The bartender says, “What’ll it be, pal?”
The Palestinian goes, “BOOM!”
An American, an Israeli, and a Palestinian are marooned on a desert island.
The American goes to one side of the island and builds a church.
The Israeli goes to the other side of the island and builds a synagogue.
The Palestinian goes, “BOOM!”
He goes up to the nearest farmhouse and knocks on the door.
The farmer comes to the door and says, “What can I do for you, mister?”
The Palestinian…
Aw, heck! So you heard that one already, huh?
Jeez, on a Sunday yet.
Never mind, I laughed anyway. It's better than crying.
Papa Ray
Oh, please, please, please post this on IBA.
Here's another one I saw a comedian named Carlos Mencia do on TV. He was dressed in a burqa, playing a female Palestinian comedian on stage in front of a group of guffawing Palestinian men:
Female Comedian In Burqa: My husband is so fat ...
Palestinian Men In Crowd: How fat is he?
Female Comedian In Burqa: My husband is so fat it took two bombs to blow him up.
Carlos Mencia is taking over from the disappeared Dave Chapelle. But he is an equal opportunity insulter -- he goes after everyone and right in their face!
Oh ... BOOM!
not to be outdone: an israeli joke:
how many israelis can fit in a vw?
2 in the back. 2 in the front. 13 in the ashtray after they've removed the palestinians.
One Jordyptian exile says to another Muslim Jordyptian third-generation "refugee",
"I want some HOPE to hold to..."
and the other answers,
"Hope? What's wrong with you, are you a Baha'i?"
Well, I guess you had to BE there...
Linked to your jokes from Why the Muslim shot the Jews in Seattle
I linked, again, to your post from Allah Made Me Funny - Official Muslim Comedy Tour, Kills Me
I feel like a sausage maker, I linked to you yet again from
Muslim Humor - Muslim Jokes
P.S. Thank you very much for adding me to your links blogroll, I'm honored.
1....2....3...ha. those were about as funny as having teeth pulled--without the novocaine.
A guy enters an “adult novelty” store and asks the clerk about purchasing an inflatable doll.
The clerk asks him, “Do you want a Christian doll or a Muslim one?”
The customer replies, “I don’t know. What’s the difference?”
The clerk responds, “You have to inflate the Christian doll yourself. The Muslim one blows herself up.”
For an encore, I give you Jeff Dunham's: Achmed the Dead Terrorist. [NSFW]
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