A few days ago the Dutch Defence League was forced to fold after the authorities in the Netherlands told it that they could no longer guarantee the safety of the leaders of the DDL.
Last night Tommy Robinson, the leader of the English Defence League, was “fitted up” with a new set of bogus police charges. This stratagem was designed to put him out of action during the long hot summer, since the conditions of his bail included a ban on all EDL-related activities.
So this is what it has come down to in Europe. The authorities are desperate, and getting more desperate every day.
All other methods have failed, so the gloves are off, and we are seeing the police state in action. There’s no more pretense about the rule of law, no more democratic process, just straightforward totalitarian repression.
Here’s the story from the EDL website:
Continued harassment of EDL: Someone’s scared of us and the truth.
Yesterday saw the English Defence League fall victim to the regime of those in high places in a pathetic attempt to silence the truth.
Our leader, Tommy Robinson, was charged yesterday by Lancashire police over the Blackburn demonstration and by the Bedfordshire police over the local Luton demonstration against Richard Howitt.
The Blackburn demonstration was on the 2nd of April, two and a half months ago, and the Luton protest was three weeks ago, so why are the police suddenly finding reasons to charge Tommy? We’ve already seen Tommy face various trumped-up charges that have been laughed out of court, and we’ve seen the ludicrous charge against him of assaulting a police officer as the Muslim extremists burnt poppies. (If you can see anyone being assaulted here who isn’t Tommy, please get in touch — you have special powers!)
Heads are turning and the MP’s are worried about us. They know we’re right, and they know we are exposing their utter failures and incompetence by allowing Islamic extremism to prosper in the UK.
Our universities are hotbeds for extremism, taxpayer money has been given to extremist organisations, and the police have displayed nothing but appeasement toward violent and abusive Muslim extremist protesters.
These are facts and this the truth. The EDL only deal in the truth and facts. We haven’t made these problems up. We only wish we were making this up, and people weren’t being killed in the name of Islam, but sadly they are, and it must be stopped. It appears that some people in high places are trying their hardest to stop the truth being spread, and want to prevent the British public from waking up to the dangers of radical Islam.
Last week, our PayPal and eBay accounts were mysteriously closed down at similar times after many months of use with no issues.
Coincidentally, this came immediately after Tommy pointed out some facts to home secretary Theresa May about the unfair policing often seen at EDL demonstrations, such as:
- Rochdale, where many of our supporters were needlessly assaulted and attacked by police dogs whilst holding a peaceful demo.
- The policing of the counter protest to MAC’s celebration of Osama bin Laden, where EDL supporters were arrested because condemning Bin Laden ‘could cause offence’, whilst MAC were free to attack the police and celebrate the man who was responsible for thousands of deaths.
- The policing of Tommy’s court case in London, where a young girl was put into hospital by Muslim youths whilst the police watched on and allowed it to happen, before kettling the peaceful EDL demonstrators.
- On Saturday, the police force at the Dewsbury demo took it upon themselves to kettle law-abiding EDL protesters for 4 hours before forcibly moving the peaceful EDL supporters on buses to far-away Leeds, rather than nearby Batley, where all the EDL transport was waiting to take people home.
The police received full cooperation from the EDL for the Dewsbury demonstration to ensure that a safe and peaceful protest was held, only for the police to change all plans for the demo late on, making all the efforts of the EDL liaison officers pointless. This led to a warning from the EDL threatening to withdraw all cooperation for future events, unless the police started to treat us fairly and respected our rights to peacefully protest.
Unfortunately, the police decided not to heed these reasonable requests.
Therefore, because of the highly unreasonable policing on show at the weekend, and the treatment of Tommy today, the English Defence League will be coming back to Dewsbury after Tower Hamlets. What’s more, the EDL are no longer going to waste their time talking to the police, as they simply don’t stick to their word and are not to be trusted. With this, be prepared for a lot more flash demonstrations.
We will never be silenced and we will not stop until Islamic extremism is banished from our shores. It is not wanted here!
Not so much a police state more a sharia state. In Scotland a new bill will see the maximum prison term for sectarian hate crimes and internet hate postings rise from six months to five years (on each charge).
They are going to learn that you cant suppress the grass roots movement of the majority indigenous people which is a matter of cultural ethnic survival.
Where do I get my official EDL T Shirt? Do you ship to the US?
"Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day, but a series of oppressions begun at a distinguished period, unalterable through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery."
Thomas Jefferson, quoted by Zaknic at Zero Hedge
When heroes are called villains, and villains heroes, a society is near collapse. In this case its an entire civilization. And not just ANY civilization, but one that lies at the heart of the modern world. When we go, EVERYBODY goes. Iceburg ahead, guys.
Seeing what they did to Robinson is so disheartening. It reminds me a bit of the Beattitudes, specifically:
"And blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
God is the Truth in Christian tradition, after all, and guys like Robinson and Wilders are being persecuted for their love of it. While they may not know the full truth in the mind, their hearts sure as hell do. It wouldn't surprise me if they end up realizing it before the end. And if they die before that, they will happily realize it on the other side of the river Styx.
What an amazing MESS we're in, though.
I suggest EDL take a leaf from Anjem Choudery's tactics. The moment the British ban his organisation he comes up with a new organisation but same old members.
Tommy Robinson must have a number of potential leaders ready to take over from him the moment he is incapacitated in any form.
… authorities in the Netherlands told it that they could no longer guarantee the safety of the leaders of the DDL.
Is it that "they could no longer guarantee the safety of the leaders of the DDL" or that "they were no longer going to guarantee the safety of the leaders of the DDL"?
When legitimate members of society come under threat from criminal elements, it is law enforcement's SWORN DUTY to protect and serve those who are targeted by such illegal activities.
What message would be sent if state protection for Geert Wilders was arbitrarily withdrawn? How is the message currently being sent any different?
They could no longer guarantee their safety from what, exactly? Lightning bolts? Tsunamis? - What is out there that is going to do them harm in the first place?
I smell fear in the ranks of the adversary.
Now is not the time to back down.
For the Dutch government to assert that they "cannot guarantee safety" is a veiled threat-- a kind of Islamic ventriloquism.
Are they unable or unwilling to guarantee the safety of the DDL?
The difference matters mightily.
I guess now it is the case that when the police say they can no longer protect you, you no longer have any rights to protection.
The next step then is banding together to protect yourselves.
It looks like the English's Overlords are taking a chapter from their G20 member China, and indulging in the "preemptive" police action. It won't be long until Robinson and others will be given "house arrest" penalties or out right prison incarceration for tactical time periods hoping to intimidate the EDL members into dissolution. I think they should watch out though. They maybe being led into a organization ban
, especially with this police consultation problem. They should play the political game, expecting no respect or fair treatment.
As for the DDL. Why would they be surprised by the "law enforcement" not protecting them?
The Dutch government is either unwilling or incapable of keeping the capital city from smelling or looking like a rubbish heap so why expect them to take the time to protect the plebs.
Seneca III was unable to post a comment, and asked me to post this one for him.
I have been waiting for this type of attack on the EDL and the DDL for quite a while now…it was inevitable. Every Police State makes such a classic mistake sooner or later and by so doing sows the Dragon’s Teeth of its own destruction.
What States and their agents accomplish by such actions is to drive legitimate concerns underground, and in the process they move protest to a different plane, first to revolt and then to revolution. And when such measures are implemented in order to sustain and enable an alien invasion they can but bring down the absolute wrath of those so invaded upon their heads.
The Defence Leagues in particular and the Counterjihad in general must now learn how to operate in this underground not of their own making. New, cellular, structures must be created; covert means of communication must be established; strong regional leadership, trained and able to operate locally and independently as well as nationally and jointly, must be emplaced; group and self-discipline and security must become the watchwords of every member and all must prepare themselves for the long haul and the inevitable attrition that will go with it.
Freedom is never free, but it is close, it is hard by the door, and as in Britain and much of Europe we have arrived at this transition phase we should cease looking outward at such misnomers as the ‘Arab Spring’ and turn inward towards our own Springs. As an old saying goes… “My enemy’s friend is my enemy”…and the freeborn native men and women of the West should no longer have any doubts as to what value or what place they and theirs have in the eyes of those who rule them.
So, to all who may be prepared to make their stand, I commend the following quote from ‘The Art of War’ by Sun Tzu:
The way of war is
A way of deception.
When able,
Feign inability;
When deploying troops,
Appear not to be.
When near,
Appear far;
When far,
Appear near.
Lure with bait;
Strike with chaos.
If the enemy is full,
Be prepared.
If strong,
Avoid him.
If he is angry,
Disconcert him.
If he is weak,
Stir him to pride.
If he is relaxed,
Harry him;
If his men are harmonious,
Split them.
Where he is unprepared;
Where you are unexpected.
This is
Victory in warfare;
It cannot be
In Advance.
And if any should need to find reasons as to why this should have come to pass they can be found in the following two quotes from the work of Ayn Rand:
“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission.”
“There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws ... pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted and you create a nation of law-breakers.”
Against which the State is then free to act in a manner as draconian as it wishes, I would add.
— Seneca III
JS123: The next step then is banding together to protect yourselves.
Absolutely. This selective withholding of obligatory protection by law enforcement inherently breeds vigilantism.
Seneca III: [per Ayn Rand] “There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws ... pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted and you create a nation of law-breakers.” [emphasis added]
This is exactly how I used to characterize the Soviet Union. It's criminal code was so extensive that there was no question of guilt or innocence. Everyone was guilty of something, it was just a matter of whether they had gotten around to arresting you yet.
We are rapidly approaching this situation in the West, especially with respect to anything that concerns Islam.
I am reminded of JFK's immortal quote:
Zenster: "When legitimate members of society come under threat from criminal elements, it is law enforcement's SWORN DUTY to protect and serve those who are targeted by such illegal activities."
Hi Zenster: As I understand it, the United States Supreme Court has affirmed that no individual citizen is entitled to an individual right to police protection.
Hence, you are always on your own against the bad guys which is WHY preserving the United States' Second Amendment right to bear arms is tremendously important....
In my opinion, Western police are simply stating the obvious: Muslims employ extreme violence against non-Muslims that is too dangerous for police protection.
Western leaders already know this, and thus Western leaders engage in evil appeasement designed to paint the violent jihad target on other Westerners before themselves and their families.
Western leaders have conceded their countries to the ummah - like it or not. The rest is details....
Bravo Seneca - you captured the essence of the situation exactly.
Egghead: As I understand it, the United States Supreme Court has affirmed that no individual citizen is entitled to an individual right to police protection.
That does not exculpate the police from investigating or interdicting groups and individuals that present a clear and present danger to society. Let's face it, threats against individuals aside, the outpouring of violent intimidation by Muslims all over the USA and Europe make it patently obvious where law enforcement priorities must lie.
Allowing such a malicious entity to go unchecked eventually makes into accomplices all of those who knowingly choose to look askance.
Hence, you are always on your own against the bad guys which is WHY preserving the United States' Second Amendment right to bear arms is tremendously important....
No argument. Peace through superior firepower is a strategy that only takes on greater significance as the West gets around to engaging Islam.
In my opinion, Western police are simply stating the obvious: Muslims employ extreme violence against non-Muslims that is too dangerous for police protection.
Too dangerous? That, in and of itself, is the "legal limit line" whereby either you implement comprehensive investigation and interdiction or you simply call in the military. Neither of which, quite clearly, are happening.
Western leaders already know this, and thus Western leaders engage in evil appeasement designed to paint the violent jihad target on other Westerners before themselves and their families.
This is something I have been saying for almost half a DECADE. It remains a principal reason why simple campaigns of targeted assassinations against Islam's top echelons are not happening.
Our cowardly leaders know damn well that Islam would reply with their own targeted assassinations against them. These slimebag politicians have no problem with sending our young soldiers overseas to die in the thousands but perish the thought that they might share, even slightly, in the risk.
Eventually, America will see the same thing that I currently predict in Europe; the kith and kin of these yellow-bellied sapsuckers will become targets of physical or sexual assaults as either increasingly fearless Muslims stalk them or enraged citizens take measures into their own hands.
To that I say, too effing bad. I've had enough of these pantywaist nancy-boys feeding our brave soldiers to the Islamic crocodile, all the while hoping that they will be eaten last.
The old motto of the LAPD was to: "Protect and serve" but they never really specified who.
@Seneca III,
"New, cellular, structures must be created; covert means of communication must be established; strong regional leadership, trained and able to operate locally and independently as well as nationally and jointly, must be emplaced; group and self-discipline and security must become the watchwords of every member and all must prepare themselves for the long haul and the inevitable attrition that will go with it."
This maybe fine for a paramilitary organisation but the war in the U.K. is ideological. Theirs is the strategy of attrition and the long haul to adopt the same strategy only compliments what is a tried and tested formula of subvertion and conquest.
You know they're gonna kill ya. So, like... if you give 'em a quick short, sharp shock, they don't do it again. Dig it?
The danger of a paramilitary force is that it can soon turn into the adversaries de facto propaganda tool, therefore it has to be under strict political control and compliment the political objective.
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