The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe reconvened today at OSCE Headquarters in Vienna with a follow-up on its meeting from two weeks ago. It was the first day of a two-day event, the Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting on Prevention of Racism, Xenophobia and Hate Crimes Through Educational Awareness Raising Initiatives.
The European Counterjihad was represented today by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff for Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa (BPE) and Henrik Ræder Clausen for the International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA). The American Counterjihad sent Bruce Lieske of ACT! for America.

Left to right: Dr. Gerhard Engelmayer, Freidenkerbund Österreich; Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff; Bruce Lieske, ACT! for America
The paper officially presented by Henrik at today’s meeting will be posted separately. See the bottom of this post for videos of Elisabeth and Bruce Lieske.
Elisabeth had this to say about her encounter with the British delegation on the eve of Remembrance Day:
During a break between sessions, I noticed that members of the UK delegation were wearing poppies in the buttonholes on their suits. Henrik and I went up to the deputy ambassador and told him we knew what it means. While Henrik took photos, I asked the deputy if he knew the EDL. He said he did, but knew nothing else. I told him the story and how the EDL stands up for what is British.
He was not unfriendly, rather curious, and was aware of the EDL’s FIFA action in Zurich.
He told me that whatever happens, he will always wear his poppy.

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff and Paul Welsh, First Secretary Political of the UK Delegation
The first video shows Elisabeth’s intervention on behalf of Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa:
Referring to the statement by the keynote speaker, Pax Europa once again asks for a clarification of the term “extremist speech.” Who decides what constitutes “hate speech?”
Pax Europa firmly believes that cannot be the state’s responsibility to regulate citizens’ opinion, and in particular that speaking the documentable truth must never be punishable under the law.
Bruce Lieske speaking on behalf of ACT! for America:
Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading these videos.

Previous posts about the OSCE and the Counterjihad:
Very well said:
"Referring to the statement by the keynote speaker, Pax Europa once again asks for a clarification of the term “extremist speech.” Who decides what constitutes “hate speech?”
Pax Europa firmly believes that it cannot be the state’s responsibility to regulate citizens’ opinion, and in particular that speaking the documentable truth must never be punishable under the law."
Yet, I wonder why it wasn't deemed sufficient to just insist on the principled position. Then the part emphasized by yours truly would have been enough.
After having watched the vid featuring ESW, I wasn't quite prepared for the statement made by Mr Lieske, who with a straight face said:
"I do believe that the State has a role to play in all of this. It's very important that the state ehm.. does things to control its citizens and bring about social order.."
Come again?
"Very important.." "state.." "control.." "ITS citizens.." "bring about social order.."
In the other thread, I placed some question marks as to some of the policy recommendations by ICLA, but I really wasn't prepared for this ACT!
The state controlling its citizens? I can't believe I just heard that from a grassroots lobbyist.
No, Mr Lieske, it's exactly the other way around: the people should control their government. That's what the Framers intended with the US Constitution. No need for any kind of "moderating" approach there.
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