Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Abuse of Power

Anestos Canelides returns with a review of Michael Savage’s latest book.

Abuse of Power
A novel by talk radio host Michael Savage

Reviewed by Anestos Canelides

'Abuse of Power' by Michael SavageAbuse of Power is a thriller written by wordsmith and radio presenter Michael Savage. Known for his conservative talk radio show and several politically-charged books, Savage has diverged into the world of fiction. The novel is about a news correspondent named Jack Hatfield who follows a suspense-filled trail from the streets of San Francisco to Tel Aviv, to London, to Paris and then back to San Francisco.

Following various clues with the help of a beautiful Muslim woman named Sarah Ghadah and a variety of other characters, he foils a 9/11-style terror attack. By a series of outcomes, fate directs Hatfield to stop a radical Islamic group called the Hand of Allah. A string of events uncovers a conspiracy that will lead all the way up to the halls of power, both in Washington D.C. and London.

This novel beautifully portrays the struggle between good and evil, as Jack risks everything he values, including his life, to stop the hand of Allah.

The author makes it very clear who the enemy is, and differentiates between radical Muslims and those who are truly moderate. In the novel, Jack Hatfield is wrongfully banned from England much in the same way as in real life Mr. Savage is banned there today.

This book is riveting, and it kept my interest for the entire week it took to finish it. My eyes were glued to pages full of intrigue for hours at a time. I thoroughly enjoyed its powerful connection to currents events. With an imaginative intellect and a knack for character development, Savage reflects present-day reality so well that I found myself wondering if I had heard it on his radio show rather than read it in his new novel.

The book is written so well that in my mind’s eye, as I read the events of novel, I envisioned it as an action-packed movie. In many ways the character Jack Hatfield resembles the character Jack Bauer, as played by Kiefer Sutherland in the successful TV series 24. The story is so full of twists and turns that it is difficult to predict what will happen next.

Michael Savage an excellent story teller. His main character is representative of the majority of Americans, who are largely conservative and want to protect our country from the enemy within and without. Jack Hatfield in many ways reflects Savage’s own desire to save America from the threats we face today.

On a scale of one to ten, I would rate this book a 10. Whether you’re conservative or liberal, I recommend that that you read Abuse of Power.

Previous posts by Anestos Canelides:

2010 May 29 The Last Empire
  Jun 18 The Muslim Devastation of India
  Aug 20 Are They Lying to Us?
  Sep 28 Devshirme: A Muslim Scourge on Christians
  Oct 6 AIFD: Friends of America and Freedom
  Dec 3 A 19th-Century Jihad on American Shipping
2011 May 29 Borders, Language and Culture
  Oct 18 The Jihad Against Dogs
    31 Slavery and Jihad


Anonymous said... 1

Another good Jihad novel is Tom Kratman's _Caliphate_.

Anonymous said... 2

I got plenty of thrilling fiction when I was a regular listener of the Michael Savage show.

He is indeed a master wordsmith. His relationship to objective truth is perhaps a bit more fuzzy. He is abusive to most callers whose opinions disagree with his, so his show tends to reinforce his own version of events. He advocated using the atomic bomb when the US invaded Afghanistan. This is what passes for political commentary.

I think a work of fiction by Savage might indeed be worth reading.

Sagunto said... 3

"The author makes it very clear who the enemy is, and differentiates between radical Muslims and those who are truly moderate."

How does the author (or his characters) do that? I'd like to learn..


sulber nick said... 4

Wondered that myself - viz Sag: How does the author differentiate between radical Muslims and those who are "truly moderate" (sic)?