Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Final, Final Solution

Palestinians Beat an IsraeliIslam does not invent things. It borrows them, steals them, or figures out how to jerry-rig some device that will allow them to proceed making the world over for Allah. In fact, martial mechanics has been Islam’s primary interest in the West, always. Otherwise, the infidel dogs are of no use.

One could argue that this lack of inventiveness comes from the rigidity of Islam itself. Children are not encouraged to explore possibilities, they are made to memorize the world according to Mohammed. Unfortunately it is a world long gone and useless to a child of the twenty-first century.

Thus, there is a dearth of Muslims applying for patents. One has only to look at Saudi Arabia to see what too much wealth acccompanied by sloth and decadence can do to those in power. Lord Acton’s dictum was never more easily seen than in benighted Saudi Arabia.

And one has only to look at frenzied, volatile Pakistan to know that the center of Islam is unstable. It cannot hold.

Commenter Karridine here at Gates of Vienna recently reported his conversation with a Saudi nurse back in 1985. Obviously, the information left its own trauma for him:

When I was in Saudi Arabia (84-85), I had the chance to lunch with the Chief Nurse of Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Hospital, largest in Riyadh...

Two hours of stories shared were eye-opening and stomach turning! (You have been warned, read no further!)

Multi-kilo air shipments of amphetamines, coke, heroin and hash flying in aboard “prince’s” private planes, for their recreational needs; anti-biotics failing to work even THEN to fight VD in the “princes” or their many wives, to whom they carried the VD (which is NON-EXISTENT in KSA, just ask the gummint); 4-year-old children who can no longer hold in their feces, because they’ve been anally raped so often; armed guard stations INSIDE hospitals to keep the males from raping/molesting the females; 15 “royalty” per day, minimum, coming in for treatment for their ‘asthma’ (drug OD, drug reaction or drug addiction!)…

And read this sad tale of corporal punishment for a little boy in a madrassa in Pakistan -- a little boy, now grown, who failed to wash his feet and was beaten in class.

Within such cultures how can creativity flourish — unless you count the inventive ways they have chosen to kill us, and to slaughter one another? There is, of course, Iran’s flurry of activity to build a nuclear weapon — yesterday, if possible. Meanwhile, its people live in fear and poverty. And then there is this, cited by In From the Cold, coming soon to Israel:

AFP has an interesting, unsigned piece on an emerging terrorist threat: radio-controlled aircraft and small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). They are readily available, relatively easy to build and operate, and extremely difficult to detect. In the hands of a terrorist organization, these “flying robots” could be used to deliver a small explosive device--or a chemical or biological payload--against “soft” targets.

As the article notes, some terrorists are already exploring this technology. Hizballah has obtained a small fleet of UAVs from Iran, and flew one over northern Israel on 11 April 2005. A videotape of the flight reportedly aired on a Hizballah TV station in Lebanon, and Israeli defense sources have reportedly confirmed a second flight as well. In both cases, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) was unaware of the intrusion until the UAV was well inside Israel’s airspace, and had been sighted by ground observers. These flight(s) represented a major psychological and propaganda for Hizballah, which (until now) had no effective means of challenging the IAF’s control of the Israeli skies.

With their small size (a wing span of five meters or less), use of lightweight materials, slow operating speeds and the ability to operate at low altitude, these remotely-piloted aircraft are almost impossible to detect on radar. Most of these devices have a radar cross-section that is miniscule; additionally, the “velocity gate” feature of most surveillance and target-tracking radars automatically eliminate targets operating at slow speeds, so a terrorist UAV, hang-glider or hobby aircraft would never appear on the screen--even if the radar managed to detect it.

Think of all the ways that creative energy could be used to bring prosperity to Palestine. But no; the raison d’être of Palestine is the obliteration of Israel. That is the only reason it has been allowed to exist by the Arabs. Every day, that possibility of being eradicated becomes more likely for Israel, especially with the socialist programs the EU has in mind for money transfers to a country run by terrorists who have one mission, and one mission only.

Using the Palestinians, Europe, with our help this time, will finish the job it started in earnest in the 1930’s. Consider this just another pogrom, another in an endless line stretching back more than a thousand years.

Or consider it the Final, Final Solution.

Hitler is sitting up in his grave, taking nourishment.


Dymphna said... 1

bioqubit opines--

What you are saying about the UAVs is pure garbage. Oops, sorry. Misinformation.

Are you trying to persuade me of something or insult me? It certainly seems the latter since you could have easily deleted the "pure garbage" and stuck with "misinformation."

I have no idea what *your* creds are, but I do know that "In From the Cold" takes this seriously and he is respected for his deep background information.

Here is what he linked to. The people who were willing to speak on the subject don't seem like "pure" (or sullied, for that matter) "garbage."

We are observing an increasing threat from such things as remote-controlled aircraft used as small flying bombs against soft targets," the head of the Canadian secret services, Michel Gauthier, said at a conference in Calgary recently.
According to Gauthier, "ultra-light aircraft, powered hang gliders or powered paragliders have also been purchased by terrorist groups to circumvent ground-based countermeasures."
On May 1 the US website Defensetech published an article by military technology specialist David Hambling, entitled "Terrorists' unmanned air force".
"While billions have been spent on ballistic missile defense, little attention has been given to the more imminent threat posed by unmanned air vehicles in the hands of terrorists or rogue states," writes Hambling.
Armed militant groups have already tried to use unmanned aircraft, according to a number of studies by institutions including the Center for Nonproliferation studies in Monterey, California, and the Center for Arms Control, Energy and Environmental Studies in Moscow.
In August 2002, for example, the Colombian military reported finding nine small remote-controlled planes at a base it had taken from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
On April 11, 2005 the Lebanese Shiite militia group, Hezbollah, flew a pilotless drone over Israeli territory, on what it called a "surveillance" mission. The Israeli military confirmed this and responded by flying warplanes over southern Lebanon.
Remote-control planes are not hard to get hold of, according to Jean-Christian Delessert, who runs a specialist model airplane shop near Geneva.
"Putting together a large-scale model is not difficult -- all you need is a few materials and a decent electronics technician," says Delessert.
In his view, "if terrorists get hold of that, it will be impossible to do anything about it. We did some tests with a friend who works at a military radar base: they never detected us... if the radar picks anything up, it thinks it is a flock of birds and automatically wipes it."
Japanese company Yamaha, meanwhile, has produced 95-kilogram (209-pound) robot helicopter that is 3.6 metres (11.8 feet) long and has a 256 cc engine.
It flies close to the ground at about 20 kilometres per hour (12 miles per hour), nothing but an incredible stroke of luck could stop it if it suddenly appeared in the sky above the White House -- and it is already on the market.
Bruce Simpson, an engineer from New Zealand, managed to produce an even more dangerous contraption in his own garage: a mini-cruise missile. He made it out of readily available materials at a cost of less than 5,000 dollars (4,000 euros).

If you can come up with better experts who have information counter to this, I'd be glad to listen.

Otherwise, save your invective for some other blog.

snowpea said... 2

Bloqubit's story about infected computer printers does sound like misinformation, on the other hand.

ZMalfoy said... 3

Everytime I think I've read the worst, that I have an idea of how hellish things are. . . I get hit with something like this, leaving me speechless and horrified anew.

In a bit of shameless begging, would you like to submit this to the Carnival Against Islamofacism? It's pretty small right now, but this is exactly what it was made for. . .

SC&A said... 4

From Charles Krauthammer: "Last week Bernard Lewis, America's dean of Islamic studies, who just turned 90 and remembers the 20th century well, confessed that for the first time he feels it is 1938 again. He did not need to add that in 1938, in the face of the gathering storm -- a fanatical, aggressive, openly declared enemy of the West, and most determinedly of the Jews -- the world did nothing."

Good post.