Step 1: | Official spokesman denounces the offender as a bigot and racist. Asserts that Muslims are just like other Americans, want to live in peace and enjoy the respect and tolerance that is their right etc blah yak. | |
Step 2: | Prominent non-Muslims fall over themselves to pile on the offending infidel along with CAIR. | |
Step 3: | If enough useful idiots don’t show up for step 2, twist some arms and call in favors until enough join the pile-on. | |
Step 4: | Saturate the airwaves with the CAIR message, as delivered by the usual reasonable-sounding talking heads. | |
Step 5: | Mau-mau the offender. This step includes veiled threats, overt threats, sabotage of the offender’s funding sources (if he’s in public office) or his employer (if he’s not), and any dirty tricks that might prove useful. | |
Step 6: | Repeat steps 1 through 5 until the victim is reduced to a smoking politically correct crater. |
Franklin County Sheriff Quint Overton said he had extra officers at the courthouse Thursday because Goode had received several threatening phone calls.
Asked at the press conference whether he had received any death threats, Goode responded, “No comment.”
So now it’s started.
Read the rest of the article — it’s an AP story, so you’ll find all the other steps highlighted, with the general MSM stance clearly laid out, in full Useful Idiot mode.
- - - - - - - - - -
Rep. Goode may not stand a chance, but we’re going to back him to the hilt here. The man has touched the new third rail of American politics: He dissed the Prophet.
Regular readers will guess that we don’t support the exact way that our congressman stated his opinion, but we wholeheartedly back the sentiment behind it. And if we get a chance to talk to him, we’ll offer him some advice about how to wage the Counterjihad effectively, without offering the enemy any gaps in the armor through which he can slip a blade.
I spoke to one of Rep. Goode’s staffers in a satellite office this morning, and he said the phones have been ringing constantly, and that’s he’s never seen anything like it before.
Don’t let CAIR force him to back down. If they succeed, no politician holding national office will be willing to stand up to them.
Snail-mail works best. Send a letter of support to The Hon. Virgil H. Goode Jr. at one of the addresses listed below. Tell him Gates of Vienna sent you. He calls us by our real names, but he’ll know who you mean…
DC Office | 1520 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 | |
District Office- Charlottesville | 104 South First Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 | |
District Office- Danville | 437 Main Street Danville, VA 24541 | |
District Office- Farmville | 515 South Main Street Post Office Box 366 Farmville, VA 23901 | |
District Office- Rocky Mount | 70 East Court Street, Suite 215 Rocky Mount, VA 24151 |
UPDATE: Dymphna reminds me that you should not use the Washington D.C. address. Mail arriving at his Congressional office gets quarantined for three weeks.
Rep. Goode recommends that correspondents use the Rocky Mount address for the speediest delivery.
He has every right to be concerned. I have just documented the Muslim agenda's advance in America on the following link
and it is scary!
I campaigned for Virgil Goode when I attended Ferrum College in the early 90's. Of course he was still a democrat in those days, but he is a truly decent and honest fellow and these comments are being blown all out of proportion. He was simply stating something that most of his constiuents and many Americans feel is true, perhaps we should not allow immigration from unfriendly Muslim nations. I don't have a problem with Ellison using the Koran to be sworn in, but I do have problems with Ellison, he is an absolute anti-semite and it is ironic that the crew denouncing Virgil Goode for his supposed racism say nothing of Ellisons very real and documented anti-semitic positions.
I'm overseas. Is there any way we could reach him by email?
If a Methodist or a Lutheran organization were genociding blacks in the Darfur, or genociding jews in Israel, or genociding anyone anywhere, the entire Christian world would rise up in outrage and stop it in it's tracks.
Most graduates of North American schools in the past two decades have been programmed to believe only what they hear and see on mainstream media outlets. If the msm doesn't tell them to defend their country from primitive fanatics and killers, they simply won't do it.
Comments from TPMMuckraker (brought to the front by google news)
Virgil Goode seems to be a new brand of Virginia, one without culture or manners. He should be disregarded and ignored, and treated like the bore he is. However it is interesting that he has so many supporters among the Republicans who, by their silence,agree with him. I am more concerned about the religious right than I am about the Muslims taking over.
Posted by: Charles S Gordon
Date: December 23, 2006 04:46 PM
I don't understand the fear of Islam. Shouldn't we be more concerned about representatives that consider the leader of the nation-state in Rome to be a higher authority than American law? How can anyone with an allegiance to a foreign leader above their allegience to America can be considered citizens, much less get elected as our representatives?
Posted by:
Date: December 23, 2006 04:46 PM
Goode represents the stance of many Christian conservatives that I know. They see the religious and international struggle as if it were a sports rivalry, in which they discriminate against all members of the "opposing team" and everyone associated with them.
How can we expect to resolve conflicts when our congressmen blatantly demand "my way or the highway," as they do with their religious stances? I know voters do this but elected officials should be tolerant and open-minded to all issues.
I'm not saying the other side of the world is more tolerant but how can we expect to make friends - and make peace - in the MidEast if we uphold a doctrine of intolerance and bigotry?
Oh, Virginia. How embarrassing. Please stop electing people like this.
Posted by:
Date: December 23, 2006 05:01 PM
Was Tim McVeigh a muslim?
Posted by: irradiatedmeat
Date: December 23, 2006 05:33 PM
A previous poster brought up the point that naturally born American citizens are becoming Muslims. It seems in Goode's world, they should be deported somewhere!
This country is America, first and foremost. IF we continue to elect people who are ignorant, delusional, and think this Is a Christian nation only.....we're doomed....they've already taken us down in the eyes of the intelligent world.
Bush is not my President...he and his employees don't speak for me.
I call for all non-Christian soldiers to be honorably dischaged from the military. This isn't their war, and they shouldn't risk life and limb for people in our country who hate them. They already have a song...ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS, MARCHING AS TO WAR.....
Posted by: A. Ashe
Date: December 23, 2006 06:08 PM
Perhaps Goode should speak to the moral imperative of everyone in a belief system to stop any and all genocide in it's name.
If CAIR manages to makes Goode back down, CAIR will have achieved a major victory for curtailing freedom of speech. Thankfully, Goode is known for his outspokenness and his stubbornness. May be stand fast!
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