But based on this article from yesterday’s Copenhagen Post, the Danes are real scaredy-cats when it comes to Islam:
Study: Danes most fearful of Islam- - - - - - - - -
A new report warns against a lack of dialogue and a widening gap between Islam and the West
Danes are among the most critical of Islam, according to a report by the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Some 79 percent of Danes responded in a poll that they considered more interaction with the Muslim world as a threat.
The worry was shared by a large majority in other European countries such as Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain, where up to 67 percent of the population feared more Western interaction with Muslim communities.
The message of the report was clear: there was a widening gap between the West and Islam.
‘There is an alarmingly low optimism regarding dialogue between the two worlds,’ said Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF, to Berlingske Tidende newspaper.
The WEF had conducted surveys in 21 countries (half of which were Muslim) throughout 2007. And the general picture was one of distrust.
The Danes’ and other Europeans’ views on interaction with the Islamic world as a threat was, according to the report, due to a ‘growing fear’ of the ‘Islamic threat’ against their European identities.
This assumption was based on ‘increased immigration from predominantly Muslim regions’ the report said.
Notice that this report was derived from the same survey data mentioned yesterday, and draws the opposite conclusion about the Netherlands: “The worry was shared by a large majority in other European countries such as […] the Netherlands.”
I suppose optimism must be in the eye of the beholder.
Is the fearful attitude in Denmark related to the coverage of Islam in the Danish media? It seems like it could be. According to today’s Avisen:
Danske medier er mest islam-kritiske
Danske medier er fulde af negativ omtale af muslimske lande, islam og muslimer.
My translation:
Danish media are the most critical of Islam
Danish media are full of negative reports about Muslim countries, Islam, and Muslims.
Those nasty Islamophobic Danes — stirring up fears in the populace with media reports of bombs, conspiracies, honor killings, rape, and murder!
Don’t they know that Islam is a religion of peace?

Hat tip: TB.
When Islam existed "over there," in the time before, say, 1948, it was viewed as part of the mysterious East. Ignorance reigned, and whatever scholars (the REAL ones then, as opposed to today's apologists) unearthed remained within academe.
As Islam becomes viewable up close and personal, the average person can now see for himself how disgusting, malicious and vicious Islam really is, and how it is completely incompatible with Western civilization.
Daniel Pipes can keep his "moderate Islam" that offers its believers dignity.
"Daniel Pipes can keep his "moderate Islam""
A few months ago Pipes came out with that slogan again in an article on his web. He took quite a beating in the comments for it. Real, hard-hitting flak from people who usually agree with him. He just might be reconsidering that one.
What I'm doing about this 'Moderate Islam' thing is to ask around for actual, organized organisations of moderate Muslims. People who respect democracy, dissent and Universal Human Rights. Not just individual moderates, organized ones.
I'll keep asking. That should undeniably expose the idea as a mirage.
Danes should be fearful of Islam, like the rest of us. But they're also being sold out to Islam by their government, probably also like the rest of us.
There is no moderate Islam. This was published today in Dutch newspaper Trouw:
"A 23-year old journalism student has been sentenced to death on Tuesday for distributing a text he had pulled off the internet. A three-judge panel in northern province Balkh judged that he had insulted Islam and thus deserved to die.
In Mazar-i-Sharaf, the city where the student worked as a reporter for newspaper Jaha-i-Naw, a demonstration was held to encourage the authorities to not release Kambaksh" (emphasis added).
Islam is peace. Most moslims are moderate. Sure...
And then there's this...
Ahem. The intended links in the foregoing were to Andrew Bostom's blog:
and JihadWatch:
Some 79 percent of Danes responded in a poll that they considered more interaction with the Muslim world as a threat.
Let me know when the number reaches 100%.
Considering that Islam's objectives are non-negotiable, what else should be the final number? Let's examine the high points of Islam's agenda.
Global Caliphate:
Worldwide implementation of Islamic rule and worship of Allah to the exclusion of all other religions. Please do not assert that dhimmitude allows for the practice of other faiths as dhiimmi status is in and of itself a death sentence.
Not at all. The Koran demands that Islam be the only religion and Allah the One True God™.
Shari'a Law:
This is the comprehensive legal code that covers nearly every aspect of a Muslim's daily life right down to how to wipe his posterior and how much residual excrement is allowed to remain in place.
Shari'a is a fundamental cornerstone of Islam and can no sooner be separated from it than the concept of prayer.
For all Muslims, this is the obligatory pursuit of Islamic supremacy by force of arms or other means, in that specific order.
Jihad is one of the first and foremost tenets of shari'a law and the primary vehicle by which Islam is spread. Abandoning it would forfeit much of the impetus that drives the dissemination of Islam in the modern world.
Now, let's review the implications with respect to each of these basic components of Islam.
Let's examine the global caliphate:
Establishment of a global caliphate carries with it some unavoidable implications. Among them are the deaths of over ONE BILLION people. How could that be? Let's run the numbers:
Imagine the death tolls arising from establishment of a global caliphate:
1.) Extermination of all Jews:
Some 13.5 MILLION people, world-wide would most likely die at the hands of their Muslim oppressors.
2.) Extermination of all homosexuals and deviants
I'm going to use what is called a "wildly exaggerated figure" for the sake of including the bisexual and transgender community plus other deviants who would all be put to death. Thusly, some 10% of the world's population or 600 MILLION people would fall into this category. The remaining figures are much more difficult to quantify.
3.) Armed resistance to Muslim encroachment:
I think it's safe to say that nearly everyone here at Gates of Vienna would perish fighting a Muslim attempts to overrun America. World wide, the numbers would most likely exceed that of the Jews. We'll place it at a meager 100 MILLION.
4.) Women denied access to medical care:
This is a huge number because under Islamic law women would only be able to be seen by female doctors—an exceedingly small fraction of this world's medical practitioners. I’ll use the figure for global female cancer deaths as an example of how reduced early intervention will escalate avoidable deaths, especially among women. That figure will be far more than 3 MILLION per year.
5.) Execution of political prisoners:
Toss in another 10 MILLION. This number is extremely understated.
6.) Execution of those who refuse to convert:
I’m going to use the world’s population of Catholics as a figure representing those who would adamantly refuse to convert or cooperate and be put to death. While the number would likely be much higher, this figure would approach over 1 BILLION.
We now have a total of 1.726 BILLION people who would die within the early years of Islam establishing its global caliphate.
Millions more would die each year due to Islam’s heavy-handed shari’a law and its demands for capital punishment. Women would keep dying in droves due to the unavailability of female doctors. Emerging homosexuals would be killed as with many other deviants, be they political, religious or otherwise.
Do the math. The global caliphate would rise upon dead bodies numbering greater than this world’s entire Muslim population. My Iranian friend Ray agrees with me that the number who would perish would be closer to HALF this world’s population but that is far more speculative than the conservative numbers I’ve posted above.
The foregoing represents a tipping point whereby that potential loss of life exceeds the number of those who seek to impose such slaughter. In other words, the victims outweigh the perpetrators. What does that tell you?
Let's address shari'a law:
This monstrosity is a conglomeration of what amounts to one massive violation of human rights. It codifies the institutionalized abuse of women, cruel and unusual punishment, theocratic rule and a host of other barbaric practices that come straight out of an iron age culture. To be placed under this legal system would be to lose over ONE MILLENNIA of societal progress.
And, finally, jihad:
Jihad is the primary vehicle for international terrorism. It is specifically sanctioned by the Koran and an obligation for all Muslims who are capable of enacting it. Jihad is inseparable from Islam and, ergo, so is terrorism.
So, there we have it. Three of the most basic and completely non-negotiable aspects of Islam rank among some of the most vile and murderous practices on earth. They are immune from reformation or modification as Islam would not be recognizable without them. Nor are they subject to reconsideration as this represents either blasphemy or apostasy, both of which are punishable by death.
Islam is not about to change, ever. Its most basic goals represent hideous assaults upon this world's population and an assured death sentence for over one billion people. It seeks to return us to an era of high infant mortality, low opportunity, nonexistent human rights, dysfunctional economics, slavery and a near complete lack of industrialization.
One more time, would someone please remind me as to why ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND should not have dire concerns over any further spread of this revolting filth?
Danish media are full of negative reports about Muslim countries, Islam, and Muslims.
What? - I must be missing something here. Danish MSM - especially state-owned broadcasting companies - are 100% apologetic, pro-islamic biased and untrustworthy in anything Muslim-related. But maybe the newspaper-scribe who wrote that statement had a sudden moment of realism and acknowledged that most Danes aren't fooled by the MSM. To the contrary, in fact. Whenever those media report something like "14-year old girl gang-raped by 6 Danish youths" or "82-year old pensioner robbed and killed by 28-year old Danish man" , we all know how to read 'between the lines'. "Danish" meaning a Muslim with a Danish passport. So yes, Danish media are full of negative reports.(In the rare case of a real Dane perpetrating something the wording would invariably be "Truck driver Jens Hansen, 26, of 92 Main Street, Copenhagen, did so and so....")
BTW: we are not afraid of Muslims. We mostly laugh at them, but often just feel sorry for the poor bastards, who must live with a lost cause, no matter what they do or don't.
There actually is a "moderate Islam". The problem is that it's on a level with "moderate Catholics" who only go to Mass on Christmas and Easter, or moderate Jews who don't go to synagogue at all. It's another name for "secular person of Islamic cultural heritage"
And therein lies the key -- a moderate Muslim is somebody who is not serious about Islam.
You are flat-out wrong.
There MIGHT be such a thing as a moderate Muslim, who, as you say, ignores most of Islam. Call them cultural Muslims, nominal Muslims, whatever.
However, there is no such thing as "moderate Islam". This goes as far back as Ibn Warraq's book, "Why I Am Not A Muslim."
Furthermore, a so-called moderate Muslim today might not be one tomorrow - he might "get serious" about his "faith." Or, a moderate Muslim could have children who grow up to REAL Muslims.
All of this is because Islam was never, is not now, nor can it be, moderate in the way you describe. It would have to mutate into something else.
Don't hold your breath.
Zenster said "let me know when the number reaches 100%"
I'me not sure that would make too much of a difference. 80 % of the danish population manage to shoot themselves in the foot by voting inn politicians who act against Denmarks interest AS THEY ,THE THE VOTERS, APARENTLY DO UNDERSTAND IT.
So what's going to change when the number reaches 100% ??
Paul --
Please don't paste long URLs into the comments; they make the post page too wide and mess up the appearance of the permalink page.
Use link tags; the instructions are at the top of the full post's comment section.
Paul Green said...
Deference to the chimera of "moderate Islam" is part of the "current approach" to the war on terrorism devastatingly deconstructed, using Islamic sources, in this indispensable paper by Stephen Coughlin:
pdf file
It is 333 pages long, but is well worth a read. Print it out and pass it on.
Coughlin is the analyst for the Department of Defense who was fired because his views got him crosswise with a top aide to Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England. The aide is Egyptian-born Hesham Islam. and Jihad Watch and Andrew Bostom have been follwing the story, which was originally reported in the Washington Times.
There is a considerable difference between being afraid of something and understanding that it is bad for you and consequently turning away from it. It appears that the Danes are in the latter category, not the former. They appear to be among the few, perhaps the only, country in Europe that has exhibited enough backbone to actually do something about the muzlim threat. I fail to see how this can be identified as fear. Rather it appears to me to be intelligence and resolve. How I would like to see more of this kind of "fear" in far more countries of the world.
Nations were formed to keep different cultures separated by boundaries, to eliminate or reduce the friction that is inevitable when interactions take place.
It is bad enough that the EU is forcing European nations to be part of one collective, but is also allowing millions of quite a different and aggressive culture to live in Europe. This is a sure fire recipe for disaster - and we can see this unfolding before our eyes.
None of the tension that is between Europeans and Muslims would have come about if Muslims had not come to the West, or just lived like Hindus and others. Now the cat is out of the bag. The perverted nature of Mohammed has been revealed. Inevitably, this has led to the caricature and lampooning of Mohammed, and given his lamentable character - ridicule. And not just to Westerners, but also to tens of millions of Muslims, who otherwise would have continued to be good Muslims. But now they know. And no matter what they do, the seeds of doubt have been planted in Muslim minds, even in Muslim nations.
None of this would have occurred if Muslims had stayed in Muslim lands. Islam would still have had respect in the West, born of ignorance albeit, and Muslims in Muslim lands, would have been content in ignorance. Muslim women in the West would not be under pressure to stray from the confines, as the confines of traditional Islam would not be under question.
The problem for Muslims now, is how to wipe out the contempt, caricature and ridicule that have been heaped on Mohammed, as well as how to keep a tight reign on Muslim women.
There are only a couple of choices
1 Accept reality - in which case the caricature, ridicule etc, stand for posterity.
Muslim women continue to be a problem.
2 Fight back. The only way the caricature and ridicule etc can be expunged is for Muslims to conquer the Western world, and make it Islamic. Then and only then, will Mohammed's honour be avenged, and the shame erased.
Of course, the last means that Muslims will have to conquer the West with bloodshed.
Hard choice.
Ofcourse they can have all, if they retire to a country that accepts Islamic culture as the norm (And I dont mean Britain).
How can a democracy have 60-90% opposition to Islam and muslim immigrants and yet their governments continue to allow more sharia, more mosques, more muslim immigrants, more everything just like before?
Doesn't the government have to respond to the electorate? Why is every party in power in europe pro-immigration if every populace in europe is anti-immigration?
This is extremely confusing. When we were the tiny far-sighted minority I can understand, but when we make up 80% of the populace and are still shunted aside, how can this be explained?
Diamed, a good question. Is it really because the populace hasn't yet worked out the link between immigration policies and politicians? What else can it be. It puzzles me.
Hey Henrick, you are wasting your time trying to find moderate Muslims. They are like the proverbial hens teeth. Anyway, when it comes to Jihad time one side will accommodate the other, just look at your history books. Put your efforts into something a little more worthwile like making up some nice pig skins which all Muslims just adore.
Hey Zenster, you raised some very good points in your comment. You obviously have been studying your history because it shows. Keep up the good comments.
Hey Baron, Ive got to ask, why would an American call himself a Baron? You're not of English extraction are you lusting after that yearned for title?
Anyway this is a good blog which I have been logging onto for the past couple of months.
You may be interested to know that some of us downunder have taken to form our own political party. Our objective is to take the fight to our tyrannical politicians, who have over the past few decades, forgotten to consult us, the people, in those matters that eventually affect us all.
Our new party is called the Australian Protectionist Party.
"This is extremely confusing. When we were the tiny far-sighted minority I can understand, but when we make up 80% of the populace and are still shunted aside, how can this be explained?"
Because people are "multi-dimensional". They may be against immigration but still believe people should be able to bring their (foreign) spouse home. They may be against immigration but still believe that refugees must be helped and their family allowed to join them. People may be against islam but still believe people are entitled to their beliefs. People may be against immigration but it's not a priority for them etc. etc.
In other words, they are conflicted. Much like many people in the "counter-jihad movement", really.
laller and diamed,
When the underlying morality of our culture revolves around defining altruism and self-sacrifice as virtues, then there will inevitable conflict between this morality and actual human nature.
You do not have to be an Ayn Randian to admit, in your heart of hearts, that to you, your life IN ITSELF has ultimate value TO YOU.
You have to admit, in your heart of hearts, that your own life is given meaning by you pursuing your own values and that living in consonance with those values creates YOUR OWN HAPPINESS.
Your have to admit, in your heart of hearts, that the idea that you are nothing but a slave whose efforts are to be disposed of by "the state" is repugnant.
And yet, that is exactly what an altruistic, collectivist, self-sacrificial morality tells you that you are.
Islam is but a supreme example of such a non-individualistic morality that MUST be violent because the group, which has no mind, cannot produce anything by itself and hence MUST feed off productive societies.
Anonymousterry --
Hey Baron, Ive got to ask, why would an American call himself a Baron? You're not of English extraction are you lusting after that yearned for title?
I chose to use as my nickname the name of a fictional author whose works are used in footnotes within the science fiction novels of Jack Vance.
It has no connection with my English (or German or French or Scottish) ancestry. My only lusts are directed at babes, and also occasionally towards good espresso...
Diamed: How can a democracy have 60-90% opposition to Islam and muslim immigrants and yet their governments continue to allow more sharia, more mosques, more muslim immigrants, more everything just like before?
Welcome to the world of our political traitor elite. We—the great unwashed—cannot possibly know what is good for ourselves and must be instructed by our betters. This Vampire Elite has taken upon themselves the burdensome, yet rather lucrative, task of creating—what is for us, unfortunately—a dystopic vision that satisfies their unspoken yearnings for a world free of all class distinctions and racial differences. Ensconced in their insular world of gated communities, chauffered limousines and 24 hour bodyguards, they remain relatively immune to the havoc being wrought in the name of multiculturalism and socialist central planning.
Doesn't the government have to respond to the electorate?
Not when the Vampire Elite believe that people should serve the government as in all good little socialist hellholes. As to what should be done about these traitorous politicians, the words of Srdja Trifkovic ring ever more true:
The elite class has every intention of continuing to “fight” the war on terrorism without naming the enemy, without revealing his beliefs, without unmasking his intentions, without offending his accomplices, without expelling his fifth columnists, and without ever daring to win. Their crime can and must be stopped. The founders of the United States overthrew the colonial government for offenses far lighter than those of which the traitor class is guilty.
AnonymousTerry: you raised some very good points in your comment. You obviously have been studying your history because it shows. Keep up the good comments.
Thank you. It's been a painstaking process to sufficiently overcome a lifetime of liberal indoctrination whereby I can now make the clear distinctions necessary for understanding how incredibly evil Islam truly is.
By overtly asserting itself on the world's stage, Islam has sealed its fate. As Ethelred noted:
As Islam becomes viewable up close and personal, the average person can now see for himself how disgusting, malicious and vicious Islam really is, and how it is completely incompatible with Western civilization.
Islam has crawled out of its self-secreted shell of regional protection and is now squirming in our direction. It is attempting to bore into our cultures like a shipworm that will eventually sink our collective societies. We have a decade at best to crush this vile crawling thing before it does irreparable damage to the Western world. Due to nuclear proliferation, I believe the timeframe is far shorter than even a decade.
Ethelred: Islam is but a supreme example of such a non-individualistic morality that MUST be violent because the group, which has no mind, cannot produce anything by itself and hence MUST feed off productive societies.
If this concept is unclear for anyone, please consider this historical comparison. Colonial Spain is a superb example of religious fundamentalism. In their attempt to out-Catholic Rome's own Catholics, they instituted the Inquisition and attained hitherto unhearlded depths of depravity in the treatment of other human beings. I refer any doubters to the movie, "The Mission", where colonial soldiers kill missionaries of their own faith so they do not convert Brazilian natives who thereby can avoid becoming enslaved.
Examine all of the countries subjected to Spanish colonial rule: Namely, the Philippines, vast parts of South America, Mexico and so on. ALL OF THEM remain cesspits of corruption, political turmoil and largely unindustrialized. This is because Spanish conquistadors were far more interested in looting the native cultures than in developing whatever natural resources that were available.
Islam has this exact same looting mentality that derives from a similarly monumental sense of religiously inflated self-entitlement. It brings to Muslim occupied countries the exact same cultural stagnation, religious oppression, endemic corruption and entrenched underclass that Spanish colonialism spread wherever it went.
As any society moves towards collectivism and against individualism, productivity drops as the competent realize that they have become slaves of the incompetent. The entire society gets dragged down to the level of the incompetent.
In our mixed economy, the incompetent form differing pressure groups who then petition the government to fulfill their NEED (meaning their incompetence) as they demand their "piece of the pie." More of more of the ever more slowly growing pie is then GIVEN to the growing hordes of incompetents because they say they NEED it.
In Islam, EVERYONE is incompetent. There is no such thing as an individual, just a member of the faceless umma, where they are told outright that THIS LIFE HAS NO MEANING. The entire society is organized as groups starting as the nuclear family, then the extended family, then the tribe and finally the Islamic sect. At every level an "us or them" mentality is set up with violence the only means of resolving disputes. At the level of the umma, the "us or them" is the Believers vs. the Infidel.
If someone manages to achieve something, it is his duty to give it to the group "for the common good" (meaning for Islam) to help the endless battle between "us or them".
Islam is pernicous intersection of complete mystical irrationality and complete social collectivism. Thus it is a given that when the looting of the world was forced to end because the world became strong enough to repulse it, Islamic societies receded into their individual cesspools, with stagnation and misery the result.
Unearned oil wealth COULD be used to build a productive society, but rather it is used to fight the Infidel, simply because the collective has no mind and the individual is but fodder.
"There actually is a "moderate Islam"."
Agreed. They call themselves 'Alevites' and reject:
- Literal interpretation of the Quran.
- Five pillars of Islam.
- Using Muhammad as an example
- Building mosques (they use Cem Houses)
Alevites constitute 20 % of the Turkish population.
On 'Islamophobia', I propose starting to use the word to designate those so scared by Islam they refuse to do or say anything sensible.
It's natural to be afraid, no shame.
We're willing to give them a hand to come to their senses. Like by reading a book or watching a good documentary.
"As any society moves towards collectivism and against individualism, productivity drops as the competent realize that they have become slaves of the incompetent."
Also known as 'fascism'. In particular if the State becomes so powerful it cracks down on dissent in order to protect its position.
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