In the comments on last night’s “Camp of the Saints” post, randian had this to say:
I’m a little surprised they’re going for Italy. They could have overwhelmed Cyprus instead and functionally conquered it for Islam.
This is a good point. Why wouldn’t the Muslim invasion zero in on Cyprus as a strategic target?
I offered this response:
They would not be able to live well on the infidel’s dime on Cyprus. That’s the difference.
If they overwhelmed Cyprus, they would exhaust its resources very quickly, and soon be reduced to raiding one another to live (unless the UN stepped in with lots of aid, of course).
Italy is not the destination of choice. It just happens to be a Western nation of relative wealth and is the easiest to reach. The ultimate enrichment targets are Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, and Sweden. Word goes out through the ethnic networks about which places offer the fattest living for the least effort, and the enrichers tend to head for those places.
Ideology doesn’t have to be involved, except for the universal no-frills core principle that every Muslim takes in with his mother’s milk: “It is my right to take from the kafir as much as I can get, without ever having to give anything back.”
To conceive of the Islamic invasion as a centrally-directed process is to misunderstand its nature and impose a Western model of behavior on the collective psychological, social, and political actions of Muslims.
Overall Islamic strategy is not coherent and well-organized, no matter how shrewd and effective any of its individual actors and groups may be. To conceive of it as a political entity with a dictator or single decision-making body is to miss the point.
Islam is effective precisely because it is a distributed phenomenon, and utilizes what might be called a micro-ideology — a small set of easily-understood instructions that are encoded and replicated in hundreds of millions of minds across the length and breadth of the Ummah.
The instruction set for this demotic version of Islam might look something like this:
1. | Acknowledge no authority but Allah and his messenger Mohammed. | |
2. | Pray in the prescribed manner. | |
3. | Listen to the imam. | |
4. | Eat no pork and drink no alcohol. | |
5. | Keep your women covered up and under control. | |
6. | Take whatever you can get from non-Muslims. Under Islam, they have no rights to the fruits of their labors. |
The last instruction is the engine of the Islamic conquest of non-Muslim lands. The exploitation of the infidel may involve a full violent jihad. It may also take the form of razzia — armed raids, pillaging, looting, rapine, and destruction.
In 21st-century Europe, Canada, and the United States, however, the preferred method is what has been called the “stealth jihad” — the gradual but steady infiltration, occupation, and subversion of Western countries.
This does not need to be a hierarchically-arranged and centrally-directed process to be effective. In fact, a full onslaught organized by an outside political entity would be detected and countered, because this is the traditional form of political conflict which the West recognizes, and in which it is supreme.
The stealth jihad in all its forms is the only strategy which can conquer the West, and it is very effective indeed, since our political systems have no template that includes it. We cannot fit it into any conceptual framework, and seem unable or unwilling to devise a new one that would allow us to deal with it effectively.
If the invaders were to attempt to overwhelm Cyprus, this would be recognized as dangerous external aggression (at least by the Greeks) and would trigger a traditional auto-immune response. Islam seems to understand this fact, in its distributed and decentralized fashion, and has devised strategies that are much more effective over the long term.
Most of the boat people who arrive on Lampedusa or Pantelleria do not view themselves as the vanguard of an Islamic invasion. They come with all the various motivations that you would expect from a group of poverty-stricken and mostly illiterate refugees — fear of repression and violence back home, a desperate search for a better means of subsistence, the desire to take advantage of the legendary bounty of Europe, etc.
However, since they carry within themselves the encoded instructions of Islamic micro-ideology, their modus operandi will be one of rapacious exploitation. They will have no moral scruples of the sort that a Westerner would understand, and feel no shame or embarrassment about being indolent parasites upon their infidel hosts — the simplified Islam they bring with them tells them that this is exactly their due, their basic right as members of a superior social group living amidst their inferiors.
Individual behavior driven by this imperative, when multiplied by thousands or millions, aggregates into an Islamic conquest. Not necessarily suddenly. It doesn’t have to happen all at once. Gradually, over decades, there are more and more Muslims. Always taking, taking, taking from the kuffar. Slowly, imperceptibly, as they become more numerous, our system fades away and is replaced by theirs.
In the long run, Islamic exploitation always fails. The parasite always kills its host. The process takes centuries — the glory of the Persians and the Byzantines persisted for a long time after the Islamic conquest. But in the end their lights guttered and died, and they became corrupt and backward satrapies until the magic of petroleum revived them.
A locust swarm is not guided by centralized direction, nor is there an overall strategy to its voracity when it destroys everything in its path. Each individual locust carries a simple set of instinctive imperatives that tell it when to eat, breed, migrate, and swarm.
No ideology is necessary. No boss needs to issue instructions. When conditions are right, locusts simply begin to swarm.
And the result is pestilence.
Creed of Pestilence, that's right. On JW someone said the other day:
"[..] Islam will self-destruct because it's inherently anti-human."
My response:
In the same vein Islam, provided it is left to its own devices, will self-destruct because it has absolutely no way of generating wealth.
Islam is parasitical to the bone and that also includes the effect of Islam on (any) economy. Islamic economy definitely is a Zero Sum "game", with many participants sharing the zero option - that fine "Arabic" numerical - while a few feast on the spoils of conquest. This is different from a situation where a suitable host has been found. Then Muslims generally put themselves to Islam's greatest use, which is bleeding the enemy sucker dry of resources, but preferably not all the way so that the host may live to provide another day.
There have been historical examples of this tactic that even led to the warning by Muslim leaders, not to convert too many of the conquered peoples to Islam, for that would eventually kill the goose with the golden eggs. Apparently these Muslim leaders of old knew pretty damn well that wholesale Islam would spell economic disaster. So the parasitical habit needed perfectioning to the point that the final collapse of the host society could be postponed as long as possible.
It is no coincidence that Sura 8, al-Anfal is held in such high regard, since it literally means "the spoils of war"; its subject matter being the issue of how the loot must justly be divided - or "distributed" - among the "faithful" (with Moh, Muh, Mèhammed slicing off a fair share for himself in thankful appreciation of his own services to the wider community).
Notice b.t.w. the analogy that might be drawn between this primitive form of economic brigandage and the intricate, well-managed welfare state schemes, also striving to redistribute the "spoils" (taxes) forcefully reaped by Western governments, in the name of "social justice".
Anyway, "spoils of war", that pretty much sums up Islamic monetary policy. Now we may rephrase that in "spoils of welfare" ;-)
Take care,
They weren't merely warned not to convert too many non-Muslims, but in some cases the Caliph entirely forbade even voluntary conversion to Islam, lest the jizya gravy train be cut off.
I like the analogy of a pestilence. In that respect Muslims as a group aren't really individuals, they act much more like cellular automata.
To conceive of the Islamic invasion as a centrally-directed process is to misunderstand its nature and impose a Western model of behavior on the collective psychological, social, and political actions of Muslims.
Thank You!
We need to shout this from the roof-tops.
When conditions are right, locusts simply begin to swarm.
And the result is pestilence.
I do not believe I've ever read or heard a critique of Islamic practice -- the actual behavior of the ummah -- better than that contained in this succinct and both literally precise and metaphorically apt post. I deeply thank and congratulate you, Baron.
Sometimes I need to see an example of greatness in order to keep slogging through what seems an endless marsh of mediocrity. Now, I'll make it another day.
Sagunto, et al., I just left a really long set of related comments at 6-9-11 post, Camp of the Saints: Blame Game. Check them out if you want. I didn't mention Satan once. :)
Camp of the Saints: Blame Game
To conceive of the Islamic invasion as a centrally-directed process is to misunderstand its nature and impose a Western model of behavior on the collective psychological, social, and political actions of Muslims.
This explains why moral or cultural relativism facilitates Islam and jihad so effectively. So long as Westerners continue to view Muslim conduct through the prettifying lens of modern civilized behavior, there will always be an insufficient degree of the moral clarity which is needed to finally decide that Islam is utterly incompatible with all other social constructs and act accordingly.
Overall Islamic strategy is not coherent and well-organized, no matter how shrewd and effective any of its individual actors and groups may be. To conceive of it as a political entity with a dictator or single decision-making body is to miss the point.
Islam's distributed nature may well explain why the similarly distributed Internet-based Counterjihad has shown itself to be so much more effective than any Governmental responses short of Russia's scorched earth policy or Israel's program of targeted assassinations.
Islam is effective precisely because it is a distributed phenomenon, and utilizes what might be called a micro-ideology — a small set of easily-understood instructions that are encoded and replicated in hundreds of millions of minds across the length and breadth of the Ummah.
Yet one more reason for using the meme model to interpret Islam's pattern of behavior. The parallels between Muslim predation and that of a dangerous virus are as numerous as they are appropriate.
The stealth jihad in all its forms is the only strategy which can conquer the West, and it is very effective indeed, since our political systems have no template that includes it. We cannot fit it into any conceptual framework, and seem unable or unwilling to devise a new one that would allow us to deal with it effectively.
Again, it is this PCMC driven unwillingness to cobble up a new conceptual framework that is going to produce truly disastrous downstream effects.
First of all, the frog will slowly cook in the pot until only something truly cataclysmic will awaken it from its torpor. This will most likely be the nuclear vaporization of one or more large Western cities.
Secondly, this reluctance to reconfigure our frame of reference means that any subsequent retaliation for whatever "awakening" event Islam manages to pull off will likely take the familiar form of Total War if not simple Nuclear Annihilation rather than any recalibrated doctrine of response.
If the invaders were to attempt to overwhelm Cyprus, this would be recognized as dangerous external aggression (at least by the Greeks) and would trigger a traditional auto-immune response. Islam seems to understand this fact, in its distributed and decentralized fashion, and has devised strategies that are much more effective over the long term.
All of which militates towards a "decentralized" and indiscriminate response from the West, when it finally comes. There will be no decapitating strikes or targeted assassinations and, instead, the nuclear equivalent of carpet-bombing.
Make no mistake, by adopting the superficial ruse of non-state actors operating outside of anything that even slightly resembles central authority, Islam literally assures that any eventual retaliation will be a blanket reply that is massively disproportionate and totally overwhelming.
In this respect, Islam has a strong resemblance to gangrene. As it progresses, the threat it presents is, at first, not entirely obvious. However, once it has been allowed to continue to the point if being undeniable, immediate amputation usually is the only viable cure.
So shall Muslims find that Islam may well be suddenly amputated from the civilized world in a brief spate of ultra-violence that will encapsulate the prolonged and repeated agonies of terrorist atrocities in one concentrated release of long pent up anger.
This is why Muslim reliance upon "low intensity" warfare via terrorism is so dangerous in the long term. A bull, repeatedly antagonized by the picadors will think nothing of focusing its rage upon the matador and goring him to death in short order whenever the chance presents itself.
In this manner, the perpetual barbs and lacerations of jihadist predation will incubate in its host cultures a mounting anger until that will eventually be released in an avalanche of vengeance. What previously appeared to Muslims as a slick and difficult to thwart strategy of incremental violence will finally inspire in its overly patient victims a burst of fury that will sweep Islam before it like a tsunami.
To date, no one of any prominence ― either Muslim or unbeliever ― has had the courage to point this out in no uncertain terms. These shots across the bow that Islam so desperately needs are being suppressed and, consequently, deferred in what can only come to manifest as a typhoon of uncontainable rage.
This is why I continue to predict the Muslim holocaust.
It's nice to think that Islam will be stopped somehow in the long term,
but in the short term we're seeing the successful Islamofication of many countries in the Mid-East and N. Africa. I, for one, don't see Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq or Eritrea ever being freed of Islamo-nazism. The kuffars I've met from these countries seem to agree w/me as well, otherwise, they wouldn't be here in the USA.
"...Islam, provided it is left to its own devices, will self-destruct because it has absolutely no way of generating wealth."
Yeah, islam will self-destruct AFTER it's destroyed everything else, and there is nothing else left they can suck the life from.
After untold BILLIONs have suffered and died.
allat: Yeah, islam will self-destruct AFTER it's destroyed everything else, and there is nothing else left they can suck the life from.
After untold BILLIONs have suffered and died.
Le bingo. Ergo, the need for preemption, even nuclear preemption, if that is our only option.
From a 2008 high level NATO conference: The west must be ready to resort to a pre-emptive nuclear attack to try to halt the "imminent" spread of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, according to a radical manifesto for a new Nato by five of the west's most senior military officers and strategists.
Calling for root-and-branch reform of Nato and a new pact drawing the US, Nato and the European Union together in a "grand strategy" to tackle the challenges of an increasingly brutal world, the former armed forces chiefs from the US, Britain, Germany, France and the Netherlands insist that a "first strike" nuclear option remains an "indispensable instrument" since there is "simply no realistic prospect of a nuclear-free world".
The manifesto has been written following discussions with active commanders and policymakers, many of whom are unable or unwilling to publicly air their views. It has been presented to the Pentagon in Washington and to Nato's secretary general, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, over the past 10 days. The proposals are likely to be discussed at a Nato summit in Bucharest in April. [emphasis added]
Note: The foregoing is required reading for all Counterjihadists. The United States, as the originator of nuclear weapons, possesses them for one reason alone and that is preservation of the American way of life. All other considerations are secondary, especially in the face of an enemy who would just as soon deface our world of every alternate society, culture, government and faith.
Please ask yourself one single and very simple question:
If Islam held all of this world's nuclear weapons and the West did not, would we even be having this discussion right now?
Don't delude yourself.
I have long thought of the way the ummah works as an insect colony. In a beehive or an ant hill the role of an individual is fixed by a set of very simple rules, whereas it is presumably not aware of the much larger structure it supports. The above set of instructions should include another point: Don't make friends with unbelievers, kill apostates. This is very important to keep the ummah coherent and prevent individual members from being absorbed into the host society. Here is another parallel to colony building insects, an individual cannot survive outside the colony. The virtual imprisonment of women in islam is yet another similarity - reproduction is only possible within the colony (ummah).
Excellent piece -as we've come to expect...
I'm a bit stricken by the startling similarity between the moo-slime pestilence, and the inner-city-style we Americans are more accustomed to seeing...
Both see themselves as "entitled" to a life of indolence at the expense of the less-intelligent worker-bees which scurry busily about while they relax in leisure.
I guess it's no surprise that p!$$lam is increasingly popular among this "entitled" group as well...
"Anyway, "spoils of war", that pretty much sums up Islamic monetary policy. Now we may rephrase that in "spoils of welfare" ;-)"
And stealth jihad may be said to involve the "spoils of lawfare"...
While I commend Baron's "Camp of the Saints" installments for their reportorial excellence, there seems to linger an analytical problem: namely, the negligence of the possible fact that many, or most, of these refugees may be non-Muslims fleeing Islam. (Again, this is distinct from the issue of whether the West is obliged to expend time, effort and money saving them by trying to assimilate them.)
Sagunto said
"In the same vein Islam, provided it is left to its own devices, will self-destruct because it has absolutely no way of generating wealth."
True in part but not totally.
Some Muslims in the west actually work (50% of males and 25% of females in the UK) and pay taxes. That is they pay taxes on “declared earnings”.
They may well have other “undeclared “ earnings, or alternatively, deliberately siphon off profits from their own businesses.
In the UK fairly recently a Muslim man who arranged the murder of his Muslim wife ( a part-time policewoman who abused that role for business reasons) admitted that profits from their various businesses were massively understated “to evade tax”.
This isn’t just a Muslim sense of entitlement or practice. It is an Asian one. I have Sikh friends, both born in the UK, who run a shop. They state, with total belief, that “the money in the till is ours because we earned it”. They act on that and fund all their food, and much else, from the till and the shelves. Only what is left is counted against profits. Hence they live at half the price that I can live.
They erroneously believe that “no income tax is payable in India”.
For Muslims then it is both cultural and a religious requirement to defraud the kuffar states.
Those who exist on welfare benefits (50%) are another matter. They are often not only claiming the benefits without working but also earning in the “black economy” , or criminal activity, without declaring any of it and hence defrauding the state. Some “Sheikhs” have even been recorded as advising NOT to pay car insurance or taxes or much else because these are the requirements of the kuffar.
In all cases, but particularly Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims, much cash is repatriated to the homeland. The African Muslims are even better at this.
The final point I would make, as have others, is that Muslims really like slavery and have managed to succeed for over a millennium by enslaving the “inferior” (but far more skilful and clever Kuffar.
You are right only in part Sagunto because only rarely are Muslims “left to their own devices”. They are expert at pillaging wealth and knowledge – much as ants “farm” aphids.
Hesperado --
In diagnosing an “analytical problem”, you are making several errors.
One of them is to assume that just because I do not discuss a particular topic or fact, I am not aware of it or do not take it into consideration. This is untrue: I have simply chosen not to discuss the likely inclusion of Christians and idol-worshippers among the Mediterranean refugees, given the countries from which some of them have allegedly fled (e.g. Côte d’Ivoire).
However, when I use the term “cultural enrichment”, it refers to all Third World immigrants who enrich our Western countries. Muslims do by far the most damage, but some of the other enrichers, especially those who live as oppressed minorities in majority-Muslim countries are almost as bad. Ask the “persons of Swedish background” who live in Södertälje — they will give you an earful about the gangs and predatory criminal behavior of the Assyrian Christians who have been imported into their town. It seems that Christians in Mesopotamia have picked up many of the cultural traits of their Muslim overlords.
In any case, based on multiple media reports, the majority of the “Camp of the Saints” migrants — somewhat over 20,000 — are Tunisians, and are thus overwhelmingly Muslim. The other countries involved — mainly Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Senegal, and Mali — have populations that are 99%, 91%, 97%, 54%, 50%, 100%, 65%, 94%, and 90% Muslim, respectively. African countries from further south, such as Nigeria, Gambia, Côte d’Ivoire, and Burkina Faso, have contributed fewer migrants to the exodus, but even those have Muslim populations of 50%, 90%, 40%, and 55% respectively.
Since the bulk of the migrants are from North Africa, it’s safe to assume that the vast majority are Muslims. Of those from further south, a modest number are likely to be non-Muslims. If those oppressed by Islam are fleeing their oppressors, they may well be over-represented among the refugees, while still remaining a small percentage of the overall total.
It’s also possible that the Muslims among the southern refugees are also fleeing Islam. Nobody in his right mind wants to live under the conditions created by centuries of Islamic rule, unless he is one of the privileged rulers. A Muslim may not realize he is fleeing Islam — he just knows that he wants to escape the hellhole in which he was born.
Then, of course, when he arrives in Europe, the micro-ideology of Islam imprinted in his psyche tells him to exploit the infidel whenever possible, by whatever means necessary. After enough time has passed, and after many more like him have arrived and done the same thing, a new, more northerly Islamic hellhole will thus have been created.
In the UK, some muslims might be employed, that's true. But in my experience they appear to be a neurotic lot. Always off praying, having time off for domestic matters, always complaining about the job. They are a pain to have around.
"Nuclear preemption?"
And as the islamics are nuked, we're killing ourselves with the added nuclear radiation in the air, AS WELL! Isn't there already enough from Fukushima?
That's NOT the answer, anyway.
Because then, you are doing the same crap as the islamics: killing the innocent.
As for lme, I don't want to be or do what the crazies do.
u.l. said... The above set of instructions should include another point: Don't make friends with unbelievers, kill apostates."
Another one that should be included is:
"If you find compassion or pity in your heart for the non-believer, it is a heresy. Pluck it out and follow the koran."
I can't find the verse - but Ole Mo got it all covered.
Perhaps Gene Roddenberry was thinking of these people when he created the Mogog in his Andromeda series.
I believe that all Third World non-Whites are a danger to the survival of all White nations and their ancestral homelands with Muslims presently being the most obvious of those threats.
Non-nuclear as well as the alternative low yield/chemical/ biological weapons are an option for use in the West, but it would mean first temporarily evacuating millions of indigenous White peoples from infants to adults particularly those of reproductive age, into set-aside territories outside Europe and her enclaves.
When the Marxist/Zionist axis is brought down and its agents neutured, this is when the real clean- up work can begin in earnest although it's most certainly going to entail severe political/social upheaval and much bloodshed in the process.
Allat wrote:
"Because then, you are doing the same crap as the islamics: killing the innocent.
As for lme, I don't want to be or do what the crazies do."
Allat what do you propose is the answer to a violent, totalitarian, genocidal ideology that's presently infiltrating and subverting the governments of practically all Western-style democracies on the face of the planet? A group hug?
Cornholio -
Amen, WW II was won by the Allies after "Terror Bombing" Germany and Japan - Not Before.What I would do should 'the balloon go up between us and ISLAM is unprintable. It just might Qualfy me for a Vlad Tepes Award.
You want to take the war to the enemy, but you can't even handle what's going on in your yard.
You want to bomb, bomb, HA!
The govs. don't even care what you want. So, it doesn't really matter.
IMO, you have to start with what you have.
Since your politicians are being shot down- Wilde and that group in Belgium.
You're looking and looking and hoping they'll do something for you. Forget it. They have the highest intent, but the crazies are not letting them.
You're being attacked on your own turf- your women and girls - with no redress.
1-You stop depending on the police for protection.
2-You start forming neighborhood watches from the grassroots.
3-You have to get your own women and girls to defend themselves- tooth and claw. And no longer depend on men for protection.
Women have to start seriously taking some martial art classes.
The changes have to start from the bottom up.
I mean you really have to "AGITATE." It's called Civil Disobedience.
You have to be ready to do what Gandhi did- you have to be ready to so Satyagraha- en masse.
This is only a few ideas of what you can do. HOWEVER, if you do violence, you will NOT get converts to your cause.
We, grasroots, can only depend on our fellows, NOT tptb.
And - thank God, something is happening there in the UK, because there is a nationwide strike going on.
Author Tom Kratman says something similar about transnational progressivism; that it's not necessary for there to be a conspiracy, only a widely-accepted consensus about a world-view.
I've quoted you and linked to you here.
allat: And as the islamics are nuked, we're killing ourselves with the added nuclear radiation in the air, AS WELL! Isn't there already enough from Fukushima?
The Fukushima release is only now beginning to rival Chernobyl. Russia managed to poison its most fertile cropland and subtracted a small amount of time from the lives of, admittedly, a large number of people.
Because then, you are doing the same crap as the islamics: killing the innocent.
You are falling prey to the "We will become the terrorists" meme.
Allied forces defeated the Nazis and did not become Nazis themselves. Imperial Japan was defeated without resorting to anything approaching The Rape of Nanking. We can defeat Islam without becoming terrorists.
As a relatively longtime participant at GoV, you must surely know that my preferred strategy for dealing with Islamic jihad is targeted assassinations. We need only kill a few thousand of Islam's elite to quell jihad for years, if not decades.
As for me, I don't want to be or do what the crazies do.
Then you had best start to take a cold, hard look at what the future holds should Islam possess a significant nuclear arsenal. I do not see you doing that.
Should it come to it, we have the ability to kill off the most violent sectors of Islam using enhanced radiation (neutron bomb) weapons that will release very little radiation and not cause a lot of damage to infrastructure.
Doing so is one Hell of a lot more humane than letting Islam proceed unchecked until it can inflict tremendous harm upon the civilized world. A world, mind you, that has a lot more to offer civilization that anything Islam will ever come up with no matter how long it continues to exist.
I'll close with this one simple question:
How much of this planet's bloodshed, violence and strife would instantly halt if Islam suddenly did not exist?
You and I both know that the answer is; A MAJORITY.
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