Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sock and Awe!

Fjordman reports that the property that was confiscated by the police on August 4 has finally been returned to him. This includes his infamous Islamophobic Socks:

The Socks of Freedom

He notes:

“After more than a hundred days in captivity, my socks were found innocent of all wrongdoing.”

Thanks to KGS for the title of this post.


Pierre_Picaud said... 1

Finally! The socks of freedom can at last reclaim their rightful position under the trousers of justice, and over the feet of truth.

Nilk said... 2

Huzzah! The Return of the Sock!

It's always nice to start the day with a Good News Story. :D

Anonymous said... 3

"One small step for man kind..." - but a giant leap with socks on ;)


sulber nick said... 4

Great news Fjordman. Continue to sock it to 'em...

babs said... 5

I have to say that I chuckled out loud. Too bad it is so pathetic.
Just yesterday I did a huge amount of laundry. I can't help but think of all the socks being held hostage! They would be so frightened...

Anonymous said... 6

No, no. You've got it all wrong.

They were worried that you would use your socks to make us your sock puppets - like they accuse you of doing with B-man....

"The first Oxford English Dictionary example of the term, defined as "a person whose actions are controlled by another; a minion," is taken from U.S. News and World Report, March 27, 2000."

Anonymous said... 7

Where they washed when confiscated... may have been confused as weapons of mass destruction :-)