Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Robert Spencer in Australia

As mentioned here a couple of times last month, Robert Spencer is about to begin a whirlwind tour of Australia under the auspices of the Q Society.

The Q Society just sent out a press release with Mr. Spencer’s full itinerary for Down Under (dated tomorrow, because it’s already tomorrow in Australia):

Q Society of Australia Inc
24 November 2011

Robert Spencer in Australia

America’s outspoken researcher and bestselling author on Islam and Jihad is about to start his Australia tour. Robert will visit the following cities:

Melbourne 26 November
Perth 27 November
Sydney 29 November
Brisbane 1 December
Cairns 4 December

The Melbourne lecture is already sold out and interest in the other cities is not far behind.

While more Islamic countries fall into turmoil impacting immigration and refugee flows to Western countries, Australians are increasingly concerned about balancing humanitarian response and the consequences of Islamisation upon our security and the social, legal, economic and cultural fabric of society.

At this critical time comes a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights from one of the foremost experts in understanding the Islamisation process and what is at stake. The key theme for Spencer’s first Australian lecture tour is Socio-Political Jihad: Conquering the West without Swords, Guns or Bombs.

Robert Spencer (49, MA, Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) has been studying Islamic theology, law, and history in depth since 1980.

He has led seminars on Islam and jihad for the United States Central Command, United States Army Command and General Staff College, the U.S. Army’s Asymmetric Warfare Group, the FBI, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the U.S. intelligence community.

Robert is the director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Centre, and author of ten books, including New York Times best-sellers ‘The Truth About Muhammad’ and ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam’. He has also written monographs for the David Horowitz Freedom Center: Islamophobia: Thought Crime of the Totalitarian Future (with David Horowitz); Obama and Islam (with David Horowitz); What Americans Need to Know About Jihad; The Violent Oppression of Women In Islam (with Phyllis Chesler); Islamic Leaders’ Plan for Genocide; and Muslim Persecution of Christians.

More details can be found on the website


Anonymous said... 1

Hope his tour goes well. Makes me wonder if he'd be allowed into the UK for fear of upsetting the koranimals, and their dhimmi low-life friends, the liblabcon party.

Anonymous said... 2

One of our national treasures goes abroad to educate ever greater number of infidels.

Go, Robert, with G_d's wings,

babs said... 3

I hope he gets a chance to speak and is not over-shouted by the violent rabble.
This is a trend in the states that I have most disturbing. La, la, la not only can I not hear you but I will not allow anyone else to hear you.

Anonymous said... 4

Remarkable gesture, to run an ad for Robert after those animosities, me likes that.

Jack Zedee said... 5

he'll get to speak , folks are making sure of that now ..