Friday, July 15, 2011

“Europe Has to Remain European”

Below is an excellent promotional video by Vlaams Belang about the rise of the party over the past seven years, giving an account of its electoral success in the face of overwhelming opposition by the Belgian political establishment:

Hat tip: Ivan Winters.


charlotte said... 1

The first thing to be done then is to get rid of the Eu and von Rompuy the neo Nazi who wants to control the whole of Europe.Nasty small little man in a badly fitting suit. Like a used furniture salesman.

Anonymous said... 2

I'm surprised you haven't made any mention of the new Flemish party, I believe it translates as "Flemish Civic Union," that has supplanted Vlaams Belang as the primary party of Flemish independence, in terms of voter support. It apparently doesn't share some of Vlaams Belang's other policy positions, such as aversion to immigrants, and dislike of the EU. Have your Belgian correspondents mentioned anything about this alternative party?

Gaul said... 3
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Gaul said... 4

Did the Vlaams Belang do a Frenc version of this video ?

Baron Bodissey said... 5

Urban Planning Overlord --

Yes, I know about the new party, but I don't have enough information to do a post. I don't have any contacts yet in the party.

JS123 said... 6

What would be the point of getting Flemish independence but then shackle oneself to the EU and do nothing about immigration? It defeats the whole purpose of getting independence! Sounds like a fake party constructed by EU transnationalists to capitalize should Flemish independence happen.

Anonymous said... 7

Unless Europeans remove Muslims, they will be overwhelmed soon.

1389 said... 8

JS123 hits the nail on the head.

Independence from Belgium without stopping Muslim immigration, and without independence from the EU, is POINTLESS.

I stand with Vlaams Belang.

They're in my blogroll under "Freedom Parties."

Anonymous said... 9

The same parties that isolate parties like Vlaams Belang also insist that NATO and the West must negotiate with the nose-chopping, hand-chopping, head-chopping, stone-throwing Taliban as well as the nazi parties Hezbollah and Hamas.

Anonymous said... 10

The same parties that isolate parties like Vlaams Belang also insist that NATO and the West must negotiate with the nose-chopping, hand-chopping, head-chopping, stone-throwing Taliban as well as the nazi parties Hezbollah and Hamas.

Elan-tima said... 11

Vlaams Belang is now in the normal process of any truly national movement, i.e. the co-opted advance of opportunists using the cultural dynamism of a people striving for emancipation. All through out history regardless of the philosophy, this takes place and unfortunately often succeeds in castrating the honourable intentions of patriots. In Vlaanderen this group goes by the name "NVA" or National Vlaanderen alliance. NVA are nothing more than racketeers and careerists pensioning Flemish patriotism. They even have the audacity to look down on VB and are united with the other parties in the "Cordon Sanitair".

True Nationalism springs forth from a peoples unified intent to TAKE PART in the building of a culture and a nation, rather than a
gang of opportunists looking to PARTAKE in pimping patriotism. Vlaams Belang is the former and the NVA is the latter. Thus the greatest enemies are rarely those who stand in front of you(Islam) but those who are behind your back.(social nationalists).