Tuesday, June 10, 2008

OIC: Time to Crack Down on Provocative Speech

The Organization of the Islamic Conference is at it again. Determined to uphold the honor of Islam, it is insisting that Western governments enact restrictions on speech that insults Muslims.

According to the AP:

Muslim Leaders Urge Western Governments To Condemn Acts That Insult Islam

KUALA LUMPUR: A Muslim political leader urged Western governments Monday (9 June) to hit out more strongly against acts that are offensive to Islam.

OIC flagEkmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary-general of the 56-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference, warned there seemed to be a growing “campaign of hate and discrimination” against Muslims by a small number of individuals and organizations.

In a speech to a conference in Kuala Lumpur on improving ties between Muslims and the West, Ihsanoglu praised Western nations for criticizing acts such as the recent release of an anti-Quran film by a Dutch lawmaker, but said more should have been done.

“Mere condemnation or distancing from the acts of the perpetrators of Islamophobia will not resolve the issue, as long as they remain free to carry on with their campaign of incitement and provocation on the plea of freedom of expression,” Ihsanoglu said.

So the gloves are off at last. There’ll be no more pussyfooting around about “free speech” and similar nonsense; it’s time to crack down on the defamers of the Prophet.

Mr. Ihsanoglu is a Turk, and the Turks want to join the EU. Presumably he’s checked out some of the recent legislative initiatives to emerge from Strasbourg, and has concluded that his ideas and the EU’s are perfectly in synch. No conflict there!

The article continues:
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Earlier this year, the release of the film “Fitna” by Dutch politician Geert Wilders sparked protests by Muslims for showing images of terror attacks interspersed with text from the Quran.

Ihsanoglu also urged the media to reject “proponents of hatred and intolerance totally,” citing other incidents such as the republishing in Denmark of cartoons considered an insult to the Prophet Muhammad.

“It requires a strong and determined collective political will to address the challenge,” Ihsanoglu said. “It is now high time for concrete actions to stem the rot before it aggravates (the situation) any further.”

Ihsanoglu did not suggest what action should be taken.

At the conference, Malaysia’s Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi appealed to world leaders to work together to nurture “common grounds in the interest of our common agenda of peace.”

“This biased view (of Islam) in the West persists, and, I must admit, it is not helped by the misguided actions of a discredited few from the Muslim side,” Abdullah said. [emphasis added]

The “misguided actions of a discredited few”?

Look on our sidebar and check out the counter for The Religion of Peace. The last time I looked at it, there had been 11,237 terrorist attacks carried out in the name of Islam since 9/11. That’s an average of 32 per week, 4 or 5 per day, day after day, for seven years.

Those “discredited few” may be misguided, but they sure do keep busy.

Hat tip: Paul Green.


Anonymous said... 1

At this point, representatives from our side should ask to meet with Google executives, so we know where we stand. Google has cooperated with China in silencing dissidents, and it is suspected that Google also removed an important South African blog at the request of the South African government, although the blog is back. So, let's just go talk to Google and get clear about what the rules are. Our governments will not be helpful.

John Sobieski said... 2

Latte, Google is in their sights. I expect to hearsoon the OIC attack Google big time as they are the biggest blog hoster and that is where criticism of Islam is most active. Gonna be interesting.

Henrik R Clausen said... 3

If they're so worried about anything insulating Islam and their so-called 'prophet', they should start out banning the Islamic scriptures, which are self-insulting.

Henrik R Clausen said... 4

Oops. Replace 'insulating' with 'insulting' above :)

Mother Effingby said... 5

I have some lovely cartoons of mohammed and even photographs of him, too! The OIC should be happy that I have only posted the most accurate and the best looking photos of the Prophet, may he...Oh never mind.

Henrik R Clausen said... 6

Google is a potential problem. Yahoo! caved in faster to the Chinese, but it sets a dangerous precedent.

randian said... 7

misguided actions of a discredited few

Discredited by whom? Certainly not Muslims.

Ernest said... 8

This sounds just like what LaRaza is attemping to do in the US.

Race/religion is being used as a weapon to grind us into the ground and most white people just back away mumbling "I'm not a racist" As if it really matters whether you are or not(no matter how you define it). They are and they don't care.

Contadina said... 9

This doesn't surprise me in the least. Freedom of thought and expression are western concepts, which have evolved over centuries, due to multiple factors. This is why non-Western, Islamic countries such as Turkey do not belong in the EU. Westerners and non-Westerners simply do not share the same view of the world, never have and almost certainly never will. Denying it will not change anything. It may not be nice or "inclusive" to point this out, but this is the reality.

Proud Infidel said... 10

This would be laughable if not for the number of persecutions, er, I mean, prosecutions of bloggers, cartoonists and anyone speaking out on Islam in the West. Especially in Europe. And the Human Rights Tribunals in Canada. There are plenty of Dhimmis in the West, even in the US, ready, willing and able to do the OIC's will of limiting free speech.

I'm convinced that Leftists / Multiculturalists are the Achilles Heel of the West.

Zenster said... 11

Were this band of violent cretins not so dangerously volatile, their cries of "Islamophobia" and "hate speech" would be downright laughable.

All other religious organizations need to unite in demanding that Islam excise the numerous instances of hate speech from the Koran.

No excision, no more status as a protected religion.

This outrageous crap has gone on for far too long and it goes beyond tiresome to witness such overt hypocrisy.

“This biased view (of Islam) in the West persists, and, I must admit, it is not helped by the misguided actions of a discredited few from the Muslim side,” Abdullah said.

It is this precise meme that needs to be "discredited". Islam's core doctrine is one of intolerance and hatred. It is a brutal, misogynistic, totalitarian creed that wore out its welcome on this earth CENTURIES ago.

As always, I will challenge ANYONE reading this to name one single redeeming feature of Islam.


JohnLobenstein said... 12

Islam does indeed have a single redeeming quality. Read Fjordman's post The Truth About Islam in Europe

His essay points out that the Muslim attacks against Europe were the/a catalyst that triggered western civilization. Thus Islam may have, we hope, sown the seeds of its eventual demise.

His essay also refutes many of the more significant claims by Muslim of their contributions to science.

Zenster said... 13

JohnLobenstein: Islam does indeed have a single redeeming quality. Read Fjordman's post The Truth About Islam in Europe

His essay points out that the Muslim attacks against Europe were the/a catalyst that triggered western civilization. Thus Islam may have, we hope, sown the seeds of its eventual demise.

You cannot claim that Islam's self-destructive nature is a virtue without committing the error of context jumping. Turning vice into virtue is not a redeeming trait. At least, not unless you are also willing to make the corollary assertion that the historic deaths of some 80,000,000 people at Islam's murderous hands is also a virtue. Are you?

You, like others, are attempting to put lipstick on the Islamic pig. Your observation is much like how some have tried to praise Islam's temperence or piety.

BOTH Islamic temperance and piety are enforced at swordpoint and do not arise from any sense of voluntary inspiration. Coercion does not equate to merit just as self-destruction has nothing in common with productivity.

Thank you for playing, please try again.

JohnLobenstein said... 14


I was not as you said ‘trying to put lipstick on a pig. That is why my comment included the words 'a single'.

Triggering the development of our Western cultures will, hopefully, lead to the demise of Islam as a major influence against humanity.

This is the ONLY POTENTIALLY POSITIVE affect Islam may have had. Without the development of our Western cultures, Islam may well have not faced any significant opposition.

Zenster said... 15

JohnLobenstein: I was not as you said ‘trying to put lipstick on a pig. That is why my comment included the words 'a single'.

Fear not, we are largely in agreement. It's just that you resorted to context jumping in order to put any positive spin on Islam. That is not a valid forensic device.

Islam's self-defeating nature is NOT a redeeming trait. It's eventual demise will probably end up taking several tens or hundreds of million people along with it. That can hardly be construed as any sort of virtue.

Triggering the development of our Western cultures will, hopefully, lead to the demise of Islam as a major influence against humanity.

I really do not buy the notion that Islam was largely responsible for "Triggering the development of our Western cultures". While its predatory nature may have necessitated a quicker evolutionary rate in the West, there was much in place that already guaranteed it.

As whiskey_199 is so fond of noting, Western monogamy, property rights and the scientific method are far more significant contributors to its stunning success. Islam did not communicate a single one of these critical virtues to the West. In fact, Islam’s decline and near-total stagnation is a direct result of it wholeheartedly embracing the polar opposites of these fundamental values. As in, polygamist harems, monarchic elitism and taqlid, the blind imitation and rote memorization it is so famous for.

This is the ONLY POTENTIALLY POSITIVE affect Islam may have had. Without the development of our Western cultures, Islam may well have not faced any significant opposition.

Again, you are noting a positive aspect about the West and not of Islam itself. It can hardly be deemed a virtue that Islam may well have seeded its own destruction. This is why I continue to maintain that the Islam of today has no redeeming features. Every virtue it claims is a vice. Its chastity comes at the price of misogynistic Abject Gender Apartheid. It's piety is realized only through brutal homogenization. Islam's stability is a direct result of a calcified and iniquitous social structure. There simply is no upside.

This is especially so when one considers that Islam's apocalyptic triumphalism amounts to a set of strategies and tactics that literally ensure a Muslim holocaust. Were Islam less intolerant and xenophobic, its evolutionary pressure upon the West might well have proved to be its salvation, in that it could assimilate useful aspects of democratic, free market low-context culture. Instead, the exact opposite pertains and Islam is foredoomed by that fact. There is no redemption in obliteration.

Solomon2 said... 16

Hello, Baron. It's been a long time since we met, but I find myself swinging sharply towards the anti-Muslim camp. Here was the clincher: The Proposed Islamic Plan to Conquer Western Civilization.

JohnLobenstein said... 17

Did you take the time to read
The Truth About Islam in Europe ?

It hardly casts Islam in a positive light. The suggestions of the sympathizers with, and apologists for, Islam, feel the defeat of the Muslims in their quest(s) to conquer Europe forced the hand, so to speak, for the development of Western civilizations. Whether Muslim defeat was as merely an accelerator or a critical trigger does not matter at this point in history. The important factor is that Europe and Western societies developed and thwarted the Muslim conquests.

Profitsbeard said... 18

My only reply to this demand for pre-emptive censorship by the OIC is:

Screw you and the woman-faced mule you flew in on!

And your pedophile prophet, too.

Anonymous said... 19

Westerners and non-Westerners simply do not share the same view of the world, never have and almost certainly never will. I totally agree. And I totally loathe those repulsive Orwellian buzzwords of diverse-a=speak: "inclusiveness", "enrichment", "vibrancy" etc.

We need to start colonizing space at some point. Seriously. If things don't change soon, there will be no places left on Earth that are safe for Westerners and our "differentness." They are all being destroyed by "inclusiveness." We need a space, where Westerners can again be Western.

Zenster said... 20

JohnLobenstein: Did you take the time to read The Truth About Islam in Europe ?

Yes, and absolutely nowhere does it substantiate your own claim that Islamic predation was responsible for the West's eventual success in repelling it.

It hardly casts Islam in a positive light.

And neither do I.

The important factor is that Europe and Western societies developed and thwarted the Muslim conquests.

Yet you still persist in attempting to convert one of Islam's most fatal and self-destructive flaws into a supposedly redeeming characteristic. In doing so, you context jump by citing the West's putative benefit as a virtue of Islam.

The current form of Islam and the vast bulk of its historic existence has NO REDEEMING FEATURES. You argue otherwise without providing a single instance of such IN PROPER CONTEXT.

You have convinced me of nothing.

Diamed said... 21

Zenster's right, this is simple logic.

No one praises a rapist because afterwards, the rape victim decides to train in martial arts and later saves her family from another rapist, all because of the first rape.

All the good belongs to the woman, none to the criminal.

However zenster, I'll continue to point out the positive traits of Islam: its survival value. In darwinian terms, anything that is so good at growing is a good belief system. Far better than the current West's. You can't argue with the facts on the ground.

Your supposition is they'll eventually be nuked to glass, but, I doubt that. No one with nukes has any guts to use them. I expect instead all those nukes will simply be taken over by the muslims. France, Russia, and the UK will all be majority-muslim soon. Instead of being nuked, Islam will be the greatest nuclear power on earth.

Not bad for a religion with 'no redeeming qualities' huh?

Oh and I agree with space flight. It seems to be the only hope to recreate borders and homogeneity. I doubt refugees, guest workers and asylum seekers can manage to get onto spaceships and crash land on all our remote colonies--at least I can hope.

JohnLobenstein said... 22

It is/was not my intention to attribute anything positive to Islam itself or its practitioners, then or now. To the degree that Muslim assaults on Europe encouraged and enhanced a more rapid evolution of Western civilization I see as a positive affect on Europe BUT NOT an attribute of Islam.

Zenster said... 23

Diamed: I'll continue to point out the positive traits of Islam: its survival value. In darwinian terms, anything that is so good at growing is a good belief system. Far better than the current West's. You can't argue with the facts on the ground.

While I appreciate you putting the issue in its proper context, I'll also excerpt a smidgen of Wretchard's "The Three Conjectures":

The most startling result of this analysis is that a catastrophic outcome for Islam is guaranteed whether America retaliates or not. Even if the President decided to let all Americans die to expiate their historical guilt, why would Islamic terrorists stop after that? They would move on to Europe and Asia until finally China, Russia, Japan, India or Israel, none of them squeamish, wrote -1 x 10^9 in the final right hand column. They too would be prisoners of the same dynamic, and they too have weapons of mass destruction.

While I realize that the bulk of our discussions here at GoV center upon the West's interaction with Islam, we are not the only ones to suffer its predations. There are many other nuclear-armed countries with far less scruples, among them Russia, China and India.

Even if Europe and America were overrun by Islam, Muslims would most assuredly push the envelope of their Global Caliphate into Asia. You can bet the farm that China would not blink at incinerating the entire MME (Muslim Middle East) seconds after one or a few 9-11 style atrocites.

Nuetron bombs would make swift work of MME population centers and no one would have to worry about fetching out the oil as the radiation levels would subside soon enough.

Islam is a spiritual and strategic box canyon. If you haven't already done so, go back and read "Why Arabs Lose Wars". Even with a comparably sized military, Islam's own internal machinations assure that it will never be competent upon the battlefield.

When coupled together, Islam's fanatical supremacism and wholesale incompetence form a suicidal binary weapon of self-destruction. American and European spinelessness notwithstanding.

JohnLobenstein: To the degree that Muslim assaults on Europe encouraged and enhanced a more rapid evolution of Western civilization I see as a positive affect on Europe BUT NOT an attribute of Islam.

In other words, yes, your comments regarding Islam's redeeming attributes have been entirely out of context this entire time. At least Diamed made an honest attempt at keeping within context.

By now, I hope that it is crystal clear how Islam has stripped itself of all worth to both the outside world and even to Muslims themselves. Islam is such a calamitous visitation upon its own followers that the West is entitled to a sense of morality if ever it feels inclined to liberate all Muslims from their spiritual chains.