, innuendo, rumor published as fact, unsourced articles, character assassination, and outright lies are being published in Europe today. The lack of ethical behavior among professional journalists is absolutely appalling.
Because I attended some of the events described, and know many of the people involved, I can see how bad the reporting is. The slanders and the smears are obvious. Unlike your [readers] [viewers], I am cognizant of the truth.
Given these conditions, there is no way that I will consent to be interviewed by anyone in the European press.
However, you have my permission to publish this email, provided that you publish it in its entirety, with no omissions or alterations, in the original English.