Geert Wilders and Lars Vilks the exceptions that prove the rule: if you want to offend Muslims, Danes are the go-to guys for the job.
Take the latest example, as given in the report below. The canceled exhibition is in Berlin, but don’t be fooled: an avant-garde Danish group was behind this escapade.
According to Reuters:
Berlin gallery shuts after Muslim threats
A Berlin gallery has temporarily closed an exhibition of satirical works by a group of Danish artists after six Muslim youths threatened violence unless one of the posters depicting the Kaaba shrine in Mecca was removed, it said on Thursday.
The Galerie Nord in central Berlin said it had closed its “Zionist Occupied Government” show of works by Surrend, a group of artists who say they poke fun at powerful people and ideological conflicts.
On Tuesday, four days after the exhibition opened, a group of angry Muslims stormed into the gallery, shouting demands that one of the 21 posters should be removed, said the gallery.
“They were very aggressive and shouted at an employee that the poster should be taken down otherwise they would throw stones and use violence,” the gallery’s artistic director Ralf Hartmann told Reuters.
The Muslims objected to a depiction of the Kaaba — the ancient shrine in Mecca’s Grand Mosque which Muslims face to say their prayers — which gave a “bitingly satirical commentary against radicalism,” said the gallery in a statement.

Steen did the photographic research — he says photos of the exhibition are very hard to find — and, as you can see, the photo of the big black box is labeled Dummer Stein, which can be translated “Stupid Stone” or “Dumb Rock”, depending on your taste for English idiom.
The article continues:
- - - - - - - - -
Security Review
Hartmann said the gallery was working with German authorities to improve security and he hoped to re-open the show as soon as possible.
“It would be unacceptable if individual social groups were in a position to exercise censorship over art and the freedom of expression,” said the gallery in a statement.
The show also contained pictures which ridiculed neo-Nazis who believe Jews dominate global politics and industry as well as the state of Israel and radical Jews.
Surrend members are mainly street artists and use stickers, advertisements, posters and Web sites to express irony.
In 2006, a Berlin opera house caused a storm in Germany when it cancelled a production of Mozart’s “Idomeneo” which showed the Prophet Mohammad’s severed head, citing security fears.
And this month, Danish newspapers reprinted cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad which caused outrage in Islamic countries and sparked violent protests across the globe two years ago.
They republished the drawings after police arrested three men on suspicion of plotting to kill a cartoonist who drew one of the images.
The mau-mauing of the West by Islam continues apace. We are rapidly reaching a point where no cultural event can take place unless it is Islamically approved.
This weakened condition will require the passage of no laws. No official censorship is needed, nor any governmental boards of approval.
All it takes is fear, plus weak and vacillating administrators within our institutions.
The only requirement is that we be collectively unwilling to stand up to bullies.
If we are going to cave in to the threat of violence in every instance, then we are effectively inviting Islam to take over our game.
Their ball, their pitch, their rules.
And then we lose.
I am so sick of these stupid people (Muslims) and Westerners who meet their demands. I didn't hear about the cancellation of "Idomeneo" until now... it's one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard of.
Doesn't anyone realise what is happening? I honestly feel like I'm surrounded by idiots (excluding the writers of this blog and many commenters).
Baron, sometimes I wish you could de-emphasize the Danish participation somewhat.
Others might get the impression that we'll fix the problem all by ourselves, which could lead to an undesirable lazyness in other countries...
"if you want to offend Muslims, Danes are the go-to guys for the job."
If you want to find a people who are NOT afraid to express freedom of speech, Danes are the go-to guys for the job!!
Probably too insensitive to be afraid...
Baron: Please keep the info coming...
We'd never hear about this stuff otherwise and it is uplifting to see people fight back.
Otherwise all we're going to hear about it is the non-stop bad news of this or that country capitulating.
Hey - it's Islam we're offending, not Muslims! That they happen to identify with that religion is .. incidentical.
Muslims are the greatest victims of Islam.
I know I'm nit-picking here - happen to be in that mood today - even if you push me for an apology, I probably won't issue one :)))
If they were threatening violence, why were the police NOT called?!?!? Isn't threatening bodily harm and/or property damage a crime?
Why weren't they arrested?
I expect that the next protest will include someone holding a placard stating "Death to all who say Islam is not a Religion of Peace."
On this one, I am with you 100%, Baron. The proper response to these threats is to recreate this exhibit and place it in a museum in every major city in Germany.
How is it that Western objectors consistently neglect to parry the cries of offended Muslim by noting just how incredibly offensive Islamic practices are to us?
Every time Muslims whine about a cartoon, poster, opera or improperly tied shoelace, we need to plaster up hundreds of pictures showing public beheadings, stonings, amputations, crane hangings, retarded children being turned into human bombs, infants abandoned inside car bombs and all the other ghastly everyday practices that make Islam so abhorrent to civilized society.
We all know the media won't do it on their own. So, here's a suggestion. Whenever Muslims stage one of their pissing-and-moaning sessions disguised as a public rally, Infidels with large placards bearing graphic depictions of Muslim atrocities should gather nearby and pester the news media in ways that demand some sort of reciprocal coverage.
Everytime Muslims raise a hue and cry over their perpetually offended sensitivities, we in the West had better make damn sure to rub Islam's collective snout in just how repulsive its native handiwork happens to be for all of us.
Remember the cardinal rule of news reporting:
Sensational picket signs WILL draw media attention. Reporters can't help it, they're drawn like moths to a candle flame. Give them a bit of gore, sex or agony and they'll be all over you like a bad suit.
It's long past tea for Muslims to have the tables turned against them. Westerners must learn to play their traitorous news media like a Stradivarius. It can be done, just come up with a way to outdo the Muslims in the outrage and spectacle departments. The rest will take care of itself, thanks to our sensationalism-mongering media outlets.
Zenster, I couldn't agree more with the sentiment you have just expressed so ringingly, but the difference is that fulminating Muslim hoodlums simply won't care how offensive their primitive and benighted barbarism seems to us.
They have learned that all they need to do is to howl like enraged animals and threaten bloody violence, and we promptly grovel.
It appears that most of us simply don't have the stomach for this fight.
Baron, sometimes I wish you could de-emphasize the Danish participation somewhat.
Dear Henrik,
we can't, it is like Chamberlain asking Hitler to de-emphasize his attack on Poland in 1939, whether you like it or not you are in the front line. It was you the Danes that were attack, it was Dannebrog that was burnt. If that doesn't get a Dane pissed off I don't know what will. We have watched you over the last couple of years emerge dazed from the first Moontoon attack. Many of us here are angry that our own governments didn't support you. That attack was planed and premeditated. They went for what they thought was the weakest link in the western European lands. They wanted to use you as an example to the rest of Europe the way farmers hang dead crows out in the field to frighten off the other crows. They miss calculated because they hadn't done there homework. They didn't realize that the Danish economy was the least Dependant on middle eastern oil, that Danish exports were not dependant on the middle east market. We have watched the way you have got your second wind. This last crisis was not instigated by the muslims. It was instigated by the Danes saying we are going to do what we have always done, print what we like, and you can go to hell if you don't like it. We have watched how the Danish society both on the left and the right have drawn together emphasizing that communal solidarity that for me is the hallmark of Denmark. I as a Brit have certainly enjoyed watching the islamic faith society get a verbal hammering and watching the other muslim groups distance themselves from it. Many of us have watched with pleasure the huffing and puffing of Egypt , this time lodging a protest with the Danish Ambassador in Egypt instead of DEMANDING a meeting with the Danish Prime Minister to watch him grovel. A few of us have even raised a glass of Danish beer, and toasted development minister Ulla Tørnæs who has called the Sudan Ambassador in for a dressing down today, to explain the fiscal consequence if Sudan continues with its proposed Boycott. Not quite Vlad the Impaler who sent a Turkish ambassador away from his court with his turban nailed to his skull, but it is good enough for now.
Offtopic to this post, but ON topic about Islam...
Looks like the Turks are about to go Martin Luther on the Wahhabists
Anoher OT sorry: Very heartening comments on Peter Hitchens blog regarding the independance of Kosovo. People, man in the street people, are wising up to the nature of the Wilsonite, Universalist, Bolshevik influenced nature of the Serbia and Iraq interventions. They even call it "Social Engineering" and "The New World Order (for want of a better term)."
RE: Edward
The last time the Turks took on the Arabs the Turks won. They just might this time, too. OTH, the Q Book is likely to be harder to rewrite than the New Testament.
The important bit is right at the end, rejecting the tenet that 'later texts override earlier ones', which is a fundamental change in Quranic scholarship, since it would mean that the 'earlier' peaceful texts would no longer be cancelled by the later violent ones...
The Wahhabists are probably howling at the very thought of it all, just by stating that *all* of the Quran is equally valid to every other part, that is a major bodyblow to the radical Salafist views. Going back and editting the Hadiths likewise punchs the Wahhabists in the 'nads, since 99% of their garbage is founded in the Hadiths.
Yorkshire, Baron etc:
I have to give my unconditional apology about this 'Danish' thing. The Social Democrats (!!) just protested the closure of the 'Dumb rock' exhibit, stating that now this ongoing Muslim intimidation simply has to stop.
Social Democrats, get it?
Story in Politiken. Yes, Politiken, that PC rag.
The whole 'Dumb rock' incident was the unconditional top story on Danish television news tonight, with all the politicians going on record against Islamic intimidation, concerning piggy banks, Three Little Pigs and all. I have it recorded and will upload to YouTube once I got the cutting & compression done.
The Wilders movie was stated to be 'delayed'. I'm not sure about the truth of that - we'll see.
It's been an interesting month :)
I cant believe the Germans!...The Germans! are laying down and letting this happen. WTF is going on. Has all of Europe been castrated with the exception for the Danish.
"Dummer Stein"?
Stupid Stone is literal, but there must be something idiomatic or more sardonic behind this.
Is there a beer named Dummerstein?
Or some silly personage?
The next image down the line in the gallery says "Dummer Hut" (dumb hat?), and then "Dummer [Block]" (?), and so forth.
So this was a Series of Stupidities.
I suspect we aren't getting the whole joke.
Islam, on the other hand, never gets any.
Being one.
What a bizarre religion, that has a fetish about an ugly malevolent looking monolith like something out of Space Odyssey. Every devout Muslim has to visit it at least once in his life time and every year, Arab ineptness manages to crush several pilgrims to death.
Non-Muslims are shunted off the highway to Mecca because they are not allowed to defile this holy shrine with their mere presence. Any infidel who by accident or design ends up in Mecca is hauled off to prison or worse. Meanwhile, Muslims have the right to enter the holiest places of every other religion, and have physically defiled even the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem while using it in an armed siege.
This utter lack of reciprocal respect is clear evidence that Muslims consider themselves our superiors. Why is it taking so long to see the obvious?
Zenster is right that with each complaint by Muslims about trivialities: teddy bears, piggy banks, crosses on centuries' old flags, ice cream swirls, dogs, undetectable amounts of alcohol etc. the West should hand them the laundry list of how they offend us: suicide bombing of innocents, beheadings, dishonor killings, female circumcision, bagification of women , and inform them that the minute they've attended to these blemishes on humanity, we'll round up all the Piglets and ice cream cups in the vicinity.
YouTube upload now complete, in two parts: Part 1 and Part 2. Mostly in Danish, some parts in German.
I've commented more detailed in the thread of the Danish socialists vs. Umma posting.
Enjoy :)
And here's my latest take on the 'Stupid stone' incident, entitled Exhibition threatened for calling stone 'stupid'.
Wonderful what the perfect headline can do, ain't it?
Laine: Zenster is right that with each complaint by Muslims about trivialities: teddy bears, piggy banks, crosses on centuries' old flags, ice cream swirls, dogs, undetectable amounts of alcohol etc. the West should hand them the laundry list of how they offend us: suicide bombing of innocents, beheadings, dishonor killings, female circumcision, bagification of women , and inform them that the minute they've attended to these blemishes on humanity, we'll round up all the Piglets and ice cream cups in the vicinity.
While the spirit of your above comment is unmistakable, it is entirely misplaced.
In return for Muslims abandoning their "suicide bombing of innocents, beheadings, dishonor killings, female circumcision, bagification of women" our only quid pro quo should be something like:
Just because Muslims have been successfully coerced or even persuaded to voluntarily join the civilized world in no way means that we should reciprocate by imposing unwarranted limits upon our own freedom of expression.
If Muslims are offended by the sight of Piglet or his brother piggybanks they can bloody well fly themselves off to someplace that does not have them.
I'm confident that it was not your intent but we must make damn sure not to trade of our fundamental rights in exchange for Islam finally abandoning its barbaric practices. It would be like paying murderers to stop killing people. That is nothing more than voluntary extortion and I'll have none of it.
Either Islam pulls up its own socks or finds itself swirling in the toilet of defunct ideologies. No options. No alternatives. No mercy. After all, its not as if they give any such leeway to us, so why should we do so for them?
You're 110% right here, it's not a bargaining table, our rights, customs, traditions and culture is not a bargaining chip. Neither is theirs, if they want to join the Western world on our terms then they can, if not they better find the next flight back to the 7th century... Where they can live the way they want.
Enough is enough, time for the West to get real about what they want and be willing to fight for it if need be!
Regarding the "Stupid Stone" --
In the USA we have the "Ugly Stick" (example: "Wow, did she get hit by the Ugly Stick, or what?") meaning "to be very unattractive".
So now in Germany they have the "Stupid Stone" (as in, "Wow, did he go stand in front of the Stupid Stone, or what?") meaning "to have a very low level of intellectual comprehension".
Sounds accurate to me...
I think my point was missed as it was a sarcastic offer to round up Piglets. Muslims will never stop the behavior that offends us since it is in the very fabric of their ideology that they call a religion.
Therefore we can toss their demands in the trash where they belong.
It's the ORDER that's important. At the moment, they sashay in and start making demands tying up way too many of our resources trying to satisfy the chronically dissatisfied with nothing being demanded of them.
That's Arab negotiation: "I demand A,B,and C". The West: "Well, you can have A in return for Z". Arab/Muslim: "Not only do you not get Z but you have insulted us in the way you asked and the price of melons in Birmingham and now you must give us D, E and F as well".
They need to be put on the defensive and tout de suite. When they refuse to repudiate their offensive disregard of basic human rights, we have no further obligation toward them on trivialities.
Laine: I think my point was missed as it was a sarcastic offer to round up Piglets. Muslims will never stop the behavior that offends us since it is in the very fabric of their ideology that they call a religion.
Fair enough. As I said, the spirit of your comment was unmistakable.
They need to be put on the defensive and tout de suite.
Personally, I would like to see Muslims put on the defensive in such a way that they are utterly panic-stricken at the mere thought of further Western retribution for any more of their damned jihadist highjinks.
Whenever a new Islamic atrocity is announced, Muslims all throughout the MME (Muslim Middle East) need to be quaking in fear as they wait for the other shoe to drop.
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