Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Build Submission With Lego!

Build submission with Lego!

This is hilarious. I have no idea where it originated, but I got it at The Lone Voice.

Do you suppose the Lego people have a sense of humor?

Update: Reader DC writes from the Netherlands to say that the Mohammed/Lego image was originally posted on a Dutch blog called Retecool.

WARNING to readers who are easily offended, or have weak stomachs, or are averse to grotesque images, or are from The Common Room: you may not want to click this link to Retecool.

However, I found many highly amusing Mohammed cartoons there. The sight gags were clear, but the jokes in Dutch were hard to make out.


El Jefe Maximo said...

The latest Lego kit, Soon to be favors at a kiddo party near you.

Anonymous said...

In the same blog - there is a link to one of the funniest videos ever. It's a Muslim rave - priceless:

Dymphna said...


I'm not sure why this humorous use of a Danish product is a reductio ad absurdum. Unless we decide that most humor falls under that category?

I think it's great and a good reason to buy lots and lots of Leggo people and a few brown magic markers for the beards.

This guy has a cosmic sense of humor.

Baron Bodissey said...

Everyone should note the "not suitable for girls" warning on the left side.

Dymphna said...


That is a nodal point -- or two of them. First, we do have a fairly free press and a free-wheeling sense of the ridiculous. Otherwise, the Left couldn't make Cowboy/Hitler references about Bush without causing mayhem and the Right couldn't draw those caricatures of Michael Moore...hmm, why hasn't he beheaded anyone? Maybe sitting next to Jimmy Carter was symbolic, huh?

The only ones who will self-censor are the Left, because they actually believe in that rot. They are the ones behind p.c. speak and questionable thinking about gender differences (or sameness) and tantrums about free speech for themselves and silence for everyone else.

They have that arrogance in common with the fulminating Muslims who decry the foibles of the West and ignore their own. BTW, notice that the best the Iranians can do is re-shuffle Nazi cartoons that are already widely available anyway.

Islam has so stifled its adherents that it seems to cause cognitive deficits. Look at the Persians; they invented chess for heaven's sake. They respect education and yet they sit squarely atop each person's head, preventing them from thinking for themselves.

This is unfortunately nothing new. Iran didn't allow the printing press into the country until the 1840's and then it was only to be used to print Korans.

Headmistress, zookeeper said...

We appreciate the warning, but go ahead and say it- 'like the prudes over at The Common Room.:D'

Not being Muslims, we can take it.;-)

Dymphna said...

Hmm... I just saw that update by the Baron...

How about the "selective" folks at The Common Room?

Or, how about the squeamish Dymphna who will go screaming from the room? The Baron is not even permitted to tell me news stories unless they have happy way.

Headmistress, zookeeper said...

I hope you know I was only teasing the Baron. I appreciated the heads-up, and I really wouldn't have minded if he had said prudes.