Monday, May 15, 2006

Dymphna Will Be on Tammy Bruce Again Monday

Update: Live-blogging Tammy. I just sent this note to Fjordman:


I realize that you probably don’t know who Tammy Bruce is, but she’s a national talk radio personality. Right now she’s reading excerpts from your post on the radio, and talking to Dymphna about it.

From my point of view, this is really cool.

I hope y’all are listening, because Dymphna and Tammy are hitting all the high spots on the immigration topic.

The New American RevolutionHer scheduled time is 11:30 a.m. on the Left Coast, or 2:30 p.m. UVT (Universal Virginia Time).

I’ll leave this post at the top until air time. Look for new posts below it.

Tammy’s program can be heard on Talk Radio Network. Go to the site and click on her image.

Check out Tammy’s blog. She’s got a post about the Indonesian volcano, which is my favorite story, too; unfortunately, it’s outside our mission statement. She’s also blogging on Al Gore’s hilarious performance on SNL, and God’s last warning to Ted Kennedy.

In addition, she’s posting a babe photo every weekend now — did she get the idea from the Infidel Bloggers Alliance? That alone is reason enough for you to check out Tammy’s blog!


Wally Ballou said... 1

..lee Wallou here.

err.. Thanks for the tip, Dr Z.

Anyway, back on topic: Dymphna did a great job, and Tammy was definitely promoting the heck out of this site. Should direct more of the right kind of hits this way (as opposed to those scary "jihad kill jews bomb" Google searches)

Sending it back to Bob and Ray from my current exile in the land of fruits and nuts, this is Wally Ba...

Pastorius said... 2

Boy, I sure would like to know if Tammy reads IBA. I'm a big fan of hers, so it would be very gratifying to know that she likes what we do.

I think Tammy is the future star of talk radio.