Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Threatened by the Anti-Fascists of Bergen

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has translated an article from today’s about various threatening letters sent to members of the Norwegian Defence League. The article also describes a physical attack on a member of the NDL perpetrated by individuals from AFA earlier this year. The incidents occurred in the west-coast city of Bergen, the second-largest city in Norway.

Threatening letter to the NDL from AFA Bergen

The letter at the top of the page reads:

We in AFA (Anti-fascist Action, Bergen) are sending you this letter to encourage you to leave the NDL (Norwegian Defence League). We would encourage you to spend your time on more sensible things, like raising your child. After 22 July we will no longer accept any right-wing organization in our city. We are going to crush your organization, so we are asking you to make it easier for yourself and leave the NDL now.

Greetings from AFA Bergen.

PS: Say hello to xxx from us and say thank you for last time

The text of the article itself:

Friend was attacked — then two threatening letters followed

“Thanks for last time,” the anti-fascist Action writes in the letter to the pregnant woman.

Two prominent members of the Norwegian Defence League (NDL) have received threatening letters from a group calling itself the Anti-Fascist Action in Bergen.

The two groups are positioned on opposite sides on the political spectrum. When The Norwegian Defence League held a secret inaugural meeting in Bergen in November last year, ten demonstrators from the organization ‘SOS Rasisme’ showed up.

“Focus on raising your child”

One of the recipients is a pregnant woman, and the letter refers to her unborn child. The two letters are almost identical.

“We would encourage you to spend your time on more sensible things, like raising your child,” the letter addressed to the woman says.

“After 22 July we will no longer accept any right-wing organization in our city. We are going to crush your organization … Greetings from AFA Bergen.”

Both recipients wish to remain anonymous out of consideration to their families and their own safety.

Refers to the assault

The letter concludes with a reference to an assault which took place in Bergen on January 3, and the sender has included the name of the victim in that particular incident.

“Say hello to xxx from us and say thank you for last time,” the letter concludes.

“At first I thought I had received some sort of recruitment letter. It was quite strange. I’m scared, but not as scared as I was when I first received it. I always look over my shoulder and I don’t walk alone in the city at night anymore,” the woman says to

She finds it hard to understand how they have managed to obtain the information about her pregnancy and her address.

“Hardly anyone knows where I live, only my family and my closest friends. And I have recently moved in to a new flat. They must be super-manipulative, or they have somehow managed to trick the National Register,” the woman says, and she emphasizes that she hasn’t published any of the information found in the letter on the Internet.

The other person who has been targeted says he is unaware of the identity of the sender.

“I’ve checked their website and I got the distinct impression that they are a group of shy people who don’t want any attention, but prefer to hide behind threats. And, as the recent assault case shows, they like to wear ski masks.”

Police: Never seen anything like this

No one else in the western chapter of the NDL has received letters or any type of inquiries.

The police in Bergen confirm that two formal complaints have been filed.

“One pertaining to an attack, and the other one to a threat. I can’t comment on the details, but we have reviewed the information and started investigations,” police superintendent Leif Havre tells

“We are talking about two different cases, but we can’t rule out that there may be a connection here.

“I haven’t seen anything like this before,” he says.

He has no knowledge of Anti-Fascist Action in Bergen.

“We are in the initial stages of the investigation and it is too early to say whether we’ll contact the police in Oslo for additional information,” he says.

Militant anti-fascists

According to Wikipedia, Anti-fascist Action is an international network of militant anti-fascists who are influenced by various branches of communism and anarchism. has tried to get in touch with the organization, which is affiliated with the Blitz movement in Oslo. The group has its own website with an e-mail address and a telephone number, but none of them are working.

On the website the group writes that they don’t wish to draw “unwanted attention from the police or fascists, in order to keep them in the dark about what we’re up to.”

Hege Storhaug of Human Rights Service told that she was unaware that the group has established themselves in Bergen.

But BT has written about the organization before. That happened in 2008 after members handed out leaflets identifying a person as a Nazi, information which later on turned out to be incorrect. Back then the organization was described as having a “very random structure”.

Links to Breivik

The Norwegian Defense League first became known to the public at the end of 2010/11. It is inspired by the English Defence League (EDL), an organization that is known for violent street demonstrations in England. It is believed that Anders Breivik Behring had extensive contact with the EDL.

“We are a nonviolent organization. In this country we enjoy democracy and freedom of speech. No one from either side of the political spectrum should be able to take these freedoms away with violence,” the male recipient of the letter says.

He also believes that the letter can be linked to the attack on his friend.

The 25-year-old who was attacked by three masked men says he was “slightly shocked” when he heard about the reference to his own case. He is also a member of the Norwegian Defence League.

“It’s provocative and disgusting, and I am especially worried for the pregnant woman. I do hope the police catch them,” he says.


Robert Pinkerton said...

I submit that the wearing of masks at a political demonstration is exactly equivalent to policemen removing their numbered badges at a political demonstration; a declaration of intent to break the law. I advocate that mask-wearers be treated as known police provocateurs.

Anonymous said...

Speak softly and politely, but carry a great big stick, everybody who displeases the antifascist peaceniks..
I would so much like to see who hides behind such a cowardly letter and attacks people, wearing a mask..
Isn´t it strange this kind of actions alwauys remind me of pale, whimpish, assangelous penilpushers?

Anonymous said...

Mask wearers at demonstrations should be treated with extreme suspicion. Too many times these mask clad individuals are the main promoters of violence, which in turn allows the police to come on in crack down on the peaceful protesters. Oddly enough they seem to show up at any sort of anti-globalization rally or event that promote a anti-status quo movement.

It would not surprise me in the least if they were undercover cops.

What I think should be done, if these ski-mask types show up is to film them and follow them after a protest march. Find out exactly who is behind them.

Henrik R Clausen said...

At least that should be good enough for the Norwegian police to crack down on Antifa, hard.

bilbo said...

wasn't it churchill that said that tomorrows fascists will be called antifascists, or words to that effect?

Silly Kuffar said...

"English Defence League (EDL), an organization that is known for violent street demonstrations in England."


truth serum said...

I believe that we should start imitating the leftist's language when referring to AFA. Henceforth they should be called an "EXTREME" OR "RADICAL" left-wing group. In many cases this kind of language is used by them when it has no bearing or truth about right wing groups and individuals. In this case, however, it is quite true. They are in fact threatening violence against an individual and the NDL.
The last thing the NDL or the EDL should ever do is give the leftists the ammunition that they crave and need which is VIOLENCE from them.
The NDL and EDL must always present their case with facts and in a calm, reasoned and truthful manner.
Your average person will always avoid groups or indivuals who are violent. I know I would.

Anestis canelidis said...

Sadly anything that does not agree with their political view must be silenced, even if by force. They are very much like the NAZI brown shirts. sadly, we have them in the USA but unlike Norway we can carry guns to protect ourselves in most States. An article on jihad watch show these commie thugs are active in DC Washington. WE call them the occupy DC group but they are brown shirts

Occupy DC thugs plan violent disruption of CPAC- see article 2/7

Maturecheese said...

"English Defence League (EDL), an organization that is known for violent street demonstrations in England."

I think you will find it is the odious and traitorous UAF and their ilk that causes any violence at an EDL demo. The EDL is against violence. The EDL could help their cause though by not allowing drinking at a demo as it gives the wrong impression and allows its opponents to gain capital.

Danko said...

This is not an anti-fascist organization.This is an extreme marxist terrorist group just like Baader-Meinhof or Sendero Luminoso. Here there's no more joke nor Diplomacy. I can feel their fear, and actually I shuddered when reading this article, because we have also been threatened in our life by a kind of Maffia with sentences like "you have one week to go away, or..." and the phone went silent. It's something horrible. The stress can make her give birth early, so please somebody tell her to be very very careful. I would publish the threatening letter in every possible forum on the internet, EVERYWHERE. The members of the NDL should always go in groups, never alone, and carry weapons.

I repeat: this is no antifascist organization, this is an extreme marxist terrorist group like Baader-Meinhof, Sendero Luminoso, or the "Lenin Youth" from Hungary in 1919.


Danko said...

two interesting points:

"When The Norwegian Defence League held a secret inaugural meeting in Bergen in November last year, ten demonstrators from the organization ‘SOS Rasisme’ showed up."

"She finds it hard to understand how they have managed to obtain the information about her pregnancy and her address."

Perhaps this is too exagerated, but according to what I learned about communism in Eastern Europe, communists used to infiltrate in the other parties in order to spy their strategies or create internal divisions (the spy is commonly called a "cryptocommunist" or a "brick"). The creation of internal divisions is called the "cold-cut tactics" (literally translated from hungarian). They infiltrate in order to divide the strong party into factions which later disappear due to their small size. This tactics was used in western Europe by the communist parties back in the late 40-es, partly due to the lack of support from the population. They are very hard to discover because of their ideological training. And the west has usually no idea nor can imagine how wicked and diabolical the left can be.

Perhaps this is too exagerated, but these two statements sounded rather strange. Marxists are capable of the most unbelievable in order to reach their goal.