Sunday, November 20, 2011

1940 And All That

Seal pile
Autumn Fundraiser 2011, Day Seven

We arrive at the end of our alphabetical list with a fundraising testimonial from the Hon. Paul Weston.

Paul has been contributing essays to this space for almost four years. He is now the chairman of the British Freedom Party, which has gained new prominence since yesterday’s endorsement by the English Defence League.

Here’s what he had to say about the Gates of Vienna community:

If the West is to survive this century, then it will do so because of sites such as Gates of Vienna, and of people like Baron and Dymphna. Readers new to GoV may not be aware of the crucial part it played back in 2007, when the disparate historians, bloggers, writers and politicians came together for that first historic conference in Brussels.

Paul WestonThis simply would not have happened without Gates of Vienna, and it is doubtful whether many of the Counterjihad entities currently in existence could possibly have formed without the contacts that were first made in 2007, and expanded upon at every subsequent annual conference.

And then there is the website itself. Baron and Dymphna are unique in their ability to present a violent and difficult subject like Islam to its readers in a humane, moral and civilised manner, which can be appreciated by people who want to see some philosophical basis to the argument, through to those who just want the basic facts.

They make a great personal sacrifice to bring GoV to life every day, and if we wish to benefit from this then we too must make a sacrifice in the form of donating some dosh, some folding, some moolah, some bucks.

Tip jarSo please dig deep, I know times are hard but the future could be much harder if GoV was broken today on the wheel of penury. The Western world needs Gates of Vienna operating on a daily basis, and to continue organising behind the scenes on matters of crucial importance.

In June 1940, Winston Churchill stated: “What General Weygand called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilisation.”

Well, here we are again, but not with Spitfires and Hurricanes this time. No Douglas Baders or Johnnie Johnsons in this one. But those at the forefront of our new war are doing exactly the same job as their 1940 counterparts, and Gates of Vienna is very much at the forefront.

So please, dig deep into your pockets and dig for victory.

Many thanks to Paul Weston for his encomium, and to all our supporters in the UK.

The emergence of British Freedom in association with the EDL has produced more optimism in Britain than I have heard in a long time. It’s a privilege to be involved in these historic events.

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Yesterday’s generosity came flowing in from:

Stateside: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Texas

Near Abroad: Canada

Far Abroad: Australia, Norway, Sweden, and the UK

Our deepest thanks to everyone who has contributed thus far.

The tip jar in the text above is just for decoration. To donate, click the tin cup on our sidebar, or the donate button. If you prefer a monthly subscription, click the “subscribe” button.


Anonymous said... 1

ChristianInfidel says:
It is wonderful to read of the major role Gates of Vienna has played in the development of the Counterjihad. Gates of Vienna (Baron & Dymphna), I thank you and praise God for you. It would be great to read a more full account of the development of this movement, and of GoV's part in it. I assume you do not want to be boastful, but it is important for us to know this history and give credit where credit is due; and it is clear that you deserve much credit.

I was thrilled to hear of the direction the EDL is going, the emergence (or is it re-launching?) of the BFP, and the two groups' new connection.

It is hard to imagine how anyone can endure what Tommy Robinson and his family have endured without breaking. It will be a major milestone in English history-- and world history-- when Tommy Robinson can walk anywhere in his own country without wearing a bulletproof vest.

What an outrage that the Western world's media and governments do not consider Tommy Robinson's current danger and oppression an outrage! His situation alone should be enough to produce major changes in UK immigration policy and law enforcement.

I pray and hope that someday the UK will look back on this time with disgust for the way things now are, and with honor and gratitude for Tommy Robinson and his family, the EDL, and the BFP. The WWII generation did not suffer and die to have their country come to this.

wheatington said... 2

Yes, kudos to Gates of Vienna. Keep exposing the truth of Islam. And never be afraid to call a spade a spade.