Instead of the required T-shirt and shorts as safety attire for adults attending children while near the water, these parents demanded the right to come to the pool while wearing veils and long pants and long-sleeved T-shirts. In other words, they have the “right” to wear just the kind of clothes that would hamper anyone who had to jump into the pool to grab a kid who was in over his head and panicky:
The Court of Appeal for western Sweden found the City of Gothenburg guilty of ethnic discrimination and ordered the authorities to pay the women 20,000 kronor ($3,000) each in damages.
In its judgment, the court said that the actions of the swimming pool lifeguards, who insisted that the women should change into tee-shirts, could be deemed discriminatory even if this had not been their intention.
The nature of Sweden’s discrimination laws mean that it was up to the City of Gothenburg to prove that the request for the women to remove some of their clothing had nothing to do with their religion.
“In the view of the Court of Appeal, the City of Gothenburg did not succeed in doing this,” the court said in a statement.
In March last year, Gothenburg District Court ruled that the municipal pool had not discriminated against the women.
One is led to ask how any municipality is able to anticipate ahead of time the reckless behavior of its citizens so that laws can be in place beforehand to prevent questionable or potentially reckless behavior.
This whole episode reminds me of the story the Baron tells about a local mom who was going away for a few days and left her older teenagers in charge. While she was gone, they (needless to say) had a party and someone's careless cigarette use resulted in a bad fire. The Baron said, "I'll bet she gave them plenty of rules. She just forgot to say, "and while I'm gone don't burn the house down."
The Court of Appeal obviously does not accept the notion of “The Reasonable
The “reasonable person” is a hypothetical individual who is intended to represent a sort of “average” citizen. The ability of this hypothetical individual to understand matters is consulted in the process of making decisions of law. The question, “How would a reasonable person act under the same or similar circumstances” performs a critical role in legal reasoning in areas such as negligence and contract law.
And had one of the children of these mothers come to harm in the swimming pool do you think they would also be suing the same authorities?
Practitioners of fundamentalist religions have no room in their doctrine for reason, or for free will, either. That kind of thinking is not confined to Islam…and it doesn’t matter, really, unless you demand to be the exception to reasonable behavior and thereby potentially place your child in harm’s way.
For example, in this country (and I am sure in many others), a parent whose religious beliefs interfered with their child’s health - e.g., a doctrine that didn’t permit blood transfusions for a hemophiliac child - would be over-ruled by the courts. I have seen doctors go to court to get emergency legal permission to give responsible care to children who have come into the hospital for treatment.
The demands of the parents were over-ruled by the courts in the cases I saw. And sometimes the parents were secretly grateful. One woman admitted to me that it was a relief to have her child taken care of this way since her religious doctrine prevented her from acting as she really wanted to. Dogma can be a very powerful peer pressure; sometimes its tenets transcend the facts on the ground.
Which makes me wonder: were these women acting of their own free will, or was the legal case the demand of watchful husbands? Left to their own devices would the women have appeared at the pool and changed in the locker rooms into shorts and T-shirt?
My aunt, a Franciscan nun, was very happy to see those old, hot and heavy habits made optional with the advent of Vatican II. Back in the old days, before such a thing would ever have been considered, she was the principal of a school in Tybee Beach (Georgia). I would go to visit her sometimes in the long summer vacations. To my astonishment, in the cool of the early evening, she and the other nuns would change into bathing suits, grab towels and head to the beach (a block or so away). I was amazed: nuns had legs!
Looking at the other news in the Local, Sweden is full of social problems and quandaries brought on by the socialist environment:
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More People, Especially Women, Attempt Suicide...of course there is no breakdown by race. That’s a no-no. Instead, much hand-wringing for the press:
“This is a terrible development, and we have no scientific studies that explain why, although the social climate is tougher these days,” Professor Britta Alin Åkerman at the Karolinska Institute’s Institution for Suicide Prevention told Svenska Dagbladet.
This may be a matter of “tough times” for those caught in the p.c. wringer. They are obliged to keep silence about the obvious because in the EUSSR statistics can be deemed “racist” if they don’t line up with the current doctrine.
Unless a scientist is permitted to look at all the data, what she’s doing isn’t really science.
Sweden Blocks EU Divorce Plans
Sweden blocked Saturday European Union plans to stop divorcing couples from fighting over which EU court to legally settle their separation in.
EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini said it was “mainly Sweden opposing” the move, out of concern that the laws of other nations would not provide the same protection to the most vulnerable partners in a divorce.
“Now there is what we call unfortunately this growing phenomenon of foreign shopping. People can choose the applicable law and the judge,” Frattini told reporters in Slovenia after talks between EU justice ministers.
“This is, frankly speaking, a source of legal uncertainty,” he said.
Sweden endeavours to expedite divorces as quickly as possible, while the process can take far longer in other nations, with some demanding a period of separation before any court divorce can begin.
Malta does not recognize the right to divorce at all.
Complications can also arise in marriages between homosexuals, which are only recognized in some of the 27 EU nations.
Complications?? In a collective?? Nah…No individual state cultural customs here; of course not. We are one big happy Union. These aren’t bugs in the Constitution, folks, they’re features…which we plan to outlaw.
Witch Burning Part of the Festivities
Nordman, an ethnopop duo and regular in the Melodifestivalen competition, plans the witch-burning as part of its set in the Karlskrona heats on March 1st. In the act, a woman will play a witch being forced onto a fire and burned alive.
Local battered women’s shelters are not impressed.
Well, duh…
Swedish Girl Falls to Her Death From 4th Floor Apartment
A 17-year old girl has died from injuries sustained following a fall from her fourth floor apartment in the Småland town of Eksjö.
The girl was found on the ground by her parents outside the apartment building around eleven o’clock Sunday morning. They had gone to look for her when she didn’t show up for work.
Police are not sure if the girl fell, jumped, or was pushed.
“There is no obvious suspicion of foul play at this time, although we are trying to build a picture of what has happened by talking to relatives and neighbors,” said Jonsson.
Don’t you wonder what her ethnicity is?
This brings us full circle back to the story about the mystifying increase in “suicides” among women in Sweden… perplexing statistics indeed, especially if you keep your politically correct blinders on at all times, even in the shower. Never can tell what you might glimpse otherwise.
Finally, there is this bit of black humor which actually has a speck of brutal truth:
Stand Back or We’ll Shoot
Now who could those masked men have been? And what Swede would ever carry a gun??
There’s a hint in the story (see if you can find Waldo here):
The bank had not yet opened for business when the thieves drove a car through the bank’s main entrance.
Approximately twenty employees were present at the time, but none were injured.
One member of the management team was in the bank at the time.
“I heard a crashing sound and saw a car drive straight through the main doors. I understood that it wasn’t just a regular customer and rushed over to the police station, which is about ten metres away from here,” he told TT.
One witness was on her way to have her hair cut when she saw the robbers leaving the bank.
“I saw four masked robbers running out of the bank and screaming at each other. All of them were carrying sub-machine guns and some of them were speaking in broken Swedish.
“They threatened people who were standing in the square, saying: ‘Stand back or we’ll shoot’. I got the feeling they wouldn’t hesitate to start shooting,” she told TT.
What do you want to bet they were American tourists from Texas who'd run out of spending money. Vacations are so expensive.

Hat tip: TB
*hiding mask and sub-machine gun*
And now way it was Texans. They weren't wearing cowboy hats and boots with humongous belt bucks all the while holding a bottle of Lone Star beer. And apparently at no time did the robbers ever say y'all, git, bidness, or awl.lol
Concearning that episode about muslim woman and the pool.
I do firmly believe that those women have the right to be dressed that way. You are asking them to undress, that can be pretty agressive to those kind of people.
One centurie ago even European women would not feel confortable to "get the clothes off".
Here it is about female dignity, it is not about male conquest.
“Now there is what we call unfortunately this growing phenomenon of foreign shopping. People can choose the applicable law and the judge,” Frattini told reporters in Slovenia after talks between EU justice ministers.
“This is, frankly speaking, a source of legal uncertainty,” he said."
The way lawyers in this country (USA) manage to twist the constitution for bogus lawsuits and getting criminals off has always disgusted me. When I consider what the EU lawyers will do with the EU "constitution" when it inevitably comes about boggles my mind. That thing compared to our relatively short and straight forward constitution will really be Europes undoing. Talk about a stacked deck.
If they don't like the country or its culture, there's plenty of room in Mecca for them to return to, and sulk.
Obviously the rule was not made to exclude Muslims, so it isn't discriminatory.
OTOH, the reason about ease of rescue sounds lame to me. But the real reason is surely innocent -maybe preventing people from swimming in dirty street clothes. Or preventing them from less than tshirt and shorts. :)
And had one of the children of these mothers come to harm in the swimming pool do you think they would also be suing the same authorities?
Puhleeese, what if one of the heavily robed mothers had jumped into the pool and drowned while trying to save her floundering child? Does anyone honestly think that the pool officials would have been any less prone to a lawsuit?
This is lawfare, pure and simple. As Jim C. noted:
Obviously the rule was not made to exclude Muslims, so it isn't discriminatory.
Of course. This sort of horseradish almost transcends the "Reasonable Man" legal standard and enters the realm of "anything goes". It is as if Islamic traditions have—with specific intent—been designed to be so incompatible with all other existing cultures that some degree of unusual accommodation is always required to have Muslims in your midst. Any acceptance of these abstruse requirements is subsequently used as (in the words of YorkshireMiner), "the thin end of an even bigger wedge" to impose further legitimization of far more absurd impositions upon host cultures.
A prime example of this is how Muslims complain against free European soup kitchens that serve pork-based recipes. No one is demanding that they consume these offerings yet Muslims remain compelled to be offended by such a thing. Just as these Muslim women who are voluntarily participating in children's swim education programs must nonetheless find fault with how their attire represents a definite hazard to personal and child safety.
A 17-year old girl has died from injuries sustained following a fall from her fourth floor apartment in the Småland town of Eksjö.
Sweet merciful crap! In my youth I spent a few months living in Hult—a small town outside of Eksjö—and can tell you that, back then, honor killings would have been the absolutely last thing to EVER cross anyone's mind, now or for all eternity.
I understood that it wasn’t just a regular customer
Trust this same bank employee to stand on a beach and call the ocean, "rather damp".
Kevin: And no way it was Texans. They weren't wearing cowboy hats and boots with humongous belt bucks all the while holding a bottle of Lone Star beer.
Once again, you reveal your total lack of comprehension regarding America culture. REAL Texans drink Shiner Bock. Pearl and Lone Star are for wannabe urban cowboys.
Once again you show a total lack of understanding sarcasm.
Kevin, your own posts have often enough been so offensive whereby you no longer get any benefit of the doubt.
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