VH includes this explanatory note:
What happened in Rotterdam is something for others in Europe to be aware of at their next local or national elections. An official from Leefbaar Rotterdam visited polling stations in immigrant neighborhoods early in the morning, to see whether the voting process went neatly and according to law, but he was shocked at what he encountered, at almost any polling station he went to visit. Many complaints and witness reports followed later that day (when the outcome was still fully unknown). This happened previously in Rotterdam and Amsterdam in 2006, and also occurred in other cities last week. But it seems the worst cases were of fraud and intimidation were in Rotterdam.In the Netherlands, immigrants without a Dutch passport and/or knowledge of Dutch language are allowed to vote in municipal elections.
The photo at right was taken at one of those polling stations, showing people together in a voting booth telling someone who to vote for.
Below is an article from Contradicere, as translated by VH:
Municipal elections in Rotterdam: what happened?- - - - - - - - -
by Contradicere
Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb admits that unauthorized things took place in the polling stations in his city.
Aboutaleb [finally] admits that it has been proven that in at least 13 polling stations voters were influenced to vote for a certain party. Sometimes even by parties present there. Possibly even by the staff present there.
In a number of polling stations people huddled together in a voting booth. In a significant number of cases this was done under the eye of the polling staff, who did not interfere. In some cases it was tolerated.
There are cases which go beyond imagination. In a number of cases witnesses speak in particular about the elderly — including indigenous people — where intimidated even into the voting booth to vote for a “certain” (read: PvdA, Socialists, Labour) party.
In some cases people came into the polling stations with a letter especially for those who do not speak the Dutch language, which contained instructions on which party to vote for (PvdA) and even which candidate.
Blank proxies [voting mandates] were accepted. On the spot proxies were recruited. Proxies were even written out on the spot. In not a few cases even by the polling staff themselves. People were allowed to vote who could not identify themselves.
In order to keep the peace and not to escalate the very aggressive tense atmosphere, in many polling stations it was decided to let immigrant voters (read: Muslims) just go their way. And you may translate that into PvdA votes.
There are reports that access to polling stations was made impossible for indigenous people. Many of them had to divert to other polling stations. Many of them also encountered similar scenes elsewhere. Some of them gave up courage and went home without voting.
In at least three instances, polling staff had been replaced [following complaints] because they did not want, or dare, or were powerless, to intervene and to act against the practices of immigrant (read: Muslim) “voters” and recruiters.
In one case the chairman of a polling station was forced to leave his duties because he refused to act against certain abuses. He had to make way, along with other employees, for a fresh team of employees and a chairman.
In many polling stations help had to be called in from the government to ensure orderly voting. In some cases, city guards and/or supervisors proved to be even worse than the disease.
Completed voting ballots seem to have disappeared. This might possibly concern a few hundred to several thousand votes. There were reportedly two ballot boxes found empty. Nobody knows what happened to the filled-out voting forms that were in there. [And those were mainly from the more indigenous neighborhoods.]
And this is just an abbreviated list of a few facts which have come to light. People talk about “African circumstances” [or “Harare on the Maas” (the Meuse)].
The PvdA doesn’t want to know any of it. Even the mayor, Ahmed Aboutaleb (PvdA) sticks his head in the sand. The results of the elections, However unreliable they are, have turned out well for his party.
The difference between the PvdA and Livable Rotterdam [Leefbaar Rotterdam, the party Pim Fortuyn founded in 2002] would not be more than about 650 votes [to the benefit of the PvdA]. An unacceptably small difference. Certainly if we take into account all of the abuses and illegal acts, this calls for a recount and other drastic measures.
That does not seem likely to happen though. Not in the least because Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb does not wish to give his cooperation to this. Yesterday morning he officially declared the [fraudulent] outcome to be final.
Marco Pastors of Livable Rotterdam has appealed against the outcome on 53 points, and also against the final determination. On March 16 the city council will study this. A city council dominated by the PvdA. On the face of it, this does not provide any basis for trust.
How this will turn out only time will tell. Will the PvdA accept this shadow of “stolen elections”? Probably they will, because with this they can deal a hard blow to Livable Rotterdam, whom even before the elections they had excluded from participation in a coalition.
Marco Pastors now has linked his fate to the outcome. Another four years of opposition is too much for him, he said his statement. If this is the outcome Pastors, who has meant an incredible amount to Rotterdam, will be packing it in.
Something that the PvdA Rotterdam will look forward to with joy. The mere departure of Pastors and the potentially very negative consequences for Livable Rotterdam would be reason enough for the PvdA, and thus Aboutaleb, to maintain the “results”.
These are conditions that would not be unbecoming in many dictatorships and banana republics. In every way the event is a disgrace to democracy, which certainly, whatever the final outcome might be, has been severely damaged. Not to mention the sense of injustice among indigenous voters.
VH adds:
In a number of other cities similar events occurred, also within parties (mostly the PvdA) that are being taken over by immigrants while indigenous candidates are being blocked, demoted, or pushed out.
So it is not only Sweden who needs international observers but now Holland too. Eurabia is truly here to stay.
Vote early and vote often!
I bet it was mostly women clad in burkas, that were escorted by their masters.
I've been saying for the past year that it's the last chance for Swedes, the Dutch etc. to save themselves at the polling booth but it appears the window of opportunity has closed, since they can no longer enforce free and fair elections by secret ballot by qualified voters.
Those who did not avail themselves of the simplest tool requiring no work on their part to save their culture - voting for lowered immigration, especially non-assimilating i.e. Muslim immigration will certainly not have the gumption to do the harder and risky work of organizing themselves into visible protest groups etc.
They're goners.
Yes I know I live in a lost country. I don't like it but there is not much I can do about it either. I grew up in a free and peaceful country but will die in just another muslim sharia hell-hole. Truly depessing.
Where EscapeVelocity wrote "masters", read "owners." Just as people own cattle, mahoundian penis-possessing tapeworms own waddling tent-clad, jihadist-breeding machines.
Not a surprise. Won't be long until Rotterdam is like Detroit.
Any chance the PVV will be in the government of The Hague or will they keep them out as well?
Wilders has said he is taking a seat on the city council. Why would he do unless there are bigger plans in the works?
This is very serious stuff, and needs to be dealt with, if it is true.
Henrik Ræder Clausen of Danish People Party has stated publicly, that the source for this story is just some anonymous Dutch blogger. One guy, no identity, no accountability.
Could you please point my attention in the direction of a source for this story, that has a track-record of letting himself be held accountable by the public. No fly-by-night-bloggers, no anonymous bloggers, no initials. A real guy with some amassed public credibility, who says this stuff went down.
Just like with the well-documented lack of fairness in Swedish elections, this fight is worth fighting. But just like in Sweden, we need to see proof first.
Thanks in advance.
rhapsody --
Notice that VH linked to an article from Leefbaar Rotterdam, the political party which filed the complaint. That's where the photo comes from.
Of course, since it's a political party, I suppose its account must be biased and questionable, too. Are you waiting for the MSM to report it? If so, you may have a long wait.
Bohemian, I didn't say that...
This is an eyewitness account, and as I expected, it has been substantiated by other sources, including wonderful MSM.
A report like this does not constitute final, complete and irrefutable proof to the nature and extent of fraud that took place. One problem here is that fraud had not been formally anticipated (it should, based on 2006 experiences), and thus we'll never know exactly how bad this was.
A recount constitutes an admission that this was not a well-run election, but several of the reported problems are of a nature that cannot be corrected by counting the same votes over.
Relax, it's just election fraud, sloppy control, sloppy execution, and neglecting to apply the 2006 experiences. OSCE exists to take care of such problems, and all participants with respect for democracy will do their utmost to set things right and prevent this from happening again.
I hope...
A better word for indigenous would be autochthonous.
Natives would be even better.
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