Sunday, February 17, 2008

Nice Little Civilization You Have Here…

…It'd be a shame if anything happened to it.

Islam is giving us our last warning, via the OIC:

“Shape up, or we will discipline you. Enough with the cartoons and all that other blasphemous garbage. We mean business this time.”

We’re used to the thinly veiled threat that accompanies the ol’ Muslim Shakedown, but this time it’s the premier international Islamic organization doing the shaking. According to the Arab News:

OIC Warns of ‘Bigger Conflict’ Over Cartoon

The Organization of the Islamic Conference denounced yesterday the reprinting of a blasphemous Danish cartoon, warning it could lead to confrontations between Muslims and Christians. “By reprinting these cartoons we are heading toward a bigger conflict and that shows that both sides will be hostages of their radicals,” OIC Secretary-General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu told AFP in Istanbul.

“It is not a way of improving your rights and exercising your freedoms when you use these rights for insulting the most sacred values and symbols of others and inciting hatred,” he said. “This is a very wrong, provocative way — unacceptable.”

Several Danish newspapers on Wednesday republished one of 12 drawings, which had already caused bloody riots in the Muslim world in 2006, after police uncovered an alleged plot in the Scandinavian country to kill the cartoonist.

“The people who are doing this put themselves with the radicals, the fanatics and extremists who are using their beliefs as justification to hurt others,” Ihsanoglu said. “This is not the way to improve relations between East and West, between Islam and Christianity.” The drawing has triggered fresh uproar in Muslim countries.
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Thousands of supporters of the Islamist group Hamas protested in the Gaza Strip yesterday against the reprinting of the caricature. Hamas, which controls the coastal Palestinian territory, demanded that the Danish cartoonist be brought to trial and that an official apology be made to Muslims. It urged an end to organized campaigns to spread hatred of Islam.

“We are all a sacrifice to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), our blood, our property and our families are all a sacrifice to him,” a Hamas activist shouted through a loudspeaker after Friday prayers in the Jabalya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

At least 4,000 Hamas supporters took part in the rally yesterday, many waving green Hamas flags and others holding banners condemning the cartoons and urging Muslims to take action against Denmark. “Muslims must not be silent against these cartoons which are offensive to the great Prophet Muhammad,” one banner read.

“We urge Arab and Muslim countries to exert their efforts and to use all pressure tools under their control to stop these organized campaigns that spread hatred of Islam under so-called freedom of expression,” a Hamas statement said.

This is a classic protection racket — pay the “insurance premium” or we can’t guarantee your safety.

Make no mistake about it, we will definitely have to pay. In Arabic it’s known as jizyah, the tax one pays simply for the privilege of remaining non-Muslim. Most countries in the EU are already paying the jizyah in the form of massive welfare subsidies to idle Muslim immigrants, who consider such payments to be their rightful due to be extorted from the infidel.

However, much more than our money will be required of us. For those of us who survive, the full price demanded will be our complete submission.

Hat tip: TB.


spackle said... 1

"By reprinting these cartoons we are heading toward a bigger conflict and that shows that both sides will be hostages of their radicals,”

Is he kidding!? How many violent Christian radicals out there have you heard of? Talk about seeing ghosts. Keep pushing brother and you may get your wish.

Anonymous said... 2

An article on Geert Wilders - in the Guardian of all places.

'I don't hate Muslims. I hate Islam,' says Holland's rising political star

Likening the Islamic sacred text to Hitler’s Mein Kampf, he wants the “fascist Koran” outlawed in Holland, the constitution rewritten to make that possible, all immigration from Muslim countries halted, Muslim immigrants paid to leave and all Muslim “criminals” stripped of Dutch citizenship and deported “back where they came from.” But he has nothing against Muslims. “I have a problem with Islamic tradition, culture, ideology. Not with Muslim people.”

If the koran is banned, then Muslims will know the game is up, and they will leave. There will be no conflict then.

Anonymous said... 3

Geert Wilders knows (I hope) that his statement has no validity with Muslims. There is no separating the Muslim from Islam. Any criticism of Islam from without or within is regarded as an assault against the Ummah, hence the uproar over the cartoons.

I have a hard time believing that: "If the koran is banned, then Muslims will know the game is up, and they will leave."

On the contrary, even a parliamentary debate on the issue will cause an uproar that will make the cartoon riots look like a '60s love-in.

turn said... 4

I think Mr. Wilders is 'read in' on the subject but his statement is probably the best politically correct way to say it.

After all, you can't hate anybody except white natives.

Book banning may be spoken of in a symbolic sense but that hyperbole won't fly in any free country.

the doctor said... 5

I wish to apologise to all of the followers of that filthy paedophile Modog . My regret is that I may not get to use all of that nice shiny ammunition that I bought .

Zenster said... 6

The Organization of the Islamic Conference denounced yesterday the reprinting of a blasphemous Danish cartoon, warning it could lead to confrontations between Muslims and Christians.

Hokay, confrontation it is, yez Islamowhackos.

When you get a chance, please try to remember who it is that has all the nuclear weapons. There's gonna be a pop quiz real soon and failure won't be an option.

laine said... 7

As for those nuclear weapons, Muslims are on the fast track to gaining access in (place your bets) Iran or Pakistan (ready-made) with France a longer shot through demography and immigration.

Unlike rational political actors, the mad mullahs will think nothing of incinerating millions for the glory of their primitive god who encourages human sacrifice

VinceP1974 said... 8

To add onto what laine has said..

Muslims are fully aware that no Western country has the balls to use nuclear weapons... we may as well not even have them.

We are decadent impotent society about to be consumed by a fantatical Satanic death cult religious offensive.

It's coming.. soon.

babs said... 9

I just realized this evening that the line drawing of the MoDoggie has glasses on!
Did Mohammed wear glasses? Sheesh... Let's have a protest.

nikolai said... 10

"By reprinting these cartoons we are heading toward a bigger conflict and that shows that both sides will be hostages of their radicals,”


Debbie said... 11

“Muslims must not be silent against these cartoons which are offensive to the great Prophet Muhammad,” one banner read.

That's funny.

and this...“It is not a way of improving your rights and exercising your freedoms when you use these rights for insulting the most sacred values and symbols of others and inciting hatred,” he said. “This is a very wrong, provocative way — unacceptable.”

Interesting, I wonder if they felt that way about the Holocaust Denial Conference and Anti-Semitic Cartoon Contest held in Iran?

Charlemagne said... 12

Islam doesn't need the West to stir up hatred toward Muslims, they're doing a great job of that all by themselves.

And to their threats I say, bring it on! Maybe some brainless Liberals will finally pull their heads from their rear ends.

Anonymous said... 13

We do not want to improve relations - we want to make it clear that we despise islam, and that we will not give an inch, if it is up to us.
Your beloved prophet is a flaming thunderhead; what's under that his turban of his is highly combustible stuff - not peaceful at àll, and liable to turn his hapless followers into human bombs.
We want you to sanitize your beliefs, and make them compatible with a human civilization and with our laws and our version of peace.
Because these are our lands...
So yeah - bring it on!