
The Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet once again refused to publish one of Fjordman’s replies to the attacks on him. The English translation of the rejected essay is posted below, followed by the original Norwegian.
Fjordman includes this introductory note:
Dagbladet refused to publish this brief essay. They claim that their journalist was only arguing that Heine Fjordland is not intended to make fun of the handicapped, that the essay therefore had nothing to do with me, and that therefore the right to reply does not apply in this case.
The referenced Dagbladet article is here. Fjordman’s original Norwegian text, which is also at the bottom of this post, was previously published at Snaphanen.

Commentator Inger Merete Hobbelstad says that Thomas Seltzer’s talk show Trygdekontoret (The Welfare Office) with its Heine Fjordland character on NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) TV taunts right-wing extremists and not the disabled. Dagbladet still hasn’t come up with a good answer as to why people who dislike Islam are to be characterized as right-wing extremists, given that large parts of the population in Europe now look with growing skepticism on the increasing Islamic influence in their countries.
I have for years argued that both the TV license for NRK and the state subsidies available for newspapers should be cancelled. As far as I’m concerned, Seltzer should be allowed to say and make fun of whatever he wants, but I question whether he should receive money directly from the state to finance this.
NRK is dominated by people with sympathies far to the left of the middle. They shouldn’t be allowed to force the country’s general population to finance a paid clown to depict those whom the social democrats see as their ideological enemies as drooling Nazi idiots. In addition to this, Seltzer displays very little creativity. To describe people one doesn’t like as Nazis was already outdated decades ago.
The powerful Yusuf al-Qaradawi issues fatwas saying that it is allowed (halal) to marry children. (See Walid al-Kubaisi’s article “Islam and marriage with minors”.) Muhammed himself married Aisha when she was only six, and consummated the marriage sexually when she was nine years old and he 54. (Bukhari 7.62.64).
This piece of information was recently censored from my essay in VG. The opinion editor Elisabeth Skarsbø Moen gave the following reason for the censorship: “Our stance is that we can’t let allegations that Islam recommends pedophilia be printed in our newspaper.” Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff in Austria may have to go to prison for opposing pedophilia, but Norway’s largest national paper cannot write about this case because it would then have to explain that the Sunna of Muhammed allows this.
Will NRK turn out to be better than this? I challenge Seltzer to showing a drooling al-Qaradawi in a wheelchair, telling Muslims that pedophilia is okay. Unfortunately, I don’t think he will dare to do this. One has to wonder why.

På norsk:
Kommentator Inger Merete Hobbelstad mener at Thomas Seltzers talkshow Trygdekontoret med sin Heine Fjordland-skikkelse på NRK TV hetser høyreekstreme og ikke funksjonshemmede. Dagbladet har fremdeles ikke gitt noe godt svar på hvorfor folk som misliker islam skal karakteriseres som høyreekstreme, tatt i betraktning av at store deler av Europas befolkning nå ser med stigende skepsis på økt islamsk innflytelse i deres land.
Jeg har over mange år argumentert for at både NRK-lisensen og pressestøtten skal avvikles. Seltzer skal få lov til å si og gjøre narr av akkurat hva han vil for meg, men jeg stiller et stort spørsmålstegn ved om han skal motta direkte statsstøtte til å gjøre dette.
NRK er dominert av folk med sympatier langt til venstre for midten. De bør ikke få tvinge landets befolkning til å finansiere en betalt klovn for å hetse dem sosialdemokratene betrakter som meningsmotstandere som siklende nazi-idioter. Seltzer utviser dessuten svært liten kreativitet. Å omtale personer man ikke liker som nazister var gammeldags for flere tiår siden.
Den mektige Yusuf al-Qaradawi gir fatwaer om at det er tillatt (halal) å gifte seg med barn. Se Walid al-Kubaisis artikkel “Islam og ekteskap med mindreårige”. Muhammed selv giftet seg med Aisha da hun var kun seks år og fullbyrdet ekteskapet seksuelt da hun var 9 og han 54 år gammel (Bukhari 7.62.64).
Denne siste opplysningen ble nylig sensurert bort fra min kronikk i VG. Debattredaktør Elisabeth Skarsbø Moen begrunnet sensuren med at ”Vår holdning er at vi ikke kan la påstander om at islam anbefaler pedofili stå på trykk i vår avis.” Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff i Østerrike må kanskje gå i fengsel for å motsette seg pedofili, men Norges største nasjonale avis kan ikke skrive om saken fordi de da må forklare at Muhammeds Sunna åpner for dette.
Er NRK bedre? Jeg utfordrer Seltzer til å vise en siklende al-Qaradawi i rullestol si til muslimer at pedofili er OK. Det tror jeg dessverre ikke at han tør. Så kan man spørre seg hvorfor.

For a complete archive of Fjordman’s writings, see the multi-index listing in the Fjordman Files.
Tor Lerbæk, 50, in Spangereid, Norway, is a known child molester who is known to have sexually abused and tormented small children. He is roaming freely in Spangereid and continues his normal work. He has been known in the community for years to be a drunkard and abusive to his wives, but it wasn't until recently it became known he is also a pedophile.
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