Below is yet another sordid tale of sexual exploitation in England. The culture-enrichers in this case — which has a Mohammed Coefficient of 33% — groomed and pimped underage girls in Telford, Shropshire.
Here’s the story, as reported by the BBC:
Girls treated as commodities, child prostitution trial told
Teenage girls were treated as “sexual commodities to be sold or gifted”, a jury in a child prostitution trial has been told.
Nine men deny a range of sexual offences against seven girls in Shropshire.
The men, who are aged between 21 and 59 and from Telford, face more than 50 charges at Stafford Crown Court.
Charges include rape, controlling child prostitution and sexual activity with girls under the age of 16.
‘Not about race’
One of the defendants is accused of trafficking a child in the UK for exploitation.
The men on trial are Ahdel Ali, 23, Murbarek Ali, 28, Mohammed Ali Sultan, 24, Tanveer Ahmed, 39, Mahroof Khan, 33, Noshad Hussain, 21, Mohammed Islam Choudhrey, 52, Mohammed Younis, 59 and 34-year-old Abdul Rouf. [emphasis added]
They deny all of the charges, which relate to the alleged sexual abuse and exploitation of girls in Wellington between September 2007 and December 2009.
The victims are seven teenage girls, one of whom was 13 years old at the time the alleged offences were committed.
The girls, who cannot be identified, were said to have received cash, alcohol, drugs, meals and mobile phone credit in exchange for sex with some of the defendants.
Deborah Gould, prosecuting, said the men in the dock had variously trafficked, raped or sexually abused girls, both over and under the age of 16, over a considerable period of time.
‘Myths without foundation’
She said the case was not about race, religion, colour or creed and it was not claimed that the men had a specific interest in children or that it was a “paedophile ring”.
The prosecutor told the jury that the defendants may seek to paint the victims as anti-social, dishonest, untruthful and promiscuous young women who lived entirely selfish lives and could not be controlled by parents or teachers.
She said: “These are myths without foundation. The prosecution claim these men ensnared these girls. They had cars, jobs and money which gave them both freedom and power.
“They enticed the girls, groomed the girls and exploited them either for their own sexual gratification or for money.”
She said some of the girls thought they were in love with their abusers and that the abusers were in love with them.
“The abusers gave them gifts, encouraged confidences and gave them attention and encouraged and enticed the girls to spend time with them and not their family and friends.
Teachers’ concerns
“Through such mechanisms all of these defendants were able to engage in various forms of sexual activity with various of the girls named in the charges.
“Some went further still and treated them as sexual commodities to be sold or gifted as they pleased.”
Eight of the defendants live in the Wellington and Arleston areas of Telford, six are married and one is a grandfather.
The jury was told the trial was the result of a West Mercia Police inquiry, codenamed Operation Chalice, which started after concerns were raised by teachers, parents and others about sexual abuse and exploitation of teenage girls in the Wellington area.
The trial continues.

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.
It is insanity to engage these animals within the confines of our civilized legal system. They do not ascribe to our cultural boundaries and live outside of our legal system of deterrents. A proper punishment that would prevent them and others from their culture to commit such atrocities is needed.
What would they fear???
As a start, I would remove any form of financial assistance from their families and each member of their family will need to pay back for this crime. Since these crimes are so horrendous, the pay back should be equal. If we still had salt mines, the whole lot should have been sent there. If we cannot find a properly miserable vocation for them for the next 100 years, then shoot the whole lot.
I heard on the BBC news today a similar sounding story of arrests (over 100 police were involved) of 'traffickers/abusers' in the Stockport and Manchester area. Of course no names were given but my guess is when the perpetrators are revealed the Mohammed coefficient will be significant.
It's not about race. It's about societal standards of behavior. It's about ethnic and cultural differences in those societal standards.
Telford - a quiet place not far from Wales. Didn't think there was much going on there, let alone a bunch of pimping Pakistanis... is there now a city in England free of them??
Ex-Dissident: A proper punishment that would prevent them and others from their culture to commit such atrocities is needed.
Sadly, that may well require committing some atrocities. Islam only responds to violence and far too many Westerners haven't a clue about it.
As I have noted on other occasions, before there will be any substantial change in this situation, it will likely require some sort of direct predation ― be it sexual or physical assaults ― upon the kith and kin of the lawmakers themselves before a clue is finally purchased.
The only remaining question is whether these attacks will be inflicted by rampaging Muslims or an enraged European populace.
Both, see the former Yugoslavia.
For EscapeVelocity:
And then see what the foul stench passed off as "Law Enforcement" have done and are doing to those who DARED to defend their country against the Religion of Peace.
The only good pig...
She said the case was not about race, religion, colour or creed and it was not claimed that the men had a specific interest in children or that it was a “paedophile ring”.
And yet, if any of these men had been a Catholic priest, we would hear no end of the cries of paedophilia.
I know, 'tis to be expected. But we should log such occurances and hit these dishonest cowards with them at every opportunity.
Imagine if Christians were targeting Jewish girls...
Blogger EscapeVelocity: Imagine if Christians were targeting Jewish girls...
I'll go you one better. Imagine if kufrs were nailing nubile little Aishas … er, Muslimas.
The Left would have shouted itself hoarse before the first 72 point banner headlines ever saw a single drop of wet ink.
You know it's true.
Law Wells and EscapeVelocity have some excellent points.
Why exactly does the MSM (at least in English-speaking Western style democracies) universally censor anything negative about Islam? I find it extremely hard to believe that it's purely coincidental and/or accidental.
Has there been any research done into the above? Any books published?
cornholio: Why exactly does the MSM (at least in English-speaking Western style democracies) universally censor anything negative about Islam?
Paging Hesperado to the white courtesy phone…
Cornholio;i think the answer to that is that if native people of Europe finally do realise what the muslims and their marxist lackeys truly have in store for them the whole marxist multi-culti racial utopian wet dream will come to a violent and crashing halt and those supporters of it may find themselves facing some very tough questions and some very severe repercussions should their answers not come up to scratch.
So the elites who have control the media and justice systems will do all in their power to keep a lid on it,thankfully,the cat is pretty much out of the bag now and its just a matter of time before it all kicks off.
"Why exactly does the MSM (at least in English-speaking Western style democracies) universally censor anything negative about Islam? I find it extremely hard to believe that it's purely coincidental and/or accidental."
Do you have 100 hours of spare time? I've spent over 100 of mine delving into this question. I've only spent that much time because I refuse to answer it with the easy conspiracy theory (which only turns out to be easy when various holes in it are ignored; while it can also entail a lot of time when elaborate ways of plugging those holes are employed).
Just a small sampling of the hundreds of essays I have written in the last 5 years on this very topic:
The Problem of the West
The Epochal Sea Change of the West
PC Multiculturalism and Non-Western Cultures
The PC Filter Decaffeinates Islam
The Open Mind and the Problem of Islam
An Essay in 4 Parts:
1) Our #1 Problem
2) Why is it a problem?
3) What is the source of the problem?
4) What can we do to solve the problem?
When did Politically Correct Multiculturalism Begin?
When did PC MC Begin? Second Case Study
When did PC MC Begin? Third Case Study
One piece of the PC MC Jigsaw Puzzle
In the last listed essay, a quote may be helpful to indicate the tenor and drift of my analysis:
"...we Jihad Watchers know the feeling all too well of frustration and anger that so many around us in the West cannot see this phenomenon becoming more and more obvious in the years after 911—to wit, that the more Islamic a Muslim is, the deadlier he may become...
"But it would be a mistake for Spencer and the rest of us Jihad Watchers to conclude from this that our fellow Westerners, blind to such an obvious phenomenon, are merely being stupid, or lazy, or willfully ignorant in order to satisfy their greed, or part of a dastardly cabal that wishes to suppress such obvious facts.
"No, I would maintain that such a blindness is not indicative of any ophthalmological problem in the eyes of these PC people themselves. Their eyes are working fine: it is the tunnel by which their vision is being re-routed that is the problem. And that tunnel vision is governed not by character flaws—how silly!—nor is it governed by evil—how outrageously cynical! No: it is governed mostly by the PC paradigm that has become sociopolitically dominant and mainstream throughout the modern West over the past 50-odd years."
Hesperado, here in the USA, it seems like most Islamo-nazi atrocities go unreported by the MSM -- whether it be print, radio or television. The only place I can seem to get the truth about Islam is Pat Robertson's
Christian news network. It seems like
AUS and the UK are having the same problems (but maybe no access to Pat Robertson's Christian news network).
A CAMERA rep. once spoke to my ACT for America chapter and stated essentially that Islamo-nazi propaganda is essentially being reported as the truth about Israel in the Mid-East. He had a lot to say about the SPLC as well (whom he worked for) but that's another story.
Thanks for the link to your blog Hesperado.
I got stopped in my tracks by The Times covering this story on its front page. The whole page, I think. I had to go back and do a double take. Guardian next to it had something else as lead.
As Hesperado well knows, I AM a committed conspiracy theorist based on the evidence that I see in the MSM. One a past thread, someone left a link to a wonderful essay about the fact that "stupid, or lazy, or willfully ignorant" people are calling purposive action on the part of well-established groups to be conspiracy theory, so that our discussions become limited by derision of conspiracies instead of admission of the reality of crystal clear purposive action all around us.
P.S. You know that I admire you Hesperado, but until you can plug the holes left by the Bilderbergers, George Soros, et. al., your theory ignores WHO is mass-inculcating the masses and to what plan the masses are being inculcated to accept. Unless its just an accident that everything is the same everywhere in the West when we know that the natural state of natural and human affairs in ENTROPY.
Zenster: Good one. You made me laugh.
Van Grungy: Your link about the Fabians is great in relation to this topic! I will try to post it here later unless the comments are closed when I return.... :)
"Unless its just an accident that everything is the same everywhere in the West when we know that the natural state of natural and human affairs in ENTROPY."
Sociologically and culturally, entropy isn't always the rule. When self-interest becomes collectively organized (so that large groups of people can be organized enough to get along, collect the garbage, keep the water running, have a police force, etc.) there develop complex patterns of regulation and habit and routine which resist the chaos of entropy. That's what society is all about on the most elemental level.
Even delimiting society to the communications medium and the institution of The News, a state of anarchy and chaos of information would not be ideal, and some regulation and sameness is a by-product of the salutary and necessary virtue of efficiency (and, beyond that, of quality control).
Within (or rather, perhaps, surrounding) this relatively benignly neutral state of necessary conditions that tend to inculcate regulation and sameness, there is also the complex sociocultural phenomenon of worldview.
So your conclusion -- that the sameness we see throughout the MSM of whitewashing Islam is proof of a conspiracy -- isn't quite persuasive enough; since the Occam's Razor explanation would be, rather, that there has developed as a dominant and mainstream worldview the PC MC paradigm, which then unremarkably affects most of the people who work in various levels of the MSM (producers, publishers, editors, journalists, writers, editors, etc.) -- and the end product, with regard to the problem of Islam, is a high degree of uniformity.
In addition to this model I am depicting above that sounds like basic generalities and their effects, there are specific features of PC MC that help explain why it seems to have a high degree of irrationality with regard to the problem of Islam -- features to which I have adverted and which I have analyzed at length on my blog.
One of those features involves the strongly motivating (in great part because it feels ethically righteous) agenda of anti-racism -- an agenda which has good intentions but which has over the decades morphed into an interlocking mechanism with many different irrational effects on soceity. Since Muslims are perceived as an Ethnic Minority, they immediately fit into this mechanism. Other factors then serve to reinforce and strengthen this mechanism with regard to Muslims (on emajor one being their record and capacity for ultra-violence, coupled with threats of same and a constant climate set up of danger -- which tends to reinforce the irrational strength of the mechanism not merely for the elementary no-brainer reason of cowardly fear (which, incidentally, can itself be rational under certain circumstances), but also for the subtler more complex reason described by Lawrence Auster's "Law of Majority/Minority Relations", whereby the worse a perceived Ethnic Minority behaves, the more (not the less) does the White PC MC Majority bend over backwards to place that Ethnic Minority while at the same time trying to find reasons why they (the White Majority) are somehow at fault for the situation).
And so forth.
One correction to my last paragraph (one word, noted in bold):
...the more (not the less) does the White PC MC Majority bend over backwards to placate that Ethnic Minority while at the same time trying to find reasons why they (the White Majority) are somehow at fault for the situation).
Hesperado, I am disinclined towards reading through all of your essays in order to determine where you trace the roots of PCMC culture to.
Be that as it may, my own view is that a principal part was played by modern Christianity through its own policy of, originally valid but now misplaced, universality. This, along with, again, a misapplied doctrine of blind altruism that has now morphed into hatred of the ego and been subverted into an attack upon individuality.
This universality, merged with indiscriminate altruism has manifested in Christian support for Palestinian causes (e.g., Presbyterian Church and BDS strategy), despite how so many Muslims would like nothing better than to expunge Christianity's entire existence from the historical record.
Inadvertently or not, modern Christianity's attempt to be all things to all people seems closely linked to the rise of PCMC mentality.
Zenster - next time someone accuses you of lacking charity, shoot back that Judas Iscariot is the Patron Saint of Charity (John 12, 1-8).
LAW Wells: … Judas Iscariot is the Patron Saint of Charity…
After some re-examination, I'm going to take your words as being positive. That said, I can certainly say that Judas's handiwork certainly produced some of this world's most enduring charities.
However, I sincerely doubt that such was his intent.
Here is the 6-13-11 essay recommended by Van Grungy:
Worth a read! :)
Here is the essay that explains WHY labeling purposive action to be a conspiracy is intellectually and spiritually corrupt.
This essay is OUTSTANDING - and very short. :)
Tendentious accusations of 'conspiracy theory' vs explicit purposive action
Hesperado: I am continually baffled that you are consistently willing to apply purposive action to 1,400+ years of Muslim evil - despite the fact that you often label Muslims as somewhat less then 'human' and presumably lacking free will, whereas you are consistently unwilling to apply the SAME standard of purposive action to decades of Western intellectuals and political leaders and organizations - all 'human' in your vernacular and presumably possessing free will - who write copious philosophical treatises - intent - followed by real and effective policies - action following intent - to monopolize public education and propagandize the masses regarding various issues - including PC MC.
This section of the essay applies to the way that you often interact with other commenters:
"...'my side' is seen as on the side of reason and order; while 'the other side' are seen as irrational and random - my intelligence and knowledge versus your stupidity and ignorance."
Here's the conclusion of the essay:
"Confronted by immense, organized examples of explicit and purposive evil; our response is first to prove that it is not a conspiracy (not wholly bad, not self-consciously bad, not completely organized); then to regard any evil phenomena as generated by random causes, and then simply to ignore the threat."
"Anyone who regards an example of evil as explicit and purposive must themselves be evil."
"By such methods any conceivable evil can be ignored, no matter its scale or obviousness, no matter how explicit or purposive."
Hesperado: "So your conclusion -- that the sameness we see throughout the MSM of whitewashing Islam is proof of a conspiracy -- isn't quite persuasive enough...."
Hi Hesperado, You yourself limited the larger point that I was making to the lesser point of Islam.
I actually meant that the MSM provides quite a lot of evidence that an conspiracy (let's say evil plan) is afoot to deprive free peoples of their human and civil rights.
For example, MSM news reports about airport searches show me that Americans have lost their fourth amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure.
"Hesperado: I am continually baffled that you are consistently willing to apply purposive action to 1,400+ years of Muslim evil - despite the fact that you often label Muslims as somewhat less then 'human' and presumably lacking free will..."
I don't assume Muslims lack free will.
As for their humanity, that's a complex philosophical question. Humanity (as well as, for example, Mankind) is a symbolism symbolizing a reality, not a fact by itself. Furthermore, it's a uniquely Western symbolism. Indeed, the ascription of those symbolisms to peoples outside the West is part of the long process of universalism which is also a uniquely Western construct (nota bene: a "construct" (like a "symbolism") is not necessarily ipso facto false -- even if it has tended to acquire that connotation). Even if we may grudgingly denote Muslims as "human" (as we might, for example, a Satanist who rapes little girls) in the general ontological sense, that doesn't mean we have to include him in the full membership implied in that symbolism. But all this can be distracting to more important issues (for, after all, humans are imperfect and their imperfection ranges all over the map from being irresponsible, to being reckless, to being pains in the behind, to being deadbeat dads, on to darker parts of the spectrum including various permutations of sociopathy and criminality).
"...whereas you are consistently unwilling to apply the SAME standard of purposive action to decades of Western intellectuals and political leaders and organizations - all 'human' in your vernacular and presumably possessing free will - who write copious philosophical treatises - intent - followed by real and effective policies - action following intent - to monopolize public education and propagandize the masses regarding various issues - including PC MC."
So, leaving aside the distraction of the symbolism humanity in this problem you pose, the disparity in evidence between
a) the dangerously and globally seditious intent of Muslims following their Islam
b) those who are supposedly controlling the West in order to steer it to self-destruct
is overwhelming: simply put, (a) has copious documentation now and throughout history; while (b) is far flimsier and perforce relies on argumentation that consistently resembles conspiracy theory (not to mention that it has various logical problems -- one major one being the paradox that the Controllers (let us call them) have to be small enough to spare enough Westerners from blame to salvage a West worth saving; while those Controllers have to be extensive enough to wield the massive power of controlling and directing (virtually, practically speaking) all institutions (and many? most? of their millions of individuals who are not all Limousine-Driving Elites) throughout the West. The way in which advocates of this view handle this paradox have remained unpersuasive to me.
"Confronted by immense, organized examples of explicit and purposive evil; our response is first to prove that it is not a conspiracy (not wholly bad, not self-consciously bad, not completely organized); then to regard any evil phenomena as generated by random causes, and then simply to ignore the threat."
This paraphrase is riddled with straw men and red herrings. It begins with your word "examples" -- which sounds simple enough, but inevitably turn out to be complex tapestries composed of facts, factoids and interpretations of facts & factoids -- all mushed together, and rather belligerently expected to be accepted, as "facts". Unfortunately, I don't have time now to delineate the other many problems packed densely in that one sentence I just quoted.
"Hesperado: "So your conclusion -- that the sameness we see throughout the MSM of whitewashing Islam is proof of a conspiracy -- isn't quite persuasive enough...."
"Hi Hesperado, You yourself limited the larger point that I was making to the lesser point of Islam.
"I actually meant that the MSM provides quite a lot of evidence that an conspiracy (let's say evil plan) is afoot to deprive free peoples of their human and civil rights.
For example, MSM news reports about airport searches show me that Americans have lost their fourth amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure."
That's not evidence of that conclusion: there are other plausible reasons for our airport searches being that way (and not just American airports, but also throughout the West, with Israeli airports being at least a little more rational) -- namely, the institutional application of that Lofty Virtue of PC MC: non-discrimination against Ethnic People.
Basically, the same mechanism that goes on when police forces throughout the West have encoded detailed blueprints of conduct so as to avoid the appearance of singling out blacks and other non-whites who commit more crimes (even if the occasional police officer here and there manages to get around them, the point still stands). These blueprints weren't put in place in order to consciously destroy white society, even if they often have a pernicious effect in irrationally hampering actual good police work against real criminals who statistically are more often Ethnic: they were put in place because of the sincere starry-eyed belief in the aforementioned Virtue of Non-Discrimination of Ethnic People (which, again, is one part of the complex warp-&-woof of the PC MC paradigm).
And so forth.
I never said the various motivations and policies radiating out of PC MC are not "purposive" -- only that the "purpose" involved is (with perhaps rare exceptions) not evil.
OK, I will think more about your comments, but here is what I will say for now.
To me, the MSM provides evidence that human and civil rights are being curtailed for ALL peoples - free and non-free - both 'white' and ethnic.
To me, the MSM evidence that human and civil rights are being curtailed - when combined with the stated goals, objectives, and written evidence including books, conference materials, and news interviews of various subversive groups and individuals - provides inductive evidence that an evil plan is afoot - if you consider subversive activities to be evil - which I do.
Or, if you prefer deductive evidence, various subversive groups and individuals have been explicit about their subversive goals via written materials. Every night, the MSM (unwittingly) provides evidence that the subversive goals of the subversive groups are being achieved apace.
"These blueprints weren't put in place in order to consciously destroy white society...."
Paraphrase: I recall one foreign official saying that the new - and presumably improved - human would be coffee-colored. Motive is such a hard thing to guess....
I.e., one should not confuse effects with purpose.
For example, an effect: a burnt house in charred ruins, still smoking.
Then a subsequent fact: a man determined through the evidence to have been responsible for the burning.
Various possible purposes could have led to the effect with respect to the fact:
1) willful arson
2) accidental negligence, totally unrelated to the burning in material form and intent, but causing it nonetheless
3) some sincerely motivated need to benefit the house through pursuing various repairs of the gas fixtures without proper training (an accident similar to #2, but more directly related to the resulting fire).
4) it is found that a gang of home invaders had been terrorizing his elderly grandparents who were staying there and had control of the house, and the only way the man could stop this was to burn the house.
Egghead's approach (emblematic of that of many others) is to see the effects of the West's whitewashing of Islam and immediately leap to knowing willful culpability. Perhaps in 1960s Soviet Union or Mussolini's Italy, such a leap -- to accuse the government and other related institutions of dangerously anti-social culpability in various acts of treason against the polity -- would be more reasonable. This feverish alacrity to move to such a condemnation of one's own West I see in the AIM -- ironically akin to the Polar Left's (Noam Chomsky, Timothy McVeigh, Lynne Stewart, et al.) condemnations of their own West -- I find not only dismaying; they reflect a mindset curiously and almost quasi-Kaczynskiesquely alienated from their own society and culture.
"Paraphrase: I recall one foreign official saying that the new - and presumably improved - human would be coffee-colored. Motive is such a hard thing to guess...."
Warren Beatty's last big movie, Bullworth -- written and directed by him (and starring him), has a crucially placed line of dialogue from him to the black woman (played by Halle Berry, about whom the acerbic film critic John Simon once quipped "she looks like a white Fifth Avenue model with a deep suntan") he is trying to seduce -- something along the lines of:
"If we all f*** each other long enough, we'll all be the same color".
Is Warren Beatty a card-carrying agent of this consciously treasonous cabal? Or is his mind just culturally deformed by the current Weltanschauung? The latter explanation entails far fewer cumbersome and curious assumptions.
Hesperado: "One should not confuse effects with purpose."
Hesperado, Your quotation applies to you as well as me, so your "Gotcha" moment falls flat. Thunk!
As mentioned here on a long ago thread, perhaps the appearance of PC MC fails to reflect the true feelings of a majority 'white' (for now) population that is rightfully fearful of drastic physical, professional, and/or legal retaliation from the BOTH 1) Western leadership that pushes the PC MC concept and its results onto the majority 'white' population, and 2) coddled, spoiled, and treasonously incited non-'white' minorities who are ready, willing, and able to inflict substantial harm to 'white' majorities and their major cultural institutions via aggressive mob violence such as riots and arson in major cities and/or full-out Islamic terrorism.
Let's use immigration to disprove your PC MC theory. When 'white' people in America and Europe are anonymously surveyed about - or even privately discuss - the issue of immigration, 'white' people wish to stop or significantly curtail immigration - which nowadays generally consists of immigration of the Other - the non-'white.'
And yet, the treasonous leaders of their supposedly representative governments continue to import vast numbers of the Other - the non-'white' - against the stated will of the people at societally unsustainable levels in order to 1) decrease the political power and education of the 'white' population via a) using the non-'white' vote to overwhelm and eventually defeat the 'white' vote, and b) installing the non-'white' foreign-language-speaking immigrants in the local schools - with tax-payer funded translators in every language (!) - to lower educational performance of everyone, and/or 2) lower wages of 'white' people by a) increasing competition for employment through both 'non-white' immigration and promotion of unqualified and/or unable applicants, and b) raising the tax burden via the importing and supporting of perpetually non-productive immigrants (i.e., most Muslims and Mexican gang members) who require substantial public-paid goods and services - not the least of which is long-term criminal incarceration.
Are you seriously going to compare me to the Unabomber because I question your PC MC theory?
It is interesting that you would mention Timothy McVeigh because SUBSTANTIAL evidence exists that McVeigh was in bed with Islamic state agents.
I'll leave the REPUTABLE link later. I have to run for now....
"It is interesting that you would mention Timothy McVeigh because SUBSTANTIAL evidence exists that McVeigh was in bed with Islamic state agents."
You could link me to my own recent blog essay:
Remember Jayna Davis? (and other questions)
Hi Hesperado: I read your essay and it's good - and the comments were great.
Here's the primary source:
Jayna Davis website
So, the questions that I have for you Hesperado are:
Do you see the conspiracy?
Is it a PC MC conspiracy or an evil-people-wielding-political power-and-wealth conspiracy?
Uh-huh. Thought so. :)
I prefer Jayna Davis's style and strategy.
Well, now that you mention it, there are really TWO conspiracies. I was meaning the American conspiracy to cover up the truth, whereas I think that you are referring to the Middle Eastern conspiracy that resulted in the OK City bombing.
By the way, to me, it's pretty obvious that the American leaders did NOT want to give the populous and aggressive Muslim world the idea to pursue further plots by advertising this successful plot.
And, once the American leaders tell a lie, it's easier to keep lying than to tell the truth. See Obama's birth non-certificate. Ha!
By the way, I believe that the American invasion of Iraq was really mega-payback for the OK City bombing - and whatever other evil plots against America that Saddam might have had in the works.
Egghead, thank you for having the courage to bring forth the huge and disturbing body of evidence that points towards Islamic links in the Oklahoma City terrorist attack.
Most of the media and many Liberals just love pointing at the Murrah Building bombing as an example of American terrorism. These persistent attempts at (im)moral equivalence need to be deconstructed for once and all.
The number of coincidences surrounding bombing co-conspirator Terry Nichols and his simultaneous presence in the Philippines while al Qaeda operatives were present is just too much to ignore.
Again, thank you for not letting this glaring item slip from our collective remembrance.
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