Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Party Like Allah!

Hezb Cola: Party Like Allah!

Using Ridicule as a Bunker Buster

Ridicule is a powerful weapon in the arsenal of Western Civilization. The most crucial part of the struggle against the Great Islamic Jihad takes place in the media of the West itself. This is an information war, and the Jihad has a distinct advantage, since large sections of Western media are willing (even eager) dupes of the mujahideen. Hizbullah’s use of civilians as shields and camouflage, followed by the feeding of photos and video footage of the inevitable carnage to media outlets, is just the latest example of the ruthless and shrewd manipulation of the West’s information systems by the Islamists.

But we have a weapon unavailable to the jihadis: humor. Islam is humor-impaired, and necessarily so, since ridicule and satire are a threat to its very foundation. The Islamists are unable to respond in kind — have you ever noticed how relentlessly stupid their “Zionists and Crusaders” jokes are?

The Great Jihad has no defense against being made fun of.

So — let’s mock them copiously and frequently:

  • Borrow this graphic and all the other ones at Gates of Vienna, and share them.
  • Design your own satires.
  • Tell Palestinian jokes.
  • Display the Motoons on your blog.
  • Photocopy satirical images and articles and post them wherever the PC police will allow you to.

Above all, keep laughing at the Islamists. It’s not hard to do.


felix said... 1

Baron, absolutely correct.

Zerosumgame said... 2

Sure, this is easy to do in America, but in Europe or Canada though, can't they arrest you for hate speech for doing this?

El Jefe Maximo said... 3

So, would the two state solution be Diet Hezbola Cola ?

heroyalwhyness said... 4

I've been mocking Palestinians for a couple of years . . .typically when my young kids argue with each other . . .I remind them that they should be terribly embarrased because they are acting like Palestinians. My kids totally resent that more than each other and it works wonders.

Karridine said... 5

Right ON, Baron! The Nazis before them were humor-impaired, but like the title of the book says, "God LOVES Laughter!"

Laugh! Spread the seeds of laughter, both sarcastic and human! Laugh this cancer to helpless impotence!


Karridine said... 6

"Hezb'a'Cola! Light on logic, high on hatred, terribly intoxicating even in modest amounts- Allah'u'Akbar! There is no such thing as 'modest amounts' of Hezb'a'Cola! Better than Cyanotic-KoolAid, more addicting than Self-Pity, Jew-Hatred or Unbridled Cupidity!

Hezb'a'Cola! Pop a can, TODAY!"

Voyager said... 7

Voyager said... 8

Sorry here is shorter URL

Frank said... 9

Zero, I don't know if they can arrest me here in Canada, but here's some fodder for the trial:

Zonka said... 10

You might find some funny relief here: Khartoons and other declarations of war!

And Zerosumgame yet again you're brushing with the too wide brush of generalizations...and missing the mark! Not all European countries have hate laws or equivalent!

Voyager said... 11

Should call it Beelzebub Cola

eatyourbeans said... 12

Yes. I've wondered why the government hasn't made use of the movie industry's cg technology to counterfeit and distribute the most amazing Ben Laden videos.

Shanah said... 13

I don't know about you, but I'm going to party like it's 1427.

(C'mon, tell me I'm not the first one to have thought of that.)

Starling said... 14

Baron, this I find it most interesting that you and I seized on the same rhetorical device with regards to Hezb and its leader, Nasrallah. The words "One Land. One People. One Soda Pop." is an example of the figure of speech known as Anaphora, defined as " Repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive clauses, sentences, or lines."

The first blog post I ever wrote was about Nasrallah's mind-numbing overuse of this figure of speech. The post was entitled "Nasrallah Talks people to death." In that post I analyzed the rhetorical excesses of speeches he gave on Feb 18 and 19th. Here's an excerpt of one:

We consider it (America) to be an enemy because it wants to humiliate our governments, our regimes, and our peoples. Because it is the greatest plunderer of our treasures, our oil, and our resources, while millions in our nation suffer unemployment, poverty, hunger, unmarriagability, ignorance, darkness, and so on.

I followed this up with two other posts about Nasrallah's vicious rhetoric- Nasrallah's Mind Numbing Repetition and Bad Rhetoric, Bad Man. Here's an excerpt of some of his remarks that I analyzed in the former of those two posts:

You have been present in battlefields for the defense of Lebanon's unity, Lebanon's dignity, Lebanon's Arabism, Lebanon's pride, Lebanon's land, Lebanon's freedom, Lebanon's independence and Lebanon's sovereignty.

I had this to say concerning Nasrallah's overuse of Anaphora:

...Nasrallah's over-reliance on one rhetorical device, Anaphora, suggests a real lack of imagination, a certain dullness of mind, a kind of cognitive rigidity that is frankly scary. The only thing scarier is the people who are moved by this kind of rhetoric.

Please feel free to read the posts and related exceprts and see if you agree.

On a related note, I have post entitled
"Mecca Cola: I don't buy it" about the attempt to link Anti-Western sentiment to the sales of Muslim-centric products.

Baron Bodissey said... 15


I don't think I'd ever read of Nasrallah's speeches specifically, but I'd noticed it in other Arab rhetoric (probably Hamas or something). I'm glad to be able to call it by a name; thanks for anaphora.

Do you think it's an Arab thing?

And I had Mecca Cola very much in mind. I think it's important for the Islamic world to diversify its cola portfolio...

Col. B. Bunny said... 16

# 234,409,865,094,345 call to Islamic Holy War by imam # 46,543,555

Starling said... 17

I'm not sure that the heavy use of Anaphora is necessarily and Arab thing. The figure itself is as a very old one (it appears in written works as far back as the Roman and Greek era) and found in many languages. The ham-handed use of it by Nasrallah may be typical of Arabic political rhetoric or Islamist rhetoric but I haven't analyzed enough speeches by such folks such as these to know.

To be fair, I do obviously have to rely in translations from the Arabic. There is always the possibility that the use of Anaphora in these speeches have a much more poetic or rhythmic effect that is apparent to my ears.

One thing to keep in mind is that the standard for rhetorical style is the Koran. Though my analyses of it are cursory and limited to the shorter Surahs, I must say that its use of figures of speech, particularly figures of "addition" or repetition (of which Anaphora is one) is quite remarkable. It has been said, I and do believe it, that the Koran is the most exquisitely poetic and eloquent piece of "writing" ever produced in the Arabic language. Thus, I have no doubt that to the degree they can, Muslim political and religious rhetoric borrows from it heavily.