Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Music is Haram

From Lebanese television earlier this month, an imam explains in an interview that all singing is categorically forbidden by Islam.

Many thanks to MEMRI for the original clip, and to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:


doxRaven said... 1

So singing is categorically forbidden by Islamic law. Why am I not surprised.

I wonder how long it will be till the non-discrimination mafia in Canada and Australia will forbid singing in kindergartens and schools as such joyous activity would offend Muslims? Remember, Islamic truth is the only truth that matters - anything to the contrary is hate speech.

i doser hand of god said... 2

Singing forbidden! That's so shocking to hear! Music being an art and an activity of recreation connects the body to the soul.

Salome said... 3

Molten lead in the ears.

Anonymous said... 4

@0:32 host asks, "Singing is forbidden?!"

To which the turbanned one replies, "Yes, The kind of singing prevalent in our Arab region and even in Europe..."

The devout turbanned one appears to think his ideals should hold sway IN EUROPE as DocRaven mentions above.

Anonymous said... 5

But it would be okay if the lyrics were truthful, right?

So "Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer" and "Frosty the Snowman" are out, but there's no problem with "Oh, Holy Night" or "Joy to the World", for instance.


Pierre_Picaud said... 6

Try going Christmas carol singing in Tower Hamlets... great fun! :D

Blind Druid said... 7

So what about that horrendous cacophony from your minarets five times per day?

Pulp Ark said... 8

Islam: Singing and Music Forbidden (Haraam حرام‎)