Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/19/2011

Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/19/2011The phone-hacking scandal continues to swirl around the feet of British Prime Minister David Cameron. Despite the apparent involvement of a former Murdoch employee who is now his aide, Mr. Cameron disclaims all knowledge of the sordid goings-on. London bookmakers, however, are giving odds that the PM’s days are numbered, and the only question is who will succeed him when he resigns.

In other news, a recent poll shows that half of the Dutch people want to leave the Eurozone, and an even larger proportion want their government to stop subsidizing the deadbeat countries of Europe.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to AC, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Gaia, Insubria, Mary Abdelmassih, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.


Gregory said... 1

Yesterday, I commented about people not doing anything to effect a counter-jihad. The 1389 blog summarizes why:
So these high-profile bloggers and admins begin to pull their punches:
They practice self-censorship about acceptable topics for news coverage, and how those topics should be addressed – especially when it comes to the counterjihad.
In place of hard news and controversy, they draw traffic with eye candy and “fluff”.
They may continue to copy and paste relevant material from, or publish links to, various news sources, but they refuse to draw the obvious conclusions from those news stories, or to allow their commenters to draw any conclusions that might make someone uncomfortable.
They avoid everything that might draw unwanted attention from some governmental body, pressure group, or even other bloggers and commenters.

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said... 2

After several years of posting on GoV for the very first time I have had one of my comments delated, this I will put down to political friendly fire.

Delated comments breaks the confidence in posting on the comments sections of websites for that the only remedy it to take time-out from posting.

Dymphna said... 3


They may continue to copy and paste relevant material from, or publish links to, various news sources, but they refuse to draw the obvious conclusions from those news stories, or to allow their commenters to draw any conclusions that might make someone uncomfortable.

To whom do you direct this complaint or judgment or observation?

Are we to infer from your comment that Gates of Vienna does this? Or are you pointing elsewhere?

What is your own pushback against the problem of terrorism where you live?.

If you don't think speech can get you arrested and deplete your life's earnings and separate you from your family, then you haven't been paying attention.

Have you seen what speaking the truth has cost Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff? Perhaps you read her post about her recent experience in the US?

The 'Non-Existent' Islamization of America

I have no idea who it is you're making these judgments about, but it would behoove those who publicly judge others to try some years on the front lines first.

Dymphna said... 4

@In Hoc Signo Vinces†...

After several years of posting on GoV for the very first time I have had one of my comments delated...

I didn't realize it was the first time. You've left some unpleasant comments in the past and no one has picked up on them so I let them slide. However, that other person did what I'd always been concerned might happen: she took your unfriendly observation and threw it back at you, ratcheted up exponentially.

When I saw your comment I considered deleting it but I was distracted...focused on the young man who followed you. Did you even notice the guy? He described the awful loneliness and isolation of his life and then managed to find one small piece that was good. I suggest you look at John's comments (including the second one which Blogger put in as being from "Unknown") and then click on his profile and go to his blog.

It was his sadness of having to live where his few possessions are stolen that really moved me.

In light of his suffering your heated and ugly exchange with the other commenter seem inconsequential.

You're a Christian, right? I mean you do have a Christian nic, don't you? So go back and read the real suffering, the up-close and personal distress that John spoke about.

And after that I'd love to hear what you think about his poverty. One thing's for sure: despite his disabling condiiton, despite his isolatiion & loneliness, John has an authentic poverty of spirit.

Whatever. I sure hope you can let Thatcher go because her wrongs make for a limited discourse.

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said... 5

As I have already said had put the incident down to political friendly fire.

Having said that the inference from your above words is one of long standing aversion to the nic In hoc signo vinces† - 4Symbols.

Therefore it maybe wise to take a leaf out of the Baron's book - "I know when I’m being set up, and I refuse to participate."

Dymphna said... 6

Jeez louise, fellow...this inference of yours is so wide of the mark it's in outer space somewhere:

Having said that the inference from your above words is one of long standing aversion to the nic In hoc signo vinces† - 4Symbols.

I don't have ANY long-standing aversion to you or your nic.

My comment concerned several things. I'll try once more to explain them, this time more concretely.

I took YOU to task for several things:

(1) Jumping over John's comments so you could take aim at the person who took your original mean-spirited remark and ratcheted up the spite.

(2) Your shared responsibility in causing that thread to be closed.

(3) Your using a Christian nic whilst saying most un-Christian things.

(4)If you're going to display a Christian symbol then it behooves you to act like one. When your comments are mean-spirited, I'm going to call you on it.

(5) imo, you missed a great oppportunity to practice a little by paying attention to John's sad remarks about what it means to be poor.

I don't give a tinker's patootie what your nic is nor do I have an aversion to the one you chose. However, if you're going to advertise your Christianity, the very least you could do is act like one whilst wearing your shield in public. Otherwise, why not get a nic that reflects what you talk about when you come on here? Surely they have "I Hate Thatcher" buttons somewhere?
