What is wrong with Google? First they ignored Memorial Day, and now June 6th has been transgooglified from our cultural recollection of D-Day into an emblematic farce representing nothing. Diego Velázquez indeed! It would have been less insulting simply to leave their logo unadorned. And, yes, I do think they know this. Whatever else one may say about Google, the people who run it aren’t stupid.
I was going to post today on this book, but given Google’s uncivil and rude behavior toward the many people — veterans, spouses, siblings, children and grandchildren — of those who died on the Normandy beaches on June 6th, 1944, I am determined now to make recompense for at least one of the deliberate anti-American snubs that Google has taken to flaunting of late.
Alex Kershaw, a Brit, wrote this book to honor the boys of Bedford, Virginia, a place he describes as “a quintessentially English town” at the start of World War II. And so it was, having been settled by the English in the 18th century:
- - - - - - - - -
By 1754, the town lay at the heart of arguably the most bucolic county in all Virginia: 764 square miles of rolling hills and lush valleys with mountains reaching 4,200 feet above sea level. The county was named after John Russell, the fourth duke of Bedford, who served as Britain’s secretary of state before the Revolutionary War.
The 1930’s were the years of the Great Depression. At the beginning of the decade, farm families were holding on by their fingernails, often earning less than a thousand dollars a year. For this reason, the young men of Bedford eagerly joined the National Guard. They were all well aware of their town’s long history in America’s wars. Joining up in a local militia unit seemed the natural thing to do. Besides, you got a dollar a week for showing up at drill practice and for two weeks every summer there were annual exercises, a kind of military summer camp. For boys who seldom left Bedford, it was an entertaining time. In the August exercises of 1939, the Bedford Boys re-enacted the First Battle of Manassas against a group of guardsmen from the North. The Confederates wore grey armbands, the Union, blue. Needless to say, Bedford won. Going home with defeat hanging over their heads would never have done.
The mobilization of the National Guard began well before December 1941. Some of the boys considered joining the regular Army, but by October 1940 their group, Company A of the 29th Division, was mobilized into the federal army for a year.
There were months of preparation -- finding people who could fill in on the family farm, terminating what jobs there were, making arrangements for their parents, and yes — writing wills and buying life insurance.
The Bedford Bulletin noted that on February 3, 1941:
“…six officers and ninety-two enlisted men of Company A, 116th Infantry…were duly inducted… The ceremonies were brief but impressive as the khaki-clad line took the oath of transfer and allegiance…In and around the armory, young stalwart men wearing their country’s uniform cast an atmosphere reminiscent of the war-torn days of 1917-18…Induction into the United States Army adds credit to that great organization of fighting men who know no defeat; and upon whom …hangs the future of this nation.”
In many places, such sentiments can no longer be said aloud, in public. However, the small towns of Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, etc., still write in the old style when one of their children falls in battle in Iraq or Afghanistan.
It would be three and a half more years before the Bedford unit would meet its fate on Normandy Beach. Between 1941 and June 6 1944 there lay years of training, homesickness, and more training. There also lay an ocean between them and home, not to mention the culture shock of being in a country whose inhabitants spoke English after a fashion, but did nothing to bring forth memories of home. One thing was certain, though, the Bedford boys knew the English were bearing the greater brunt of the war in the number of people killed and injured and the severe rationing that marked those times.
They landed in England in October 1942, eventually being garrisoned in an old Army base in Salisbury Plain where they promptly came down with severe epidemic of scabies, brought on by the straw they stuffed in the mattresses to be used for sleeping.
But that was just for openers. As soon as they’d recovered…
…began the longest training program any American infantrymen endured in World War II. It would last for twenty months, from October 1942 to May 1944. The US Chiefs of Staff had not yet decided when to invade Europe and they were concerned about the American forces’ lack of combat experience and rigorous training. So they opted to turn the 29th into as strong an invasion force as possible. For seven days a week, broken once a month by a forty-eight hour pass, Company A was pushed to its physical limits. Fifty men from Bedford had arrived at Tilworth. Each week, that number fell as one man after another was weeded out or assigned to a different unit.
The 29th’s commander wanted to prove that these National Guardsmen were as ready for battle as any other outfit in the US Army. And no doubt they were. But tough, physically fit men — including the A Company from Bedford, were plopped into the English Channel on a dark, stormy night. They rode into the virginal sand of the Normandy beaches on inadequate troop carriers. Air cover was supposed to have softened up the beach fortifications prior to the landing of the troops. If nothing else, the prior attacks would have made craters enough for men to hide in or duck for cover as they got their bearings.
None of that happened. Company A was prepared as the first group to move into Omaha Beach. A sub-lieutenant guiding the LCA into shore noticed that the men were over-burdened with sixty-pound packs, struggling to stand in gale force winds as they prepared to go ashore. The six LCAs bringing them in steered a diagonal course in seas rougher than those which had caused General Eisenhower to postpone the first operation.
The tanks that were to arrive ahead of the infantry were not on the beach; they were still aboard groups of LCTs. These were essential to providing Company A with cover as they advanced onto the beach. That was the theory.
The reality was much harsher. Some men, loaded down with sodden, heavy packs, drowned before they made land. Others were cut down by German gunfire, lines of men lying on the sand. The Bedford boys were dying in quick order…
It was not until July 11 that the last of the Bedford Boys who had landed on Omaha Beach was killed. This was the same day that the official telegrams from the War Department began to come in on the teletype at the drug store at home. It was official: killed or missing in action, many of the Bedford boys would never be coming home. Slowly through the day, as telegrams continued to arrive, they were given to trusted community members to deliver to the families.
By then, the Normandy beach fortifications had long been cleared and the infantry had moved on. And the war moved on, too, from VE Day to VJ Day and the celebrations of happiness and relief that the killing was finally over. The nation began its postwar recovery.
But Bedford couldn’t recover. Twenty-two of its boys had died at Normandy. Only two of the soldiers had left young children behind. Where those young men and their families should have been was an aching crater, one that would never fill in completely.
As time wandered on memorials were erected to The Boys. Finally, in a fitting act of recompense, the national memorial honoring the fallen soldiers of D-Day was opened in 2001. President Bush laid the first memorial wreath on June 6th.
All the Bedford soldiers of Normandy are gone now. There will be no more first-person accounts of June 6th, 1944. But there is the National Memorial in Bedford. If you can’t go there, here is a photo gallery that leads you around the memorial from the Overlord Arch to the Purple Heart monument. It is an impressive tour.
And yet, instead of this, Google treats us to its cute joke: a celebration of a Spanish painter who may be a cultural icon to the Spanish, but is without any context here, in this country on this date. This is what multi-culturalism means: the obliteration of your culture’s memories and history and their replacement by meaninglessness.
This country has been good to the Google corporation. It is a shame they choose to denigrate the place which gave them the opportunity to become very wealthy and influential. While they did indeed make the most of their opportunity, the opportunity itself was quintessentially American. Such lack of gratitude is deeply saddening.
I wonder what the people of Bedford would say?
I'm still catching up from being behind on this computer and blogging trip. (I didn't start reading blogs and et. al. until Aug. 2007) I read news-papers and books-go figure.
How does one get in touch with Google to express a concern for their lack of sensitivity (I hate using a PC term - but-Oh Well).
Since our troops have been "bailing out" most of the Western world for a long time- -they should be honored.
It really is sad that a corporation of this great nation seems to want to dishonor our brave heritage... My Father and Mother in Law were married on D-Day plus 4. Father served in the Army and was back from the European theatre. He especially liked his wedding date and every year we were treated to stories of his time in theatre.
God bless all our troops but, when I think of D-Day a certain shutter overtakes me. I think of men drowning and human blood making the water red. Maybe too much "Saving Private Ryan" but I can't possibly imagine being one of the brave ones that stormed the beaches on that day. Talk about sheer guts...
To you more astute history buffs; I read on another site that the U.S. gov't paid reparations to Normandy French for damage to their crops and cattle. Is that actually true???
I like this article a lot. I am moved by and I admire the courage and heroism of these young men. Thank you!
Well said, dymphna.
I didn't even notice what google had done. I was already aware of the significance of the date, and reminded several people of it yesterday, and sadly, nearly all didn't recall the date without prompting. A couple I know who moved here from Israel years ago, remembered the date as the start of the Six Day War.
I think the people at google know full well what they are doing, by not honoring important dates in history, but celebrating other dates, such as the "dark out" some Saturdays ago.
I'm glad to know that there is a book about the Bedford Boys, as it is a story I was also familiar with, as someone shared a link on Memorial Day several years ago.
Oliver North posted an excellent article yesterday. D-Day In Context.
I was listening to the radio yesterday, and an old gentleman, who was at Normandy on that historic date, stated that the opening scene in Private Ryan, shocking and vivid as it was, pales in comparison with how horrific it actually was.
I can only imagine what those young men experienced, and thank them for all they gave, to win a global war, then rebuild the world.
God Bless Them All.
As for google, they would do well to watch some of their own videos, such as President Reagan's Speech At Point-du-hoc.
In defiance of such spiteful Goog-dogle I offer The Ten Tenors Salute our Heros
I know it may be trite but every June 6th I watch "The longest day" or "Saving private ryan" just to remember what those boys did in normandy.
This is one of the most touching, patriotic, wonderful posts I have ever read. Thank you. I, with you, wonder what is wrong with this company. I believe they are simply a product of the poor education system and the celebrity-obsessed culture we live in. Sad.
Can we please stop obsessing about WWII? I'm sick and tired hearing about the "Greatest Generation" [sic] and the glories of D-Day, Battle of Britain, Pearl Harbour, etc.
WWII was a mistake that killed tens of MILLIONS of Europeans, enslaved half of Europe under Communism, and empowered the socialists, the Holocaust industry, the Multi-Cult, and internationalists that now rule Western countries. It was a tragic mistake.
What did Allied veterans achieve? The West has succumbed to globalist tyranny, our societies have become hopelessly decadent, and our communities are being ethnically cleansed through the state-sponsored invasion and occupation by non-white populations from the third world. Tell us, what exactly did the Allies achieve again?
There is more to Western Civilisation than D-Day. Please, put things in perspective.
Since our family all share the bookaholic gene, we give one another /books/ presents that we want to read. And if the recipient should leave their gift lying around unread for more than a week or so, then it’s up for grabs. Fortunately, I started on it the day after receiving The Bedford Boys, so the pages have my peanut butter sandwich stains on them. These marks are considered prima facie evidence of reading rights.
As a voracious reader and the owner of several thousand books in every single category of the Dewey Decimal system, I can only applaud such sentiments.
Sidebar: I will offer up a petite whine that we plebs are not allowed to use the strike-through tags (as with the word "books" above). They can make for the most delightful snark imaginable.
This is what multi-culturalism means: the obliteration of your culture’s memories and history and their replacement by meaninglessness.
This was brought to mind rather vividly in a newspaper article I read today. It concerns the back and forth between a Clint Eastwood and Spike Lee regarding cinematic content and veracity.
"Has he ever studied the history?" he asks, in that familiar near-whisper.
The "he" is Spike Lee, and the reason Eastwood is asking is because of something Lee had said about Eastwood's Iwo Jima movie Flags of Our Fathers, while promoting his own war movie, Miracle at St Anna, about a black US unit in the second world war. Lee had noted the lack of African-Americans in Eastwood's movie and told reporters: "That was his version. The negro version did not exist."
Eastwood has no time for Lee's gripes. "He was complaining when I did Bird [the 1988 biopic of Charlie Parker]. Why would a white guy be doing that? I was the only guy who made it, that's why. He could have gone ahead and made it. Instead he was making something else." As for Flags of Our Fathers, he says, yes, there was a small detachment of black troops on Iwo Jima as a part of a munitions company, "but they didn't raise the flag. The story is Flags of Our Fathers, the famous flag-raising picture, and they didn't do that. If I go ahead and put an African-American actor in there, people'd go, 'This guy's lost his mind.' I mean, it's not accurate."
Lee shouldn't be demanding African-Americans in Eastwood's next picture, either. Changeling is set in Los Angeles during the Depression, before the city's make-up was changed by the large black influx. "What are you going to do, you gonna tell a f&ck!n' story about that?" he growls. "Make it look like a commercial for an equal opportunity player? I'm not in that game. I'm playing it the way I read it historically, and that's the way it is. When I do a picture and it's 90% black, like Bird, I use 90% black people."
Eastwood pauses, deliberately - once it would have provided him with the beat in which to spit out his cheroot before flinging back his poncho - and offers a last word of advice to the most influential black director in American movies. "A guy like him should shut his face."
Nice to see that Eastwood hasn't lost any of his delicate people-handling skills.
This constant drive to revise history in the face of blatant inaccuracy found no better example than in the NYFD's attempt to create a statue honoring nearly 400 dead firefighters lost in the 9-11 atrocity. (Scroll down to article at link.)
FDNY: Fire Department of New York. 343 hero firefighters perished in the 9-11 attacks, the worst single day's loss of life in firefighting history anywhere. Much controversy was made when a statue, commemorating firefighters who raised the American flag on 9-11, was designed altering the race of the firemen out of political correctness. (January, 2002)
In an official press release, New York City Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scopetta announced that the New York City Fire Department will drop plans for the politically correct statue honoring fireman [that] imitated the famous flag raising picture. (January 17, 2002)
[emphasis added]
Evidently, Political Correctness cares not about reality or history but only its own "narrative".
Google is embracing this same effort at implanting a far less relevant historical narrative and—as an infomation based corporation—should be utterly ashamed of itself.
PS: There is no small irony in Google's choice of Diego Velázquez's "Las Meninas" (English: The Maids of Honor).
Almost dead center in the painting's background is what most art historians consider to be a small self-portrait of Velázquez working at his easle.
This hidden yet intentional imposition of the artist upon his subjects conveys a distinct whiff of the same subtle narcissism exhibited by Google as they attempt to reconstruct America's historical calendar.
As an aside, there is much speculation as to whether the couple framed left of center is, in fact a mirrored reflection of the King and Queen, such that the viewer is actually standing beside them. However, this leaves the artist himself in the untenable position of painting this entire vignette from behind, something less likely than him working with a mirror in the background to "accidentally" catch his own reflection.
Can we please stop obsessing about WWII? I'm sick and tired hearing about the "Greatest Generation" [sic] and the glories of D-Day, Battle of Britain, Pearl Harbour, etc
Well bless your little pea-picking heart, boy. There are millions of blogs out there which never, ever, even once mention World War II. Since this is most definitely *not* one of those sites, I suggest you exit left and find some place more congenial to your thinking.
We have refrained from tying people to the chairs and using instruments to keep their eyes wide open so they are forced to read Gates of Vienna...so far. But don't push me, son, or I'll lock the door and you'll be stuck here in the comment section of a post on WWII and you will live here forever.
Get over yourself.
I remember watching "Private Ryan" and thinking that the worst thing about it was that people would think it was "accurate". No way could it truly show what the beaches were like on that day.
Some film-maker, I don't recall who (I think he made "The Big Red One") stated that to make an accurate war movie, you'd have to blind the audience with smoke, deafen them with noise, and then shoot half of them in order to scare the hell out of the remainder.
No way a medium-even a visual one- can truly represent what those men went through.
Why so negative?
You can't comprehend the sacrifices so many made for freedom and liberty?
The mess we are in is of our own doing, through neglecting civic duty.
"The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten."
Calvin Coolidge
Which, if you weren't so irrational, you would understand that quote is dymphna's point in this post.
Just for a historical perspective, the Normandy invasion, which was one of thousands of D-Days in WWII, is still the largest invasion in history, but it would have been eclipsed in Nov 45, had the atomic bombs not been dropped.
The planned invasion of the Japanese home islands would have made Normandy look like an exercise. The U.S. was estimating 250,000 dead, with another million casualties. They ordered so many Purple Heart medals in 1945, that they are still being issued today, with crate fulls of Purple Hearts in storage.
Can you even comprehend the emotions involved in an endeavor like that? Not only having young men prepared to make that sacrifice, but a nation prepared to accept and support that decision?
You may chose not to remember and honor those who sacrificed so greatly, so that we could live in freedom, and make our own mistakes, but I find your demand that others share your view disgusting and selfish.
Saharians - Well, points for balls, I guess, on your post.
I could choose to be outraged and all, but I am actually going to respond to you entirely intellectually, because there is a somewhat fringe idea out there that you are part of. Noted American anti-neo-con right-winger Pat Buchanan has a book out that says much the same.
I would argue, however, that WW-II was very much the rare example of the "good war". But if you are looking for the war that perfectly fits what you describe, look to the FIRST World War.
I am not near the authority on One that I am on Two, but have done some reading. It is horrifically complex, not nearly as compelling technologically or politically I'm afraid, and much harder to figure out all around.
But my big picture is this: It was the most catastrophically asinine and destructive war in the history of Western Civilization. WW-II destroyed the buildings, land, and people. But it was WWI that destroyed Western Civilization. It was there that the European empires that had brought so much civilization to the world were ended. It was there that the bulwarks against both forms of rabid socialism were destroyed, allowing each in turn to dominate much of Europe for the next sixty years. It was not the killing in that war, but rather the sheer senselessness and volume of such slaughter, battles that resulted in... nothing.... a trenchline moved two miles east or whatever... it was THERE that the nihilism and cynicism about "what Europe wrought" upon the world was born, and haunts us to this day in multi-culti madness and the like that you mention. It was THERE that the German catastrophe came to be, and thus the Holocaust and its "Holocaust industry" you condemn.
No, D-Day, and the sacrifices of both wars, are worthy of memory. But there is little or no sense of the outright stupidity of it all in World War Two that is present in the First to the core.
Even with the Nazis, blundering and immoral as they were, you can "get" what they were after at least. Same with Japan. It has a sick logic. In WW-I? Who the hell knows what these people either expected or wanted to accomplish in the end, which would be all that different than the world in 1913?
If one accuses me of ignorance of WW-I in light of this, I shall make no argument. I am no authority. I simply say that it was ridiculously stupid and futile in a way that WW-II was most certainly not. And is THERE in the First World War thatt every curse you lay upon the Second was aborne, including that Second War itself.
I agree with you, the first one was the cause of the second in a very twisted way. At the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, everybody went home. The German Army returned celebrated, as they had kept the home land safe from invasion, and fought the armies of the world to a stand still. They didn't feel defeated, until the alleged victors came for their spoils.
As tragic as the war itself was, to me the greatest tragedy was, as an American, the bizarre idealism of Woodrow Wilson. That was the point when this country made a sharp turn to the left, as it did in Europe.
Which means that basically, Saharians is essentially correct... he just got the war wrong. World War Two was extremely just, right, and necessary, mainly to clean up the mess of the pathetically stupid and unecessary World War One.
No, I think that saharians was clear about why he was upset.
I agree with you on the other, though.
I would venture even further, that Viet Nam and Korea were just causes, even though they were officially labeled a "police action" and a "conflict." That the lack of national will to pursue those efforts didn't exist, was the tragedy. China was the clear winner after Korea, and the USSR was the clear winner after our withdrawal from Viet Nam. Until then, the USSR had no year round access to the Pacific, as Vladivostok was their main facility, and it was frozen six months each year. After we left, they no longer had to rely on Vladivostok to supply their Navy in the Pacific and South China Sea, as they now had the deepwater ports at Cam Ranh Bay, Da Nang, Saigon, and Qui Nhonh.
When it comes to honoring those who gave their lives for our freedom and liberty, I don't care which beach or God Forsaken country they served in, they will always have my respect, and the honor they deserve.
A thought on The War To End All Wars: A few years back, an English editorial cartoonist passed away, don't recall his name. But I saw some of his work. One showed all the big shots walking out of the Versailles Peace Conference, talking about the permanent peace they had wrought.
One of them said "I thought I heard something", in the corner, out of their sight, was a crying child. The child wore a sash emblazoned with "Class of 1940" on it.
Talk about prescient.
Of course he is possibly the finest painter in history, but I do not think even Spanish scholars would associate the 6th June with Velázquez. Outrageous.
6th of June is the national day of Sweden. I'm surprised Google missed that.
Dymphna ~
Sorry, old girl, you and your kind are hopelessly naiive. You prefer to celebrate the ridiculous "achievements" of your Allied ancestors, which in large part got us into this present mess in the first place! WII was a tragic mistake and we are still paying the price today.
I would submit, you and your people don't really understand what it will take to defeat the globalist power elites and their Muslim foot soldiers. With Western liberals like you, it's all about celebrating emotion over reality. You simply want to feel good about yourself. Not a very useful function, for the coming civil wars.
Druu222 ~
Yes, I agree with you, the Great War is really the war that started it all, but most Americans (and Europeans?) have little to no knowledge of it. WWII is still very much on their radar screen though, thanks in part to the workings of the Holocaust industry.
yet another disrepectful Jew hater
When wild war's deadly blast was blawn,
And gentle peace returning,
Wi' mony a sweet babe fatherless,
And mony a widow mourning;
I left the lines and tented field,
Where lang I'd been a lodger,
My humble knapsack a' my wealth,
A poor and honest sodger.
A leal, light heart was in my breast,
My hand unstain'd wi' plunder;
And for fair Scotia hame again,
I cheery on did wander:
I thought upon the banks o' Coil,
I thought upon my Nancy,
I thought upon the witching smile
That caught my youthful fancy.
At length I reach'd the bonie glen,
Where early life I sported;
I pass'd the mill and trysting thorn,
Where Nancy aft I courted:
Wha spied I but my ain dear maid,
Down by her mother's dwelling!
And turn'd me round to hide the flood
That in my een was swelling.
Wi' alter'd voice, quoth I, "Sweet lass,
Sweet as yon hawthorn's blossom,
O! happy, happy may he be,
That's dearest to thy bosom:
My purse is light, I've far to gang,
And fain would be thy lodger;
I've serv'd my king and country lang-
Take pity on a sodger."
Sae wistfully she gaz'd on me,
And lovelier was than ever;
Quo' she, "A sodger ance I lo'ed,
Forget him shall I never:
Our humble cot, and hamely fare,
Ye freely shall partake it;
That gallant badge-the dear cockade,
Ye're welcome for the sake o't."
She gaz'd-she redden'd like a rose -
Syne pale like only lily;
She sank within my arms, and cried,
"Art thou my ain dear Willie?"
"By him who made yon sun and sky!
By whom true love's regarded,
I am the man; and thus may still
True lovers be rewarded.
"The wars are o'er, and I'm come hame,
And find thee still true-hearted;
Tho' poor in gear, we're rich in love,
And mair we'se ne'er be parted."
Quo' she, "My grandsire left me gowd,
A mailen plenish'd fairly;
And come, my faithfu' sodger lad,
Thou'rt welcome to it dearly!"
For gold the merchant ploughs the main,
The farmer ploughs the manor;
But glory is the sodger's prize,
The sodgerpppp's wealth is honor:
The brave poor sodger ne'er despise,
Nor count him as a stranger;
Remember he's his country's stay,
In day and hour of danger.
The Soldier's Return
Robert Burns
By honoring our heroes, we give hope to ourselves, that we will always have men and women of honor to defend us.
You have left out the middle term in your argument that I am
"hopelessly naive."
Nor were the achievements of the Allied Forces "ridiculous."
What got us into this present mess is the internecine squabbles and the incestuous relations among the European monarchies. They made the natal mistake of intermarrying for far too long (Denmark, of course, being an exception)and the fatal mistake of being harshly punitive to the Germans vanquished at Versailles.
WWII was simply a continuation of what was interrupted in 1918-19. And Wilson was as much to blame for *that* as any European.
We are paying the price for many past mistakes today, among them being the Versailles Treaty.
WWII was not a mistake except insofar as we did not put on a firm leash on the Russians. We live today with the results of Roosevelt's blindness re Stalin.
It is tragic that he ignored Churchill's warnings. But then, like all good US politicians, he got his information from the NY Times and Duranty.
"White nationalism" is listed as one of your interests in your profile. Why not simply "nationalism"? Why is that not sufficient? Or do you see some of us as less equal than others?
As VinceP1974 put it, yet another disrepectful Jew hater.
I am a nationalist because I believe in the absolute necessity for sovereignty and national boundaries. I am not against the Mexicans because they are brown but because their government is infected with the same viral strain of corrupt despotism that Spain left in the DNA of all the places it colonized.
White nationalism is a reactionary, unhealthy response to the tunnel vision of the multi-culturalists. The time for white nationalism is gone, and we're all the better for it.
Now we have to deal with one of *its* legacies: mult-culti brain dead "diversity."
White nationalism is a good way to start yet another war, and this one will be truly world-wide. The Chinese are going to enjoy people like you...
BTW, to see some of the company you keep, click on "white nationalism" in your profile. I think you may find those places more congenial to your thinking.
BTW, a good villain in WWII is not the American soldiers or their accomplishments, but the impoverishment the US government imposed upon Britain in the lead-up to our entry into the war. The UK never quite recovered from that perfidy.
Meanwhile, the post-war Marshall Plan doled out lots of goodies to the vanquished, and from that decision came a bitter understanding: countries were better off being defeated by the Americans than being allied with her.
Regarding "White Nationalism" To me, what's stupid about that term is that 'white' is meaningless to me.
I'm 3rd generation Italian-American in Chicago, and my family , friends, and me do not identify with "white".. What's white? Is it Irish (blah), is it Polish? English? German? Maybe in the Western United States or some parts of the South, these ethnic hertitages don't amount to much, but here in Chicago they do. I consider myself an American first and foremost, but I take pride in my Italian-AMERICAN heritage.
being white is meaningless.. being an American and believing in the ideals of America is what matters.
White trash racists are a joke
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