Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Gates of Vienna Goes to Toronto

Well, half of it does, anyway. I’m up here in the frozen north talking to a business owner about a possible programming job.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, because if this works out y’all won’t have to hit the tip jar so often.

Things may be fairly quiet at the Gates until I get back. I’ve been able to read and answer some of my email, but a lot of it may be delayed until I get home.

And by the way — it’s not really “frozen” here right now. A balmy 42ºF, and no snow…


Gordon Pasha said...

Dear Baron,

This Canadian would welcome you to our country.

Best wishes and best of luck with the inerview.

War News Updates Editor said...

I lived in Toronto a few years me.... the cold weather is coming.

Gordon Pasha said...

p.s., that would be 5.5 celsius. just sayin'

Baron Bodissey said...

Gordon, I was reading a Celsius thermometer, so I knew that. :)

I did the conversion so as to be helpful to my compatriots back in Fahrenheit land...

Anonymous said...

I would love to buy you a beer or two at the Granite next time you're in Toronto. I, and many others, would certainly welcome you.