Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Update: Video Pornography of the Execution of Omar Hussein

In last night's post about the administration of Koranic justice in Somalia, I reported on the execution of Omar Hussein, who was stabbed to death under a Shari’ah court by the teenage son of a man murdered by the executed man.

For the last twelve hours Gates of Vienna has been inundated by visitors conducting internet searches for video of the execution of Omar Hussein. This began before we posted the story — a coincidence of keywords was bringing the searchers to us, and that helped tip me to the story’s existence.

I assume that word has gone out in the Islamic underground that a video of the grisly event is available. Imagine how much search traffic there is in the Arabic-language parts of the web for the same purpose.

So, to all of our visitors searching for “video mohamed moallim stab omar hussein”: you won’t find what you’re looking for here. But I’m sure it’s out there somewhere.


al fin said... 1

Snuff film as religious affirmation? That may be the case. Of course I remember the account of several western raised muslim youth laughing wildly while watching the video of the slow decapitation of a western hostage by jihadis. (source?) Perhaps these religious snuff films are a type of comic relief as well as an affirmation of faith. United 93 may become such a "snuff film" to the faithful.

I submit that it is irrelevant to what most of us need to be doing. In other words, once we realize the magnitude of the human perversion that we are faced with, continuing to "pile on" serves no purpose. There is a job to be done, and we who understand the problem must do it--because no one else will.

Baron Bodissey said... 2

al fin --

So, what do I do? Stop blogging? Or only post on topics deemed "new, not already covered"? If the latter, who decides?


No, I think I'll just keep "piling on". It keeps me off the streets.

Baron Bodissey said... 3

Titus --

Thank you very much.

Just FYI, when I used to live in the West Riding of Yorkshire many years ago, we had a saying that I'm sure will have meaning for you:

"Wogs begin at Settle." ;)


al fin said... 4

Pardon me for not making myself clearer, Baron. I was not referring to you, with the phrase "piling on." You are doing a fine job exposing this immense problem, and should by all means continue as long as you are able and willing. It is for us, your readers, to decide when we have learned enough to take action--to avoid an indefinite paralysis by over analysis.

Otherwise we become like the old men playing checkers on the town square, believing we are solving the problems of the world in our side conversations.