Saturday, July 29, 2006

Toys for the Bomb Shelters

Bomb shelter in HaifaFor the last two weeks many residents of northern Israel have been living in bomb shelters as Hizbullah’s rockets continue to strike. Life in the shelters is a deadening combination of fear and tedium, and young children are particularly hard-hit by these circumstances.

Carl in Jerusalem has passed on this note he received from the owner of an Israeli toy company who has organized an effort to help children in the shelters:

As the owner of I am leading my own personal campaign to send thousands of dollars worth of toys to the children of Northern Israel. Instead of enjoying themselves in summer camp, the Israeli children living in Northern Israel are currently spending long tense days in their local bomb shelters. There is a huge need for toys and games to keep them occupied.

As of Friday, July 22, we have distributed over $12,000 of toys. Some of the recipients of our donations have been Rivka Ziv Hospital in Safed (Tsfat), city wide Community Centers in Safed, the Merom HaGalil Regional Council (who has distributed to their 24 towns and villages), and city wide Community Centers in Tiberias.

We are supplying all the toys and games at cost plus 10% to cover expenses.

On most of the toys sent up last Friday, was able to obtain a 30% discount on WHOLESALE prices. So the donations really went a long way.

I really wish that this project were unnecessary. But as the war drags through it’s second week, I have received many phone calls requesting toy and game donations.

To make a donation, simply go to my website , order a gift certificate for the amount you want to donate, proceed to the checkout and write “Donate Now” in the window marked “Special instructions for your order”. Please include your name, telephone number and email address.

Thank you very much,

Bracha Rosenblum
Israel: 972-8-976-6597
USA: 718 301 5932

If you want to help with a good cause, drop by Ms. Rosenblum’s toy store.


Zerosumgame said... 1

Off Topic -

Besides the blogs linked on the sidebar, can the posters here recommend either good European weblogs in English, or good European Internet magazines (in English - something like Brussels Journal)?

I am looking for internet sites that will focus on some of the "politically incorrect" issues (immigration, Islamicization, the repressiveness and anti-democratic tendencies of the EU bureaucracy) facing Europe that their largely leftist media likes to hide.

I'd like to get some from outside Scandinavia, if only because Scandinavia is already well represented both here and in the sidebar.
