Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Censored Report on Taxpayer-Funded JIhad in Australia

This special TV news report from Australia is refreshingly candid about a would-be Muslim terrorist who planned his murderous jihad against his adopted country while drawing welfare benefits for nineteen years at the expense of the Australian taxpayer.

There’s only one problem: the report never actually aired on Australian television. It was produced by the network last year, but political correctness prevented it from being released.

Now a copy of the banned news video has been leaked. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:


siegetower said... 1

This is what diversity looks like!

Bembrika has been a thorn in our side for a long time. What a leech on our society he is.

The decision to self-censor this report is shameful.

Anonymous said... 2

Really, it's astonishing that they produced the segment at all before deciding not to air it.

Anonymous said... 3

the officials that sanctioned his welfare payments must pay it back themselves. if they have to sell their homes/kidneys so be it. It's the only way to stop this insanity.

Fröken Sverige said... 4

Thanks for bringing this, Dymphna and Baron (and Vlad!).

I used it for my blog

Take care and keep up the good work. my friends!


Anonymous said... 5

Hmm, this clip is on Youtube from 3 years. And the uploader doesn't say that it was censored?
